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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. To live ... full time, part time, or to visit ? To live full time, you're screwed. As best non hot weather, would be N or NE. BUT ... half the year the air is literally unhealthy to breath. PM2.5 is slightly to off the charts unhealthy during smog season. Fresher air and maybe more of a rainy season, more overcast & less brutal sun, along with sea or up in the (low) hills breeze, then Chumphon and below. Just came back from Phrae & CM area, and it was lovely. Stunning landscape, decent temps (overnight), but I couldn't live there from Nov-May. Why we visit there only in rainy season now, and about 4 years in a row, since covid. Used to live at Udon Thani, and it got damn chilly for 6-8 weeks, teens to single digit C. Lovely overnight temps during cool season, but had to deal with the air pollution. Live 1+ hr below Hua Hin now, and only about 2 months of air pollution, but not real break from the heat. Only during rainy season, when overcast and rainy like now. Actually didn't need the AC overnight last night, though rare. As use it just to knock the RH down. In a perfect situation, split your time N & S, six months of the year.
  2. He can, as can sex tourist ... but own it He's just a troll, and won't own that. Added to that list, as don't need to read his drivel.
  3. you're 52, overweight, and want to date 18-19-20 yr olds. You're a sex tourist. Come to TH because you can't do that in home country.
  4. With that come back, you're obviously just trolling. You travelled to TH to meet young people to have sex with and maybe a relationship. You ARE a sex tourist. Sexpat if having long term visa. Didn't read all the post (after the above) ... but what is your age ? Wanting to date minors (18 & 19 yr olds), hope you are not older than 30. FYA ... 20 yrs old is considered an adult in TH. Let that sink in ...
  5. Why would anyone care what others think, especially strangers. Although ... ... it probably does apply to most single men (foreigner (non working) in TH. Whether P4P, or like myself, when single, just a sexpat. Locals would just be called a butterfly, or in my home country a damn 'horn toad', man whore, or simply 'happy' And nothing wrong with that, as long as you accept it.
  6. Definitely an undeserved bad rep. Most people don't realize how many foods contain MSG naturally. Also if you don't ingest enough, you body will simply makes it's own. I add MSG to foods that don't have it, as it's a good flavor enhancer. Mostly add to proteins / meats (beef & pork). Since cooking with some of the sauces and eating many of the foods on the list below, really only add it to some meats. Foods containing MSG ... link.
  7. I wouldn't come to TH with the intend of 'finding a Thai wife' If you are not successful in relationships, changing locations will probably not change your success rate. It's simple a location, most people are the same ... worldwide.
  8. "If you can afford it, what's the downside?" The obvious, you die before collecting anything. Although now, that is only 3 years from FRA, for those born 1960 & onward, and life expectancy is a bit better, and 75 now for white males.. Myself, born 1954, life expectancy then was/is 67.7 years old, and almost became a reality. A simple med procedure about that time, prevented that, death, or at least will make remaining life normal. For myself, 8% X 4 years, wouldn't make much of a financial difference, as I don't need, spend all of what I receive now. Does make qualifying for the Thar retirement visa/extension easy, but that's about it. As far I'm concerned, that 8% doesn't even keep up the 'true' inflation, and better to have it now, and invest it, than let the govt hold on to it, and it's literally worth less, due to inflation, than having it now and investing. An example of simple investment, would be 4 years of the $27,600 = $110,400. Which I could buy 2 rental properties, Section 8 those, and generate ~$2000 a month, for $20k a year income. Beats the hell out of that 32% over 4 years, as now over 85% increase. Smart investing would be a better return than any 24% or 32% (3 or 4 yrs) that Soc Sec would give you in the future.
  9. RE has worked out very nicely for us, but you need a trusted, like minded, intelligent Thai for that. Along with lots of your own previous experience to be successful. Not recommended for the novice. Best to simply live here, if that's one's choice, and keep you investment elsewhere and do what you know best, and works there.
  10. I'm in the "he is a hero of free speech and a crusader for truth" crowd. Along with Manning & Snowden ... heroes in my thinking. Along with Assange, persecuted for exposing the truth.
  11. Unfortunately, you can't trust the science now, and TBH, not sure if you ever could. Covid has proved that, and censoring counter information, only enforced the idea that the science has been corrupted. The truth usually comes out, as it is now, but simply isn't allowed and censored many place for a long time, inclusive.
