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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Obviously because the pain of your head striking the rock is less than the pain of what has driven you to strike your head on a rock.
  2. Such as? Post a page number to any lies Post a page number to any false accusations
  3. None of you guys could pass a simple comprehension test. The issue is not about the method of murder, the number of murdered or the age of the murdered - the issue is about factual reporting and the willingness of ignorant prejudicial partisan hacks to ignore facts and truth simply to score points. From vaccines, to elections, to war - the fact that a significant number of the population now believe in such things as "alternative facts" and that "doing your own research" somehow trumps qualified field experts is an existential danger to democracy, society and potentially even the survival of the species. Continuing to incorrectly label me as antisemitic or as a Hamas apologist only reveals your own intellectual limitations to all but your fellow Kool Aid drinkers.
  4. What on earth makes you think either sides extremists will accept a two state solution. Does Israel have an official two state border position that they would accept in return for peace?
  5. Care to give an example of what you mean by Hamas apologist?
  6. Not that I've witnessed in this thread. If you have, post a page number from this thread so I can have a look. What there is though, is non biased impartial individuals who believe that the truth and facts are important and therefore state the obvious reality that both sides have contributed to creating the environment where awful atrocities have been, are being and will continue to be committed by both sides. Resorting to terrorism is common in asymmetrical warfare where one side lacks the resources and might to confront the other head on - it is what the Israeli Irgun terrorist group did when fighting for the establishment of Israel.
  7. Google Nicole Zedek - the journalist who first reported on the "child beheadings". She works for a television channel based in Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv is located in......? https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/journalist-first-reported-israeli-child-194917181.html
  8. You've made a nonsensical leap. You lack an understanding of logic. In your childish example Hamas would be wrong about a nuclear weapon being used, but it cannot be extrapolated that everything Hamas says is untrue from such limited information. Quite a dumb post to be honest.
  9. Wow, up until now, you guys could hardly string a couple of words together without mentioning the 40 babies beheaded by the Palestinian savages. It pays to be circumspect of claims made between antogonists, particularly in a situation as grave as this one. You guys wanted so desperately to dehumanise the Palestinians that you ignored basic common sense. You stuffed up, admit it, apologise and move on.
  10. I'd be upset and want justice. I would not support mass indiscriminate slaughter or genocide. What would you do if your loved one was shot dead at a checkpoint imposed in your homeland by an occupying foreign power?
  11. I disagree with you here. The known atrocities that Hamas have unequivocally committed are reason enough for Israel to retaliate. So why the need for the apparently false beheading of 40 babies story? Israel has been on a multi decade campaign to dehumanise the Palestinians. Israel constantly constantly refer to themselves as "civilised" and Palestinians as "savages" They want the world to see Palestinians as nothing more than barbaric animals. Why? Makes it all the easier to carry on with their aparthied whilst progressing their slow motion genocide. Given what the Jews went through, all of the awfulness inflicted upon them throughout history, most of which was preceded by the perpetrators dehumanising the Jews first, it is unimaginable that such horrors are being repeated by the very ones who should know better than everyone else how utterly inhumane such actions are.
  12. Who is saying Israel should not respond? What you've posed is a silly straw man argument. Tell me this, in your scenario are the kids members of a society that has imprisoned the families of the 250+ cross border murderers in a concentration camp for the past 15 years?
  13. An opinion, by its very definition, is subjective, because it is a personal view on a subject which might have other possibilities. If we say an opinion is objective, it technically no longer is an opinion because personal interpretation has been removed.
  14. It is the quality of the individual making the remarks that gives them weight or not. Given this fact, you've nothing to worry about anything said about you in this forum.
  15. One shouldn't let subjectivity override objectivity when getting to the bottom of such incidents, especially given the severity of the consequences that will follow from the conclusions drawn.
  16. Israel was killing Palestinian civilians long before Hamas ever existed.
  17. My position is protecting the truth and not propagating the lies from either side. I condemn Hamas equally, if not more than I condemn Israel. Israel is not an innocent party. Obviously it is necessary to repeat the commonly stated fact the criticising Israel's actions does mean supporting Palestinian terrorism. I am beginning to feel that I am being far to generous by stating that I believe that the Israel apologist brigade's inability to grasp this fact is deliberate, the truth may very well be that the simply lack the intellectual honesty (ability?) to be impartial in dealing with facts. BTW - it's lose not loose.
  18. You're not the first to classify whatever you don't want to be true as misinformation and you won't be the last. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/4/7/israels-violence-is-open-terrorism-stop-calling-it https://www.amazon.com/State-Terror-Terrorism-Created-Modern/dp/1566560683
  19. You are conflating two separate issues. 1. None of us have any proof that the babies story is real - yet. 2. Yes, Hamas's confirmed atrocities warrant an immediate (and proportionate) response.
  20. You are entitled to your opinion. I'm sure there are many who share it just as there are many who don't. The issue is certainly being discussed and debated: Should Israel be classified as a state sponsor of terrorism? That question is being debated in the wake of a story that NBC News broke late last week. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/02/israel-and-proxy-terrorism/252971/
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