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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. It's not really Israel's existence that is at risk though, is it? The above chart is explicit evidence why so many resort to hyperbolic claims that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians and that they are well and truly on the way to Nazism
  2. That sh!te looks raw to me. I'd rather head down to the 7-11
  3. Wrong verb. Why does Israel retaliate commit war crimes against the Palestinians and not, say, Jordanians, Syrians or Egyptians? Answer - because they are stealing the Palestinians land and denying the Palestinians a homeland. (which is pretty hypocritical and disgusting when you consider how much complaining there was prior to the establishment of Israel on this very topic - no homeland for a people)
  4. Yep, no pretensions or classism over here mate. No poncy Michelin stars on this continent.
  5. Give it 12 - 18 months and he'll be worth US$819,000,000 after accounting for the losses on his failed 14 restaurants in Bangkok adventure.
  6. Your previous post stated inferred that Israel only responds to Palestinians "throwing missiles" when the fact is that Palestinians who are responding - to Israeli aggression, oppression and theft when they "throw missiles".
  7. Time will tell, can Gordon beat Jamie's 5 years of bankruptcy avoidance, I doubt it, but we'll know soon enough. Meat pies and tomato sauce my friend.
  8. Why do the Palestinians "throw missiles" at Israel and not, say, Jordan, Syria or Egypt?
  9. He asked why they did nothing to support Pannika. Seems like a reasonable question.
  10. Nonsense. Subsidies everyday necessities and tax the excesses. Tax commercial plots and underdeveloped land to pay for the subsidies i.e. redistribute the highly concentrated wealth downwards.
  11. You wouldn't happen to be of retirement age would you? ????????????
  12. *Inflammatory comments edited out* My actual opinion is that the product will not be up to scratch. I seriously doubt Gordon Ramsay will be spending any time at these restaurants. It is a marketing gimmick and diners should not expect anything even closely related to a Michelin experience. There will be insane queues at the opening, as there was for Krispy Kreme, but these venues will simply not have the staying power of Krispy Kreme once the novelty has worn off. There is of course history of overrated Pom's trying to crack the Bangkok market: Gordon Ramsay is not the first high-profile British chef to attempt an expansion into Thailand. In 2015, Jamie Oliver, a well-documented chef nemesis of Ramsay, launched his Jamie’s Italian restaurant chain in Siam Discovery. That venue was eventually rebranded to Jamie Oliver Kitchen after a muted response to the first concept. Then, in 2020, that restaurant failed and closed permanently.
  13. Methinks you are taking this a little bit too seriously. Of course they'll be overpriced, why else would they bother renting Ramsay's name? The restaurants are a gimmick - like Trump steaks. People will visit once for the experience, word will spread that it's "overpriced plated pommy slop" and that will be that - close all the restaurants and open 14 Theresa May Dance Studios at the gutted venues.
  14. Where have I said car sales are increasing every year? Your literacy skills would disappoint Gordon. Tangent? Yeah, what on earth would paying for something have to do with sales. If Gordon Ramsay runs his 14 new restaurant the way the Thai auto industry is currently operating he'll lose all his money so quick the chips won't even have time to go soggy. Whether you wrote it or not, it tickles my fancy to note "great" Britain's precipitous decline at every available opportunity. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2022/01/will-britain-survive/621095/
  15. I did answer, you have failed to comprehend. Car sales are up because there has been an increase in irresponsible lending which has resulted in an increase in repossessions. Let’s not forget, the so called increase is coming after the 2 year Covid drop off - so hardly impressive. No need to wait for the restaurant to open, just fire up the microwave.
  16. Slap Gordon Ramsay’s name on it, charge a week’s wages per dish then quick smart open 14 restaurants in Asia, what could possibly go wrong. The UK peaked with Theresa May.
  17. All paid for cash upfront? Nope, we know this because the BP reported 250,000 vehicles being repossessed per month earlier this year. A 40% default rate on auto loans paints a very clear picture. The market for Gordon Ramsay’s soggy chips is small and getting smaller.
  18. Thailand has one of the most unequal wealth distributions in the world - the top one percent possess nearly three quarters of the wealth whilst the poorest fifty percent possess less than two percent of the wealth. Overpriced plated pommy slop remains slop regardless of whatever brand name is slapped upon it.
  19. Most Thais are certainly poor, add to that the level of household debt is through the roof - the middle class is under extreme duress and shrinking rather quickly. This will be no more than a flash in the pan venture that probably won’t make it through the first year.
  20. Will it be his food though? How much time do you expect Gordon to be spending in Thailand? He’ll show up once, for the grand opening, and that will be that. Trump steak! https://www.grubstreet.com/2014/10/gordon-ramsay-restaurants-closure-rates.html
  21. No need for blood on the streets, economic hardship will do the trick. The establishment has never been weaker, not only are they unable to keep Thaksin exiled, they’ve welcomed his proxy leadership of the newly installed government in the hopes he can stave off the aforementioned economic hardship. I doubt the government will last the full four year term.
  22. Inferring that Ramsey has just sold the rights to use his name on what will likely turn out to be overpriced garbage.
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