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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. You can't fix stupid ... that's why they have speed limits. For idiots that don't know how to drive for conditions of the road or the day/weather. Obey the laws/limits, as we all know ... .... SPEED KILLS, or can be really expensive. Still deflecting though, as I'll await the first news-blip of EV exploding and on fire because of a speed bump, that they didn't bottom out on. It's not a box of nitro, its a simple car. When a Tesla can get hit so hard, that it splits the car in half, and no fire results, then I'm pretty confident our ZS can handle speed bumps.
  2. Service present or buy new AC that will work. External shade your balcony and or windows/wall exposed to the sun. As someone stated earlier, when hot out, I can make it chilly indoors, and usually is to my wife. When she cries about how cold it is, I giver her my full length leather coat to wear. Great exercise for her also, as probably weighs 25% of her weight
  3. "User error" as I stated in original blip, is good for a chuckle, as long as nobody gets hurts. You can't fix stupid. Why I didn't try to install solar at the house (though probably could have), but definitely why I didn't try to convert my ICEV to an EV. Although has nothing to do with your silly statement of speed bump might cause a fire. Poor deflection on your part. 1 star out of 5 for effort, although surely some idiots out there would believe it, and repeat it. And how the silliness gets started. After 10 people repeat it, it morphs into ... "my friend knows someone who car blew up/caught fire after hitting a speed bump"
  4. Not as funny as people saying speed bumps & rain will cause the EVs to flame up. Maybe next time OP will use a professional to modify his/her cars.
  5. Not really. Every year you lose 10-15% on depreciation waiting for a lower price, along with the savings from petrol, which for us, is about 40-55k baht a year. AND ... we got to drive a more comfortable and much better performing car than the previous ICE version of the same car, MG ZS. If we kept the ICEV 2 more years, we'd lose ~80-120k or deprecation, and ~80-100k on petrol savings. I don't think the ZS EV will be 150-200k cheaper. OR, more importantly, the govt incentive/rebate of 240k baht might not be on offer anymore. That's quite a bit of jingle to pass up, waiting for a lower buy in price. AND ... we'd miss a more pleasurable car to drive. We also get O&A a lot more, locally & long distance, as it doesn't cost nearly as much. Actually 'free', knocking around locally, if only 250kms round trip, since we can charge with excess solar at the house.
  6. If I had school age kids in USA, it would be home schooling. No need for the fantasies they are teaching now in USA schools.
  7. Stating facts, without a link / source to back that up In Thailand compared to ??? source Enforcement of laws ??? USA is pretty strict, and yet, still # 3
  8. 'Speed bump' ... ... that's some funny sh!t right there. You forgot to say, don't drive in the rain, as they catch fire and explode if wet also Only 8 EVs a day, that's actually quite a low number, considering the amount of EVs in CH @ 20.4 million EVs. If my math is correct, that works out to <11 per 100k vehicles Pretty hard to take that op piece serious, with this last sentence ... ... "Consequently, EV drivers often find themselves waiting for towing assistance while some resort to pushing their vehicles several kilometers to find charging points." Maybe they are referring to ebikes, as there is little info in the op / hit piece. We all know "EVs exhibited 61 times fewer fires per 100,000 sales than ICE vehicles." Or these numbers may sink in better, fires per 100k vehicles ... BEV - 25 fires per 100k ... ICE - 1530 fires per 100k
  9. What about transwomen ... More scare tactics to sell yet another vaccine For all you vax addicts .. DON'T BOTHER ... "Vaccination is not recommended for everyone older than age 26 years"
  10. Simply choose wisely ... worldwide ... or pop into 7-11, when in TH
  11. How hot ..... DAMN HOT Damn Karons ... 3 am, not bothering anyone. Not walking or acting erratically. I'd be more concerned about the person wanting to take photos of nude people they don't know, or know
  12. Any different than straight sextourist and their holiday preferences. bar - lady - bar - lady - bar - lady - bar - lady - bar - lady - bar - lady That should hold them over till next year's visit
  13. Tacos, 3 ways ... ... Californian, stewed pork, lettuce, lime juice, and sauce; veggies, sour cream & Caesar dressing mixed. Actually left over for Salmon taco yesterday ... Tex Mex, pork lettuce, lime juice, spicy salsa, sour cream ... Mexican, basic, pork, lime juice, salsa. Preference, as sometimes the simple things are best. Ran out of roasted coffee beans, so wife roasted up some green beans she had. Tasty enough, though I prefer a bit darker roast. So needed a wee bit of sugar.
  14. I was replying to post quoted. Though point taken. Although I think OP got a bigger thrill out of your post, and had to use a few tissues ...
  15. Also know someone who killed an older couple in collision, while driving away from cops while drunk. 18 ish yrs old and did time for that. Had a few friends die while driving drunk. One on MC, and a couple in cars. Thankfully I've never had an oops, hurting myself or anyone while DUI. I did know better not to buy a MC, till I stopped drinking and driving.
  16. What the USA needs, is a democratic presidential election. Not a 2 party system, where 2 corrupt organizations, basically pick, groom, your only 2 option to vote for. Thankfully, in the grand scheme of things, they are basically powerless to really harm the USA or the world. Takes a bit more than just them to affect real change. Even their 'executive orders' have a short expiration date. They really do need the cooperation of the other 535 corrupt politicians, that the ignorant voters put in place, to do any real damage. The puppeteers are the real problem
  17. I got caught a few times, charging the car, get involved / distracted, and couple hours later, damn, sun gone, solar batteries down a bit ... oops
  18. Why do you think they were 'sucked in', well, before getting back to hotel/home. Maybe that was there preference from the get go. If you won't stand for it ... have a seat then & relax. It's a forum, get use to it, and grow a bit thicker skin. Did the Thai guy direct you to his wife's Banh Mi cart ??? They're big in Laos also, and I've seen more there than here/TH. Definitely a Nam thing though. So you didn't really get 'sucked in' OUCH
  19. Charging your EV with solar ... Charge when you can, when having excess. Car only at 84%, but charge while the sun is out, especially during rainy season. Yesterday, solar was barely producing enough for the house. Today, no prob, so charge up when excess is available.
  20. Much better than yesterday, as barely getting back to 100% batteries before nightfall. Yesterday was minimal use of ACs. Today, both on (13 & 24BTU), car plugged in, and the water pump will even be cycling, as washing clothes since have some sun they can dry in. Water pump means we're using stored rain water instead of city, as tanks are full up already. City water has good pressure right of their line, and no need for tank/pump. Special note, highly recommend quality inverter ACs, as the EV is taking at least 2.3kWh of that juice. That's how efficient the ACs are, once up to temp. Mitsubishi fans ourselves, and these 2 make # 7 & 8, over the years.
  21. Tell me about, as it took all day to get back to 'near' 100% charge on the batteries. Think we managed 94%. Usually the batteries are topped up between 1000-1200 hrs, and you won't see any blue after that. Sa far, good today, and even plugged the car in, and batteries already @ 92%
  22. You can google '72 genders' and you'll get the same results, from multiple sites, all stating the same. Few to none mention 'trans-woman-men-other'. Kind of makes you think the imaginary trans BS, IS JUST THAT. Not based on any medical or psychological study. "Trans-???" would imply transitioning into something other than birth sex (male/female) which just is never going to happen. No female is getting a penis or impregnated any female by any means, and no male will ever give birth to a child. Simply a metal or physical image, characteristics they want to project. They have another word for that, simply 'crossdresser'. Much more accurate and appropriate IMHO And there's nothing wrong with that, as I looked damn good in my crossdressing days, well, to me anyway. That 'Matrix self image' thing may have something to do with that ...
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