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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. What country are you or the OP from, where everyone follows the law and is honest ? They have a civil & criminal court system, along with prisons for a reason ... worldwide.
  2. You actually believe the 'world corruption index' ... Man involved in anything = corrupt
  3. Good choice since already have some Saab aircrafts. Especially since joining BRICS, to avoid any headaches or cancelled orders/parts in the future. Stay away from USA toys.
  4. Hype ??? and which do you prefer ? ... relationship ... sexpat (free) ... P4P
  5. That sounds about right, as I'm 175cm, and my Schwinn is 26", and a good fit for me. All my bikes have been the same, except one fold up, but seat and handlebars adjust to a very comfy seating/pedaling position. Surprising just as good as the Schwinn. Have both here in TH, bought here. DIY Ebike (Schwinn) and also rear hub, and keep it around 25kph, which is more than fast enough, and will go much faster, having 1000w. Your Trinx, nice specs & price. Hindsight, I should have just bought a premade instead of DIY'ing it, as rest of the bike isn't made for higher speeds; brakes & suspension. ENJOY
  6. Lampang to Mae Chaem, the first 2 hours or so is a bit boring. Last hour, you really got to pay attention, or you will have an oops on some hairpin curves.
  7. Assume 'he' is me, and you think I take the same roads, and stop and peek at everything, every time I pass through an area ? hmm. Constantly finding new & interesting things along the way, if not just the lovely landscape. Taking it all in, smelling the coffee, flowers thing, and new snaps of a new bird species. Who knows what awaits. But I know what is within 25-50 kms of home, so O&A works for us. Sometimes years in between visits, and many things change or been added. NO ... I wouldn't revisit Nong Bua LamPhu, Udon Thani, Nong Khai or most of the NE again, as lived there for 16/17 years. But as stated, it was a family thing at NBLP, and first time seeing our 3 nieces along with brother w/wife again, since married 18 yrs ago. We don't do the North often, so knocking around there is still new to us, at many areas, or been so long since there, it's all new ... again A lot of our past visits were during smog season, so a lot of it, is very new, as can actually see the landscape. Unless experiencing, you wouldn't believe the difference, and I'm amazed people ever travel during smog season. Really is a waste of time & money IMHO
  8. Diesel exhaust is link to heart & lung disease. Not suspect ... linked. (source) So yes, very dangerous, and if exposed constantly, N95 mask at least. I thought the thread was rhetorical, but you did ask with last-ish statement. I'm amazed myself the fuel is still legal, and simply shows how powerful the fossil fuel industry is, in dictating govt policy.
  9. Need to work on your photoshop skills ...
  10. Haven't read the thread, and probably mentioned already by someone with a memory, but wasn't Clinton winning in all the polls up to the last minute, before getting spanked in the EC by Trump ? T / c ... 304 / 227 votes Winning by a larger margin of many Presidents in my life time ... (wiki)
  11. I'd like to know anyone who would actually want it. It's just marketing, and a POS add-on. Unless an experience shooter, it will hinder your accuracy. If an experienced shooter, you wouldn't use it anyway. Unplug from MSM ... more divisionary distraction IMHO. Nobody who takes firearm ownership seriously would buy one, want or use it.
  12. What I was told and read also, but didn't want to comment, since no personal experience. Don't know anyone that liked it, or thought it better than TH. TH definitely a small country, as I may have stated 100 times or more, but still enjoy knocking around the place. Some really nice landscape, during rainy season. Everything green, and the hills are lovely. Popping over to Mae Chaem area today, and hope they already planted rice on the terraced fields. Had a family meet up (brother from USA visiting) at Nong Bua LamPhu, so while in the hood, thought we'd hit the N side one more time ...
  13. Didn't read the thread, probably already stated, but at 69 yrs old, dying isn't untimely IMHO. Meets or exceeds the average life span for most born in 1953/54/55. R I P
  14. Read into it what you want, I'll hold my opinion... But Musk & X, now has free speech, to a point, and no longer the propaganda machine it was once used as. Nice to know there is still some investigative reporting going on. From Reuters (first 3 paragraphs) .... "At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China’s growing influence in the Philippines, a nation hit especially hard by the deadly virus. The clandestine operation has not been previously reported. It aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China, a Reuters investigation found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation. Reuters identified at least 300 accounts on X, formerly Twitter, that matched descriptions shared by former U.S. military officials familiar with the Philippines operation. Almost all were created in the summer of 2020 and centered on the slogan #Chinaangvirus – Tagalog for China is the virus."
  15. Buddy lived at Khao Lak, and could dive for free, as his buddy owned a dive shop. He didn't bother, as we have same mind set, after diving elsewhere .. TH is not 'world class', just OK, a few spots. Me, mostly S. FL/Keys/Bahamas, Yucatan & Caribbean Sea, Him, more worldly since owning sailboat in days past. Said Red Sea was one of, if not, the best diving he's done. Able to dive for free, when ever wanting, and didn't bother ... all a bit telling. Only people that think diving is world class in TH are novice, and dive shop owners I was really fortunate to work for the airlines. Last 10 years, I only worked 8 days a month, and abused the hell out of the flight bennies. Before 9/11 and all the TSA BS, and getting to the gate took only the time to walk there, instead of 2-3 hours. Plus as an employee, we bypassed most of the security anyway. BLISS
  16. For me ... I'm to lazy to deal with the hassle of air travel, or the expensive. Especially for another SEA country. Guessing same same, and just a wee bit different. I still finds things interesting here, First places out of TH, if ever, would be CH, RU, Switzerland, maybe Belize, Costa Rico & Cuba. Can't see that happening, and don't think about. I'm traveled out, long distance/international. I won't even go back to Laos. Or bother with Cambo or Nam.
  17. Should put this in 'Why Thailand ?', but that will die a forum death. Same as here I guess. Comfy room which included brekkie ... OJ, mini croissants/pound cake, salmon omelet, shrimp bisque, fruit. Coffee offered but already had. ฿1000 / $27 USD, which would probably get you the brekkie, for 1 person in USA, IF lucky.
  18. Grand Hotel (1999), thankfully only 1 night. What a dump back then, not sure what it's like now. Overnighted, than straight to Phuket the next day, for a pleasant long week. A few days of diving and chillin' out. Stayed at Patong Tower, was all timeshared I think, and a trade from mine in USA. Didn't realize at the time hotels were so inexpensive here, and not the wisest idea. Though had weeks of, and it was use them or lose them. Worked for an airlines, so the trip (air & hotel) cost next to nothing. I bought inexpensive drones that cost more Came back the next year, and basically stayed
  19. To the title ... yes Have had excellent adjustments, both USA & TH
  20. The usual, as rarely are we waiting for the car to get to 95%. Car is usually there, and we're still not ready to head out. As mentioned, pulled in, plugged in, dog & myself off for stroll, return, she's in the car, my turn to P, then wife & myself, stroll the vendors, hit 7-11, then she decides to P. BYD pulls in and we're more than ready, and just waiting for wife to return.
  21. Another one at Loei, # 2016, from 210 to 21, and very nice. Keep on, keeping on 21 - 2014 N (Dan Sai) to 2013 to Nakhon Thai.
  22. That's why we took advantage of the 240k when offered, 2+ yrs ago, and not knowing how long it would last, or be extended. Hindsight ... luckily wouldn't have done anything different. Though the ZS did go on sale a few times, for 80-130k off, but only recently. Which would have meant more depreciation of the ICEV before selling, and 20 months of petrol saving lost, so all a bit of a wash, and got to drive a better performing vehicle.
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