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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Occupation - a continued presence outside of your sovereign borders with an unopposed ability to exercise indiscriminate power over people who are not citizens of your country. Your second paragraph is nonsense, crap made up by Israeli apologists looking to justify their idiotic proclamations of "Israel's right to exist" and "Israel has a right to defend itself". It is not Israel's existence that is in question, it is Palestine's.
  2. All of it, every murder committed by Hamas is a crime against humanity that combined justly evoke comparisons with the evils of the holocaust. The simple reality is that it all will continue until Israel ends its occupation of Palestine.
  3. 1. No, one has everything to do with the other, this is the very crux of the issue. The only way to defend Israel's crimes is by applying a double standard. 2. The world doesn't need Hamas, the situation in the middle east has created an environment that enables Hamas to flourish. Get rid of Hamas and it will only result in a Hamas clone taking its place. The problem needs to be resolved at it's source - the Israeli occupation of Palestine. 3. Opposing Hamas is the correct thing to do, it is the ethical thing to do. Ignoring the fact that the cause of Hamas's existence is the Israeli occupation of Palestine only ensures that the conflict (and the inevitable subsequent atrocities from both sides) will continue unabated. 4. No, I don't cheer any deaths, whether they be Israeli babies that have been beheaded, festival goers who have been shot point blank, Israeli soldiers dying whilst performing their jobs, Palestinian grandmothers and infants who have perished in residential buildings flattened by laser guided missiles, Palestinian youths shot dead by Israeli soldiers for throwing rocks, Palestinians needlessly dying through lack of proper medical attention caused by Israeli blockades, etc. etc.
  4. You sure did. I am pretty quick to pick up when I'm up against an intellectual titan and I simply throw in the towel ASAP. Congrats champ, continue to spread your wisdom.
  5. Back to the topic at hand.... Do you agree with your comrade that the world would spin very nicely without Hamas or Gaza? Do you think such commentary is on par with the grossest forms of antisemitism? Have you the courage to answer the above 2 questions?
  6. Trolling, baiting, stalking...let the moderators moderate. The fact is you have lost the argument and now you have gone ad hominem and are attempting to have the moderators come in and rescue you. If you are unhappy, stop replying and use the ignore button.
  7. Once again you are avoiding very simple questions. You began in this thread with post after post accusing people of antisemitism yet here you are avoiding condemning the exact same sort of rhetoric aimed at Palestinians. BTW - the analogy would be "Do you think it's wrong for people to beat their wife". Why would any decent person avoid answering such a question?
  8. You are absolutely not obligated to respond to anything you choose not to. What one chooses or chooses not to respond to though paints a very clear picture. Not saying anything often says a lot. There is a very obvious reason why you avoid certain facts and topics - remaining silent sends a very loud and very clear message to that end.
  9. You're quite selective in the posts you respond to, this is a dead giveaway that your positions are not supported by facts (i.e. indefensible) and are basically garbage.
  10. Almost feel sorry for the poor bastard...., one wrong word and his career is over and he's cancelled for life. Must say: Israel is defending itself Can't say: with state of the art weaponry in occupied territories populated by impoverished non combatants Must say: Israel has a right to exist Can't say: No such right for Palestine though
  11. Extremist Palestinians want Israel not to exist at all. Do extremist Israeli's want Palestine not to exist at all? Israel was on the path to peace and then they murdered their own Prime Minister.
  12. This is the second time you have sidestepped answering such a simple question. No one is fooled.
  13. I support a 2 state solution based upon the 1967 green line. Do you agree with your comrade that the world would spin very nicely without Hamas or Gaza? Do you think such commentary is on par with the grossest forms of antisemitism? Have you the courage to answer the above 2 questions?
  14. And to some the utter destruction of urban areas, knowingly slaughtering untold numbers of non combatants is acceptable as long as the victims are from a different religion or have a different skin colour. It's quite amusing, all of those here who have leapt at every imagined opportunity to accuse others of antisemitism in this thread have nothing to say when posts such as yours appear. Would the world would spin very nicely without Israeli's or Israel?
  15. There are two clearly defined camps here: 1. Those who condemn violence and atrocities committed by both sides that honestly apply the same standards to both sides and base their commentary on facts 2. Those that only condemn Palestinian violence and atrocities explicitly applying a double standard by not only blindly excusing Israeli crimes and atrocities, but having the temerity to blame Israeli crimes and atrocities on Palestinians. The fact that there is no third group who blindly support Palestinians tells me that all of the rational, sane, decent, empathetic, educated, civilised and humane people are exclusively located amongst the first group. The rampant tears and tantrums by those firmly ensconced in the second group every time someone utters anything even slightly critical of Israel, the gutless, weak and intellectually dishonest hurling of accusations of antisemitism when the truth is spoken stands in stark contrast to the utterly disgusting slurs in this threads aimed at Palestinians. Go back and read what has been written by some here and you will see that the worst filth, the biggest lies, the most disgusting and vile dehumanising cheerleading is all coming from just one side.
  16. The difference is the era in which the events are occurring. Humanity has evolved and what was once acceptable is no longer. Post WW2 saw the end of overt colonialism everywhere except.....
  17. Take it back a step further - why don't the Israeli's put a stop to stealing Palestinian land?
  18. This is what Israeli soldiers will be doing in the coming days. https://mondoweiss.net/2015/05/<deleted>-israeli-soldiers/
  19. @Jingthing I see the answer is that you do indeed lack the courage to answer. ???????????? How pathetic.
  20. There is an election in the US just over the horizon, don’t expect either side, Democrat or Republican, to utter a single word that isn’t 100% supportive of Israel.
  21. When an alcoholic begins to suffer from liver disease, the best course of action is to quit drinking. When a chain smoker begins to suffer from emphysema the best course of action is to quit smoking. Israel should quit stealing land and denying the Palestinians a homeland.
  22. The Israeli Defence minister is obviously not alone in believing that Gazans are animals.
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