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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. So who are the Israeli’s bombing? Any Palestinian will do?
  2. Quite the double standard eh? We live in a world where any who doesn’t like the taste of matzoh ball soup is labelled antisemitic.
  3. Hamas are already classed as a terrorist organisation (because they are a terrorist organisation) I’m sure the Israeli’s are going to handle the situation just fine without a bunch of bumbling Poms getting in their way. No, I’d rather see a proportional response that truly tries to minimise civilian casualties in both sides. If a proportional response is genuinely what Israel’s plans are then they should allow international observers and have embedded journalists to document the actions of both sides. If you pay proper attention, you will note that I have never denied this particular atrocity has occurred, I’ve simply applied rational and impartial logic and held back on accepting unsubstantiated claims at face value. It is quite possible Hamas have literally cut beheaded 40 infants - but there is no widely available evidence at the moment that this is the case nor is there yet official Israeli confirmation that this is the case. It is quite clear you value dehumanising Palestinians in your blind support of Israel over the truth - else you would wait for sufficient supporting evidence before clamouring for genocide to be committed.
  4. No, unlike you, I dismiss misinformation and lies from BOTH sides.
  5. Wow - kinda sounds exactly like genocide.
  6. What do you mean hunt down? Surely they know exactly where they are or they wouldn’t be dropping so many bombs from 10,000 feet on residential areas - would they?
  7. You think Israel is taking these people alive? You think Israel will be abiding by any laws at all? You think even if they did take these people alive that they would just hand them over to their home countries? How cute you are.
  8. You don’t think facts are important? The original source of the 40 beheaded babies has already recanted. The only reason to continue promoting this story prior to official confirmation is to aid and abet in dehumanising Palestinians.
  9. Sounds like a pretty decent waste of taxpayer money. What exactly do they hope to achieve?
  10. The British are irrelevant, have been since the end of WW2…, pretty much just a tax haven for Russian oligarchs now.
  11. It's coming to an end, the world is changing, younger generations around the globe recognise the Israeli occupation for what it is - criminal. The days of simply labelling any criticism of Israel as antisemitism being able to shut down debate are just about done. Look at how delicately Gigi Hadid (of Palestinian heritage) had to word her comments on the current conflict, one toe out of line and she'd never work again and then juxtapose that against the ease with which negativity can be directed at Palestinians without repercussion - it is unfair, but the balance is shifting.
  12. So credible media sources reporting on social media content being removed by the original poster after they've been questioned on the validity of their claims is acceptable then. Bel Trew, war correspondent who broke the news on Twitter, also took back her claim and gave the following clarification: “I just wanted to clarify that I did not tweet 40 babies had been beheaded. I tweeted that foreign media had been told women and children had been decapitated but we had not been shown bodies - which was my response to reports which had gone viral about the 40 babies. I realised the way my tweet was written was too short to explain the full context, so deleted it. My headline of my story references that toddlers were killed.” https://www.samaa.tv/208732481-fact-check-40-israeli-babies-beheaded-by-hamas-fighters
  13. Some of them permit it though. https://www.haaretz.com/2009-11-09/ty-article/west-bank-rabbi-jews-can-kill-gentiles-who-threaten-israel/0000017f-e28c-d38f-a57f-e6deda480000 Anyway, you shouldn't leap to conclusions. It seems rather obvious that with this particular story, when all is said and done, the truth is going to be very, very different from 40 babies being beheaded. It's rather interesting that Haaretz makes no mention of beheaded babies..., why would that be? https://www.haaretz.com Let's wait and see what the BBC has to say on the matter, in the meantime accusations of atrocities from both sides should be met with suspicion until conclusive evidence is provided in each instance. Only a fool allows himself to be led by hatred.
  14. No, exactly like Hamas, in my opinion.
  15. The state refers to the government and the permanent institutions. Amnesty International: https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi-3rLV8-2BAxWRr1YBHdJJCgAQFnoECBIQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amnesty.org%2Fen%2Flatest%2Fnews%2F2022%2F02%2Fisraels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity%2F&usg=AOvVaw23UmorD3V6Uk05OuNzf0Rb&opi=89978449
  16. Israel has killed the odd Palestinian or two though, haven't they, practiced a wee bit of apartheid as well if I'm not mistaken - not really perched on the moral high ground are they.
  17. Hamas and Israel are a terrorist organisations like Isis.
  18. It is what you mean though, isn't it - a final solution to the Hamas problem.
  19. It is a great deal better condemnation than the one you are not applying to the murderous state of Israel.
  20. By "eliminated" do you mean final solution?
  21. The more you clowns throw around false claims of antisemitism the more you devalue the term. None of you can sustain an argument without resorting to base inaccurate accusations. How pathetic.
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