  12. Yes, retiring here/TH was worked at very well for myself. Would I pick TH again if 45 again, with what I know now, probably not. Do I regret retiring in TH, not at all, and no plans or desire to leave, which is more due to being settled in nicely, (wife & daughter), age, and laziness. I would not retire or live at Hua Hin, or anywhere north of. If mandatory, I would leave TH. We live about 1+ hr south of HH, in a rural setting. Only a couple months of almost acceptable air pollution, with AQI, usually less than 100, though PM2.5 is silly high at times. But nothing like north of us, and we avoid travel northward during non rainy season, it's that bad, to the point of being unhealthy. Just don't liquidate any RE holding in home country, till sure TH is for you, and that may take living here 2-5 yrs. Living & holidaying in a location is completely different.
  13. Made too many things to list. Take a peek at this thread, as will interest you.
  14. 2.2 ... oh please Not exactly a populated area, and highly doubtful you'd even feel it, even near the epicenter. Need at least a 3 ... then you might feel it ... if close by. (source)
  15. Don't knock 7-11 till you try 'em. Way too convenient & consistent. Chose wisely, and might not be the healthiest, but surely not the most unhealthy either. A Godsend when O&A. Personally I don't bother living locally, as have our favorite dining spots, though very few, since Nakhon Nowhere. Along with eating in house mostly anyway. But for someone in an overpriced, congested metro or tourist area, not into cooking or doing dishes, 7-11 would work nicely. Or rural with little variety in vendors. One can only eat noodle soup so many times in week ...
  16. Big surprise. Aside from the illegal hotel rooms, they don't want people to have vacation homes here, and simply rent from their overpriced properties. Why timeshares were popular days past, before silly priced. I bought one, least expense I could find, along with least expensive maintenance/tax fees. Used mainly for trading for much better properties, as didn't really plan on using the 'week' I owned at the timeshare. Surprisingly I did use quite a bit, and even rented spares they had, as it was perfectly located, fronting Boca Raton beach, FL. Trading was where it was at, and saved big $$$ vs hotel stays. Never really stayed in hotels till I worked for airlines, and hotels & car rental extended huge discount to airline employees. Did a lot of camping, pre airlines work. Would do it here/TH if not for the heat. AC guesthouses are simply too inexpensive, and EnSuite is nice, with my prostate. Can't see wondering off to P at night, with the amount of snakes here
  17. Abs ... don't think I ever had the washboard looks. Going thru old photos, and found 2, my almost leanest, though think I was 30 something, but looks about the same as when out of boot camp @ 21 yrs old, I think. 75 kgs Then 2nd photo, my heaviest @ 100 kgs. Being a 46/48 jacket size, I carry any extra fairly will. Surprising since only 175cm tall. Back down at 75 kgs, but don't look the same Got a little visceral fat / love handles going on. Small but there. Can still look down and see my 'buddy' without bend over. CT Scan showed no fatty liver, so all good there. Wee bit of muscle atrophy on my upper body/arms now. Use or lose it. Should start some weight lifting for upper body. Maybe next week ... Our first pool ...
  18. I'll do that next, if it isn't corrected with new filing. Manila get bogged down enough. Does make you wonder how inefficient anything the govt touches. Why have address verification on a form, if nobody reads it ?
  19. Daily mass shootings makes the PoPo's job easier. Scum shooting scum. Just wish they could shoot better and kill, not wound. Would avoid and collateral damage of innocents also.
  20. Not really. J.K. is about woman's right to privacy when using rest rooms. Men should not be allowed in them. Kind of simple and straight forward.
  21. Is there a political party in the UK that doesn't fly the alphabet flag, or else, face the wrath of being homophobic or what ever the new adjective s.
  22. Just picked mine up from the PO Box, as out of town for a couple weeks, and It may have been there since 1st of June, as I check the box once a month, at beginning of the month. Last one I sent in (2023), I did an address change, and apparently that was ignored. That's why I keep the PO Box, as all mail is suppose to go to the house, which we have good service at. If you did an address change, and haven't received yet, that could be why. I'll be sending 2 or 3 copies of current 7162 back, snail mail, with an attached notice of address change. See if they can get it right for next year. Doubtful
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