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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. You’ve got it wrong mate. Hamas did all the terrible atrocities claimed by the Israeli’s Israel is defending itself Can’t have anyone casting aspersions at the ever so pure Israeli’s. There is no place for honest, balanced, impartial and factual commentary here.
  2. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Congrats, you've taken a single step.
  3. Comprehension is clearly not a favourite subject of yours. I see you have neglected any mention of Ben Shapiro comparing Hamas's terrorist attack to the holocaust whilst responding to a post about Ben Shapiro comparing Hamas's terrorist attack to the holocaust. Obviously recognising hypocrisy is not a strong suit for you either.
  4. Interesting comments from Ben Shapiro given the feigned moral outrage every time someone compares Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to the holocaust. “When it comes to comparing the Holocaust-level evil we just saw in Kfar Aza with people overdosing on the streets of Philadelphia, I have some moral questions. I do,” he said. https://www.mediaite.com/news/ben-shapiro-condemns-tucker-carlson-for-downplaying-attack-on-israel-its-idiocy-its-just-moral-stupidity/
  5. Interesting comments from Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy Vivek Ramaswamy criticized Republicans for their "selective moral outrage" at the mass terrorist attacks in Israel, and argued that politicians calling for a stronger military response against Hamas and Iran are driven by donor money. https://freebeacon.com/national-security/ramaswamy-says-gop-selective-moral-outrage-on-israel-driven-by-money-lobbying-groups/
  6. Sounds like you would react just as the Palestinians have.
  7. Good, factual post. Don’t expect a response from these clowns admitting that they are wrong in this particular instance. The inability to change one’s position when new facts are introduced is a common trait amongst those you’ll encounter in this forum.
  8. 1946 is near enough. Only a pedant would waste time correcting an error that could easily be explained by a simple slip on a keyboard. If you double check, you’ll see you’ve miscounted the number of posts I’ve made in this thread. Now that is breathtaking.
  9. Ah, that old chestnut - name a Palestinian leader before Arafat. How about, name an Israeli leader before Ben-Gurion? The guy states “ up until the war, Israel had never stolen a square inch of land” Kind of begs the question - and after the war? This guy states “I respect Hamas”. I can imagine the hissy fit from you clowns if someone posted that here. He asks “do you know how many Jews live in the Palestinian Authorities” and answers “nada” Kinda overlooking the thousands and thousands living in settlements on stolen land isn’t it?
  10. Banned already? ???????????? Now that is funny. Blaze of glory eh?
  11. I've posted it here however many pages back.
  12. To him and his three or four mates here, it is.
  13. It's more a case of stop bashing my head against the wall.
  14. Why would I deny it. I have no doubt that many crimes much much worse than what's in your video were committed by the Hamas terrorists in the sickening attack. The claim that Hamas beheaded 40 babies is plausible, that's the level of evil that they are operating at. Post after post after post I have stated that Hamas committed crimes against humanity in their attack - how is it that you guys can so consistently fail to comprehend the written word? Not to be rude, but I genuinely think you guys lack in intellectual capacity and the longer this thread goes on the more convinced I am of this hunch. It'd be interesting to see iq test results from each of you.
  15. It appears there is no limit to your inability to read and comprehend. It is a good thing that Twitter has removed Hamas accounts that post disinformation. Elon made a big mistake by reducing the headcount of the moderation team and selling blue ticks for 8 bucks a piece. Look at how quickly and easily you guys jumped on the 40 beheaded babies bandwagon without a second thought in regards to the validity of the claims. Disinformation, from all sources is harmful and should be censored, the EU is to be applauded for forcing Elon to take action on his platform. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_Cain_Award
  16. Nothing to see here. Biden is so bloody old that when he was 30, the age of consent was probably 12.
  17. Time will tell. Some things change, some remain the same. I am quite fond of Lenin's quote: "There are decades where nothing happens and there are weeks where decades happen"
  18. No I understood exactly what has been removed. I read the Bangkok Post article mentioned. Disinformation, from all sources, is harmful. The truth is more important than point scoring. Best you check your own foot for a bullet hole.
  19. What I would like to happen is obviously very far removed from what will actually happen. Netanyahu is toast? Maybe. Maybe not. Nothing like a war to increase the conservative vote. All demagogues know this. It worked a treat for Ariel Sharon.
  20. Good move. Removing disinformation before bozos here start repeating it as fact.
  21. More straw man nonsense. You've conflated multiple issues into a confused mess of gibberish that makes no sense.
  22. The issue is peace in the Middle East. Hamas's recent terrorist attack is but a single scene from a single act in this horror show. Let's not forget, Hamas has not existed in a vacuum. What should Israel do - I really have no idea. They'll blow some stuff up and kill a bunch of people. What will that achieve though? If anything, it will probably only increase the likelihood of a repeat terrorist attack. It would be great to think that the people of Israel would use this tragedy as the impetus to elect a government that is genuine about a two state solution. I don't think Israel will be able to continue keeping 5 million Palestinians in a cage. Every day that passes, Israel's claim to the moral high ground becomes more and more laughable which is quite the accomplishment when one considers the horrific nature of Hamas's actions. Whether Palestinians will ever accept a two state solution or not is not reason enough for Israel not to clearly outline a two state border that is acceptable to them and reasonable to the Palestinians. Israel should invite the UN to assume a role in Gaza. Israel should certainly resolve their internal issues, particularly in relation to the right wing governments efforts to destroy the judiciary. ????‍♂️????‍♂️????‍♂️
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