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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Maybe, but it certainly helps one avoid censorship on this particular topic.
  2. Not too many are brave enough to speak the truth, because if you do, you end up ostracised and on Iranian government owned TV.
  3. Exactly - religion was outlawed to prevent competition to their rule.
  4. What are you talking about? Hamas has been judged and declared a terrorist organisation. It has been hit with the sanctions that come along with such a designation. What international sanctions are currently imposed on Israel….? None! How exactly are Israel the one being “blamed”?
  5. Who should we compare Hamas with when judging them? Other terrorist organisations of course. Israel probably belongs in the same bucket.
  6. How many Muslims are you talking about? Are all of them cheering? Is it half of them? Is it a tiny minority? People who make statements such as yours create the environment that l leads to what we are seeing happen today.
  7. Why did Palestinians launch an attack on Israel?
  8. Are you saying the the Israeli government should be judged by the same standards as a terrorist outfit such as Hamas?
  9. Who is responding to who seems to be a very subjective matter - is Israel responding to Hamas’s attack or is Hamas responding to Israel’ land theft and oppressive occupation?
  10. Some would say the same way George W missed 9/11
  11. It’s the behaviour PRIOR to Hamas’s murderous rampage that is the problem. The more bloodshed and death, the greater the odds conservatives win elections. Netanyahu has built a career on this fact (as did Sharon).
  12. How many expansionist settlements have the Palestinians illegally created in the last 8 decades?
  13. 1. Are the Israeli's going to have to get over the fact that they will never own all the land "from the river to the sea"? 2. ...death by a thousand cuts. Unless Israel changes course, the pinpricks will continue for millennia after millennia.
  14. “Heavy handed” is quite the understatement.
  15. This type of thinking, present in abundance on both sides, is the very reason people are being murdered, day in day out, on both sides, to this very day. Tell me how this differs from the “logic” behind anti-semitism and nazism?
  16. Not maybe…. Hamas is the Palestinian people’s worst enemy. Hand in hand, Israelis and Palestinians continue to march headlong into the abyss under the idiotic leadership of religious nutters.
  17. … not until I’m visited by the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.
  18. Israel is its own worst enemy. Secularism, on both sides, is the only path to peace.
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