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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. This “war” is an inevitable result of Israel’s continued occupation and oppression. It will happen again and again and again…. until the world imposes a two state solution giving each people a homeland with clearly defined borders. In such an asymmetrical fight, many of Hamas’s actions will be barbaric, but honestly, what are their options?
  2. Nonsense. The cognitive dissonance required by poor, barely educated whites to persistently vote republican as their standard of living continues to deteriorate under republican rule is quite astounding. Keep bashing your head against that wall, I'm 1000% sure you'll get a different result after a few more whacks. ????????????
  3. Since when do Republicans want to spend money on American people? The Republicans 40 years of tax cuts for the rich in the name of trickle down economics has all but destroyed the middle class by the massive upwards transfer of wealth. Abortion, genderism, the border and funding of the Ukraine war are all irrelevant sideshows that distract braindead right wing nutters whilst the grifters they elect rob them blind. Introduce an IQ test to be eligible to vote and the Republicans would never win anything ever again.
  4. If they were even slightly sincere, they would copy the same process that produced the 1997 constitution. If they were 100% sincere, they would simply reinstate the 1997 constitution in its original form with two minor changes: 1. Remove section 112 in its entirety 2. Add a section imposing life in prison for any involvement in coups or attempted coups
  5. Care to elaborate? As far as I am aware: 9 of the 10 poorest states are red. 8 of the 10 states with the highest murder rates are red. 10 of the 10 states with the worst education outcomes are red. 9 of the 10 states with the lowest life expectancy are red. Covid deaths were 38% higher per capita in red states compared to blue states. I am curious as to which problems you are referring to when you say “fewer problems”. ????????????
  6. Typical right wing nut job standard operating procedure - if you can’t get everything your own way all the time, blow up the entire system. Unfortunately, the only ones able to defeat these right wing extremist f-wits within the Republican Party are even more extreme right wing f-wits. Is Joe Biden too old and senile to win the next election…., I now think Joe could drop dead tomorrow and the Democrats could play “Weekend at Bernie’s” with his rotting corpse and, given the current MAGA cult lunacy on the right, Joe would win in a landslide. It is looking seriously likely that there will eventually be an attempt at a coup in the US that will test the resiliency of their institutions and their fabled “we the people” constitution. On the bright side, Prayuth might be able to score a consultancy gig.
  7. Where is the junta loving brigade in this thread? I for one am fascinated to see how they will justify their support for the suppression of democracy now that they can no longer excuse fascism and authoritarianism and oppression as necessary evils to prevent that dastardly super villain Thaksin from destroying Thailand. Nowadays, subverting democracy benefits Thaksin…., what is a good old fashioned racist right wing nutter to do?
  8. Looks as though Prawit’s downfall is complete. Also looks as though Prayuth has dismounted the tiger unscathed.
  9. Plausible target. It would be expected that the Pheu Thai vote will be significantly reduced by the time of the next election as they have committed the same sin as the Democrats did under Abhisit - betrayed their core supporters in return for power. Ultimately, it will be the economic situation at the time of the next election that will determine whether or not enough Thais vote for revolutionary change under Move Forward.
  10. You haven’t landed a single blow yet, to be honest, your game is pretty weak and boring…. Kinda how I imagine reviews for Gordon’s 14 sh!tty Bangkok restaurants are going to be.
  11. There has never been a practical two state solution offered to the Palestinians. The problem now is that there is so much bad blood and extremism on both sides that there will never be agreement between the combatants. If there is to be a two state solution it must be imposed from the outside and that won't happen because the Israel lobby has way too much power over American politicians. However, as America inevitably fades from its current global hegemony and begins to focus more and more on "America first" and turn inwards, Israel will find itself more and more alone surrounded by hostile neighbours without US unilateral support. Every single poll now shows that the younger generations sympathy for Israel is plunging and their support for the embattled Palestinians rising. The longer Israel waits to accept a fair two state solution the worse the final outcome will be for them as the shoe will surely eventually be firmly on the other foot.
  12. I am agreeing that you have no idea about what I am talking about. TBH - you've probably just got no idea, full stop.
  13. Israel is entirely dependent upon American support. America global power is going to fade over the coming decades and as that happens Israel’s position will become more and more perilous. The longer there is no 2 state solution, the greater the chance Israel may disappear altogether.
  14. Who decides if a restaurant is Michelin quality - only Michelin does, all other claims are mere opinion. As far as I am concerned, every single restaurant in Australia is Michelin quality with just one exception. (Guess how many restaurants Gordon Ramsay has in Australia?)
  15. Australia has zero Michelin star restaurants. A journalist writing an article about restaurants they feel are Michelin worthy does not alter that fact. Someone is certainly lacking comprehension ability.
  16. Indeed Aboriginal Australians have it incredibly tough and deserve better - as do the Palestinians. There's a big difference though, Australia is on the path towards making amends (as much as that is possible) whilst Israel is only on the path to a higher death toll of Palestinian kids and a longer rap sheet of crimes against humanity.
  17. That's not how the world works. Fortunately, the evils of yesteryear are no longer being perpetrated by the overwhelming majority of nations (Israel is of course one of the exceptions to that statement). There are a great many countries whose borders, ignorantly created by foreign colonisers, have caused many difficulties. I can think of no other border conflict as awfully inhumane and criminal as the Israel - Palestine conflict. As far as I can see, the only upside for the Palestinians in their current predicament, is that due to the crushing devastation on their economy and infrastructure destruction caused by ongoing Israeli crimes against humanity is that they will not have to suffer through Gordon Ramsay opening up 14 restaurants serving overpriced pommy slop any time soon.
  18. After 36 pages of complaints about stereotyping all Jews, you are now stereotyping all Palestinians. Have you no shame?
  19. Your avoidance of Israel's crimes against humanity is not fooling anyone. Making false comparisons with the situation in Australia or any other country colonised prior to WW2 in no way at all excuses or explains Israeli crimes against humanity be committed as we speak.
  20. 40% of Australia is under native title and indigenous communities hold the freehold title to 17% of Australia. Additionally, Australia spends $14,000 per annum per indigenous persons, more than double the $6,000 per annum spent on non indigenous persons. Again it's a false comparison in that no aboriginal land has been stolen since 1788 whilst Israel are stealing land every single day.
  21. Oh the irony. You've spent the whole 36 pages arguing that it is antisemitic to compare Israeli's to Nazi's and now you're comparing Palestinians to Nazi's.
  22. One of us is most definitely ignorant. From your link: Although there currently isn't a Michelin Guide down under,... There are no Michelin restaurants in Australia. ????
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