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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Just rip the bandaid off. When they release Thaksin, there’ll be a flurry of headlines and then that will be it. The longer they drag out the pantomime, the more ridiculous it becomes. Let the man out so the country can move on.
  2. You have little to no knowledge about the content of your own posts. Israeli’s are saying that there are neo nazi ministers in their current government. Do you think these Israeli’s are antisemites?
  3. The simple three word “Blah, blah, blah” post has more substance than your fifty nonsense filled efforts. Click on a link. Read. Take a minute to educate yourself. You’ll become a much more interesting poster if you actually bother to gather a little knowledge on the subject at hand.
  4. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-s-nightmare-homegrown-neonazis-in-the-holy-land-396392.html
  5. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-02-10/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/israels-government-has-neo-nazi-ministers-it-really-does-recall-germany-in-1933/00000186-3a49-d80f-abff-7ac9c7ff0000 https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-05-29/ty-article/.highlight/top-haredi-rabbi-calls-for-the-death-of-nazi-israeli-ministers/00000181-0f00-d090-abe1-ef3d0c0d0000
  6. How often is “antisemitism” used to mean criticism of Israel and its ideology, Zionism? How many cases of “antisemitism” for which the British Labour Party is being crucified are of this type? We have not been told; even to debate the question could invite accusations of antisemitism. The evidence, however, points to anti-Zionism and criticism of Israel as the fundamental definers of today’s “antisemitism”. https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/how-antisemitism-conflated-anti-zionism
  7. Don't worry about those two bozos, they've nothing of value to contribute, their lack of intellect limits them to misinterpreting / misunderstanding other peoples posts to eagerly, ignorantly and dishonestly hurl claims of anti semitism. 20 pages of posts and not one of the pro Israel numpties has yet attempted to actually defend Israel's crimes.
  8. Your dishonesty is ridiculously transparent. The kids weren't throwing "things" - they were throwing rocks. And "those people" are Israeli soldiers and they don't "throw things back" they aim their weapons, pull their triggers and fire bullets that rip into the flesh and bones of children resulting in death after death. No rational human being supports such atrocities. In my book, any who supports or even attempts to justify the murder of rock throwing children by heavily armed trained military professionals is a million times more despicable than even the bonafide, diehard true believer anti semites.
  9. If there are articles being written by credible people with headlines such as that in the link below, then clearly there is a problem with what Israel is doing. https://politicalviolenceataglance.org/2023/03/06/is-israel-on-the-precipice-of-genocide/ The article concludes: ...None of this is to say that Israel is on the verge of unleashing mass crimes against humanity and genocide. But the warning signs are there. These kinds of crimes often occur because of calculations by the perpetrators that they can get away with it, because either no one wants to or can stop them.
  10. I most certainly would bet on it - especially given that the ultra nationalists are part of the governing coalition.
  11. This is the kind of thinking that leads me to believe our species won’t be around for too much longer, 50 to 100 years tops.
  12. What is the issue? Is it that the flight is overpriced (kickbacks going somewhere)? Or is it the correct market price but the complaint is it’s too expensive (what is the alternative)? Or is it the guest list (unnecessary tag alongs on a state sponsored junket)? What was Prayuth doing for the past 9 years?
  13. Trump is a <deleted>, but he is nowhere near the advanced level of mental deterioration that Biden clearly is at. Biden will not make through until the end of a second term, Trump possibly won’t make it through until the end of a second term. Both are duds and the fact that both of them stand the best chance of winning when their opponent is the other reiterates just how depressing the whole situation is.
  14. Another inane, pointless and childish gibberish post. At least you are consistent.
  15. I don't think you're a Jew, I think you're a <deleted>. All you are doing post after post is fishing for an opportunity to cry "antisemitism". Your posts are wildly inaccurate, have zero substance, zero intelligence and zero merit. Anyone scrolling through this thread will benefit not an ounce on the topic from reading what you have posted - it is nothing but inane, pointless, childish gibberish. IMHO - I do believe Israeli's and Jews the world over are thoroughly embarrassed by your efforts here.
  16. Here's the Israeli Education minister in 2002: https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO1906/S00076/dont-be-caught-out-by-the-trick.htm
  17. Never. No Israeli institution, public figure or citizen has ever made false accusations of antisemitism. There is not a flood of academic papers and news articles on the internet detailing the difference between anti semitism and legitimate criticism of Israeli that exist due to the prevalence of false accusations of anti semitism.
  18. Oh, you think discussing topics as complex and complicated (not to mention emotionally charged) as the Israel / Palestine conflict and anti semitism should be conducted at the level of a 5 year old and require zero effort. No wonder every single post from you on this topic is so wrong, superficial and banal.
  19. Comprehension issues again. Israel often makes false claims of anti semitism to dismiss and ignore legitimate criticisms. Is there another group that you can name that successfully uses the same tactic, i.e. they accuse the critic of such and such and therefore the criticism is invalid.
  20. Tut tut, you are conflating Jews and Israel. Give an example of another group of oppressors that are able to respond to any and all claims against their crimes with a "get out of jail free" card (i.e. accusations of anti semitism).
  21. Here, for the second time, is a link to a very very thorough analysis of the question at hand.... it is far more substantive and informed than anything I, a lay person, could provide on the question at hand. https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v25/n16/judith-butler/no-it-s-not-anti-semitic If you truly care for an answer, then you will read the essay that the link leads to, ruminate on the contained details and information and then, if not yet convinced, pose interesting and inquisitive questions to elicit further details and information or expose errors, weaknesses and flaws in the case being argued. If, on the other hand, your interest lies solely in reaching for an opportunity to misinterpret, misconstrue or explicitly falsify my words in order to spring from the bushes and gleefully shout "gotcha" and "anti semite" then you are wasting your own time as you will learn nothing and will continue to move further from the truth and reality.
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