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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Facts and truth are important. One should not let their lust to tar their enemies as scum rush them into repeating unconfirmed reports as fact. https://www.newslaundry.com/2023/10/11/western-media-fell-for-hamas-beheaded-babies-did-indian-media-report-it-too If the beheaded baby claims turn out to be false, what does that say about you?
  2. If someone were to post calling jews scum, would you label them antisemites?
  3. Based on what? (other than prejudice and bigotry) Recent polling shows 33% of Palestinian support for a two state solution and 34% support from Israeli's for a two state solution.
  4. Yes they do. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20230831-israel-forces-shoot-dead-palestinian-minor-in-jerusalem/ https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/burn-them-shoot-them-kill-them-israelis-cheer-jerusalem-palestinians-shot-gaza Huh?
  5. It is absolutely the international community's fault. Primarily the US is at fault as without the unquestioned backing of US money and military aid Israel would be forced to the negotiating table. It is a terrible injustice what has been done to the Palestinians by Israel (and the US). Palestinian terrorist tactics are horrific and inhumane Both sides have extremists that will not concede an inch. Until peace is enforced from the outside, the cycle of violence will have no end. Where have I made any excuses for the Palestinians? Your persistent lying about what others have posted betrays the weakness of your Israeli apologist argument.
  6. Interesting title given to the mandate issued by the League of Nations to the British to administer the region don't you think?
  7. Oh no, you can most certainly judge them. The Hamas participants in this attack are clearly amongst the most awful humans to have ever existed. What you can't do with absolute certainly is know what you would do if it were you in their situation.
  8. If you think they aren't both morally bankrupt then you my friend are either ignorant or dishonest. Not sure what the relevance of mentioning the nazis is here..., quite nonsensical.
  9. In this case, peace requires three parties as two will always have segments absolutely opposed to any proposal that does not give them 100% of the land. The third party, a multi-national enforcer, is essential. Dictate a border and harshly sanction any recalcitrant party until they submit to peace.
  10. https://visualizingpalestine.org/visuals/shrinking-palestine
  11. No, it is not. It is that none of us truly know ourselves. Everyone is a virtuous hero in their own mind, but when in the eye of the storm, many freeze and many commit acts that they themselves cannot explain when the dust has settled. How often do we hear of family and acquaintances of convicted murderers refusing to believe that their loved one could truly be guilty of such a crime (e.g. OJ Simpson's kids actually believe he is innocent)
  12. No one needs or wants to hear about your proclivities.
  13. https://reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/rqKEWl15hc
  14. There was very clearly a message. If Israel wants to see progress towards peace then they need to start with themselves, stop committing crimes and atrocities and invite international peacekeepers in to enforce a definitive border between two nation states - Israel and Palestine.
  15. Settlement expansion is official policy. Settlement expansion is effectively a slow motion genocide of Palestinians.
  16. Unsurprising that one so at odds with the facts would focus on the messenger as opposed to the message.
  17. I suggest you read a little of Steven Pinker’s writings.
  18. If your posts are factual, then they’ll stand up to scrutiny, if they’re BS, then they won’t. I understand why you are afraid of a little scrutiny.
  19. As Michael Jackson said - start with the man in the mirror.
  20. At the moment, we only have the Israelis word that any babies at all have been slaughtered. Taking a small sampling of extreme or isolated events / individuals and tarring an entire people / group with the same brush seems very very similar to the underlying logic of that word the you guys are constantly parroting on about….. anti - what?
  21. You’d have to walk a mile in their shoes before you could answer such a question. The depths of human depravity are present in all of us, given the right mix of circumstances.
  22. The US should give $3 billion in military aid to the Palestinians too, you know, in the interest of making it a fair fight. If the Palestinians had access to modern military grade weaponry they’d I doubt they’d attack festivals and families but instead Israeli military targets.
  23. In 2001 Israeli warplanes bombed a runway in response to a Palestinian terror attack that killed four soldiers, and badly damaged several of the buildings.
  24. https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-lawmakers-call-genocide-palestinians-gets-thousands-facebook-likes
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