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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Americans have committed a few sins in the Arab world though, haven't they? Bit of a thirst for oil that you don't mind spilling a bit of Arab blood for eh?
  2. The death toll of this decades old conflict is in excess of 10 to 1. That is more than 10 Palestinians dead for each Israeli. The current situation - as of right now 447 Palestinian babies have been killed by Israeli bombs dropped in the last few days. What sort of human being can express grief and sympathy for one group of babies but discount another as mere collateral damage simply because of their birth place, religion or skin colour. Such people are worse than the Hamas terrorists.
  3. IMHO the vast majority of those labelled as "Jew haters" are nothing of the sort. I would dare say that the number of genuine "Jew haters" in the world is probably at the lowest level it has ever been since the end of WW2 and it is continuing on a steep downward trend. There are however a growing number of decent people that are horrified at what the state of Israel has done and continues to do to the Palestinians. The actions of the state of Israel are indefensible which leaves Israeli apologists but one option - to label anyone who dares speak the truth as a"Jew hater" to shut down the debate. Criticising Israel for its atrocities against Palestinians does not make one a "Jew hater" it irrefutably proves that one is a decent human being.
  4. I fail to see Trump making a gracious concession speech. The last time Trump lost the immediate result was the January 6 insurrection Should America survive Trump, then what? Does the Republican Party regain its sanity or does it lurch further to the right? Will a new demagogue will emerge? How fragile is democracy? How many members of "well armed militias" would it take to bring the whole show crashing down as they vent their rage at another "stolen election"?
  5. No third party candidate is going to win the presidency. Why is he even bothering to continue. I guess this is the day that Camelot finally dies. RIP
  6. What lies ahead for America? Whether Trump wins or loses, catastrophe awaits. The Republican Party is broken, perhaps unfixable. A mere handful of congresspeople have scuppered the Speaker. How many people will it take to scupper the nation?
  7. So all of the muslims and atheists in Gaza should be killed? Charming indeed. Of course, no comparisons to the holocaust could be made to such a statement, that would be offensive.
  8. What a stupid question. Palestinians are people no different than you or I. Why do you feel comfortable judging all Palestinians by their worst examples? Are Israeli's or Jews all equally as guilty as their worst examples? It would be nice to think there weren't people as dumb as this question indicates there is.
  9. Reread the statement: We are neutral, as we do not have sufficient information. We do, however, condemn acts of violence, which are unacceptable to us.”
  10. Whatever they may lack in backbone they most certainly have made up for with grey matter with this particular decision.
  11. Abstruse. Nice word. First time I've ever come across it.
  12. So Anutin first legalised marijuana and is now going to extend opening hours. This champ is well on the way to totally redeeming himself in my book. I wonder what Move Forwards policy would be in this particular area???
  13. This is a stunningly erudite position being taken by the Thai government. In my book, the absolute most perfect response to come from any Thai government at any time on any international issue ever. Not surprising that the only ones complaining about Thailand's rational, impartial and incredibly intelligent response are pro Israeli apologists. The brilliance needs to repeated: We are neutral, as we do not have sufficient information. We do, however, condemn acts of violence, which are unacceptable to us.” I wonder what Thaksin's role in this decision was, wiley old fox that he is.
  14. Here's the just the ones that survived deletion from the moderators:
  15. Yes, according to me - it is a subjective opinion. What is a Dictature?
  16. Nope. It's because they are constantly jumping to clownish conclusions and producing clownish posts underpinned with clownish logic. ????????????
  17. Not enjoying a taste of your own medicine? ????????????
  18. https://www.news.com.au/world/middle-east/israel-hamas-war-live-updates/news-story/bc521564e665d755f53b10dadea49b27
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