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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Yeah, whatever mate. https://www.jstor.org/stable/29766230 I could post a thousand links and you still wouldn't accept reality. Spend your life believing whatever nonsense you choose, it's no skin off my nose. BTW - What exactly do the Israeli's mean when they say "mowing the lawn"? https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/mow-lawn-israel’s-strategy-perpetual-war-palestinians-185775
  2. Indeed I have seen images of Hamas terrorism. Not videos though, I am aware they exist but I have no desire to witness such depravity. The point of the post you are responding to though is not to question if Hamas has committed vile crimes, but to question whether or not there has been confirmation of the claim that Hamas beheaded 40 babies. As far as I am aware, to date, this has not been forthcoming by either the independent press or the Israeli government. The truth matters so no one should rush to judgement or accept the accusations that have been and will continue to be made by either side without adequate verification by reputable sources.
  3. Do you not find a great deal of satisfaction in seeing the absolute weakness of their arguments? I for one find it encouraging that I am on the right path towards the truth when the case against my position consists of nothing but ignorance, lies, hypocrisy, misrepresentations and a very concerted effort to avoid facts.
  4. Have you any doubt that both sides have committed unforgivable crimes against humanity? There is a very clear difference between the two sides debating this issues. Nobody is claiming that Hamas is an innocent party, yet those supporting Israel cannot admit the reality that Israel is also not an innocent party. Who is denying Hamas has committed vile crimes? You will struggle to find such claims, and if you do, they are but outliers. On the other side however....
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_state-sponsored_terrorism
  6. Which page or pages have you read misinformation in my posts? This would be the fourth consecutive post in which you have failed to respond. List the page or admit to your falsehood.
  7. The purpose of posting in forums such as these is not for quality debate with erudite and rational individuals. None of that will be found here. Instead, the benefit is that every now and then a bit of information (or more often, misinformation) pops up that can direct your curiosity and research outside of the forum to better educate and inform yourself on the topic at hand. Unfortunately, like all things in life, nothing is free - the cost of participation is of course suffering through the presence if bigotry, racism, ignorance, prejudice, lies, falsehoods and outright stupidity. The fools do seem to always gang up and create an echo chamber of insufferable idiocy. I find it remains worthwhile, just identify the idiots and don't take their nonsense personally. You should continue to post on this thread, it will help you stay informed of the facts and lies as this situation continues to develop.
  8. How many deaths did his visit to the Temple Mount cause? He road the coattails of those deaths to the Prime Ministership.
  9. On what page? Give some examples..., if you can. You made a very clear claim which should be very simple to back up - why do you not simply state on what page of this thread you have read what you claim to have read? The obvious answer for your avoidance is that you lied.
  10. It appears Biden, being about 4,000 years old, has indeed goofed. From the very link you guys posted in this thread:
  11. On what page? Give some examples..., if you can. You made a very clear claim which should be very simple to back up - why do you not simply state on what page of this thread you have read what you claim to have read? The obvious answer for your avoidance is that you lied.
  12. There is no point to terrorism if nobody knows about it. Every terrorist publicises their crimes. Terrorism is an action or threat designed to influence the government or intimidate the public. Its purpose is to advance a political, religious or ideological cause.
  13. You've seen a video of babies being beheaded?
  14. Such as? Give an example..., if you can.
  15. On what page? Give some examples..., if you can.
  16. I was certain you guys were dead set against hyperbole - isn't that why you take every mention of Hitler and Nazi's literally and then commence hurling slanderous antisemitism accusations at anyone doing to questions Israel's purity?
  17. Nobody is rooting for Hamas here. Opposing Israel's occupation and expansion into Palestinian lands does not equal supporting Palestinian terrorism such as the atrocities committed by Hamas in recent days. This is very simple to understand, but Israeli apologists continue to spout such nonsense because without this ridiculous claptrap, there is no sane, rational, logical, reasonable or humane way to defend what Israel is doing to an entire people. As for WW2 - perhaps a quick reading of Slaughterhouse 5 is in order.
  18. ...until the power cuts out of course.
  19. Far right wing religious extremist nutter strategy straight out of the Ariel Sharon playbook
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