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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Hamas's actions were / are unacceptable. I assume "at all costs" includes killing Palestinians children. What a decent human being you must be.
  2. No. It is a crime. If Hamas killed 700 Israeli's with precision laser guided missiles from the latest state of the art fighter jets - would the killing then be acceptable to you? The Nazi's dehumanised the Jews before the holocaust, much of the commentary made by Israel apologists these last few days is dehumanising the Palestinians. Hmmm.
  3. No, it is to state the obvious - that both sides are in the wrong, both sides are constantly committing crimes against humanity and both sides are being let down by their leaders.... but most importantly, this unending human tragedy will continue as long as Israel's occupation is unquestionably supported by Western governments, the only way there will ever be a resolution to the conflict is if a border is imposed on both sides by an external party. Apologists for both sides are only prolonging the misery.
  4. There is a very clear difference between you and I: Me - When Palestinian actions cause the death of Israeli children - it is the Palestinians fault When Israeli actions cause the death of Palestinian children - it is the Israeli's fault You - When Palestinian actions cause the death of Israeli children - it is the Palestinians fault When Israel actions cause the death of Palestinian children - it is the Palestinians fault
  5. Do you think there are acceptable locations to kill kids? Your previous post certainly implied that you do.
  6. Do you think there are acceptable locations to kill kids?
  7. Dead kids on both sides. Give the Palestinians state of the art weaponry and they can then kill Israeli kids in the same fashion that Israeli's kill Palestinian kids.
  8. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/are-jews-a-race/
  9. Guess what these 17 Palestinian kids all have in common Yep, all killed by Israel. Both sides are guilty of crimes against humanity.
  10. From your link: The Israeli army forced Palestinians to shut down their stores in the Old City to allow Jewish prayers to take place. The Palestinian Wafa news agency reported that Israeli forces prevented a number of Waqf employees from entering the holy Islamic site in the morning. How is this acceptable?
  11. So, if anti-semitism is racism what is anti-islamism?
  12. Jews are not a racial or ethnic group.
  13. Why is anti-Islamism not as unacceptable as antisemitism?
  14. Nothing short of complete condemnation of both sides for the countless atrocities committed by both sides over many decades is disgraceful.
  15. Yep. And in about 3 - 5 years the Palestinians will kill a few hundred or more Israeli’s again and then…, so on and on it goes
  16. After 70 years of trying (with unlimited US support) Israel has utterly failed to achieve “kavash” against the Palestinians. I dare say that will be the case for millennia to come.
  17. What do you mean “in the event”? The UN has done nothing for decades, nearly always due to the US exercising its veto powers. As for the Palestinians, it appears they have but two options: 1. Passively sit and wait for Israel to kill them and steal all the land 2. Terrorism It’s a lose - lose situation for the poor bastards.
  18. Oh, they should just drop their pants, bend over and accept the slow motion genocide being inflicted upon them in silence? IMHO the greatest villain here is the international community that allows this situation to persist decade after decade. The UN must impose a border, based upon the 1967 green-line, and then militarily enforce it.
  19. "If you see a turtle on a fence post, you know it had some help" - Bill Clinton Israel have deliberately engineered the Palestinians current predicament.
  20. How should Palestinians fightback against Israeli occupation and oppression? What options do they have? What would you do if you had to walk a mile or two in Palestinian shoes?
  21. You think extremists only dish out bloody noses when it's deserved?? They'll also cut your head off if you are not a true believer. Sure, Israel probably deserves what it gets, but extremists are the inherent enemy of western civilization and a danger to all innocent people.
  22. Sorry, only Palestinian crimes and misdemeanours are allowed to be raised and debated. Israel is purer than the driven snow and anyone who states otherwise is an antisemite.
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