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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. ... The main missions of the new government aim to open borders that support multi-continent businesses. This is what first got Thaksin into trouble. Monopolists with government concessions don't like competition. If the government cuts tariffs and protections Thailand will have a lot less billionaires in short order.
  2. ...He posted on his Facebook page today (Friday) about a recent visit to Prayut’s home. Is it his home, or is it misappropriated government property?
  3. Always? Never say never. Especially now given the trump cards the elites have lost over the past decade.
  4. I am surprised he didn’t blocked your godawful nonsense about 20 pages back. You'll being doing him a favour by blocking him, while you’re at it, block me too.
  5. No, it’s not wrong. You deliberately take it literally so you can revert to form of avoiding the legitimate claims and making false accusations of antisemitism.
  6. When someone says “It’s raining cats and dogs” they don’t mean there are literally cats and dogs falling from the sky. Similarly, when someone says “Israel is treating Palestinians as Hitler treated Jews” the don’t mean it in a literal sense, that Palestinians are being rounded up and gassed - the message being conveyed, in a hyperbolic fashion, is that Israel is treating Palestinians in an unacceptable and inhumane fashion.
  7. Hyperbole is all it is - and that is no crime. IMHO - Israel is committing crimes against humanity on a daily basis so it stands to reason that at some point someone will make comparisons to Adolf - especially given the fact that all Israel apologists do is steer the debate towards provoking such statements as they can then begin shouting “antisemite” to try and shut down discussion and avoid answering straight forward questions about the evil they are supporting.
  8. China’s treatment of the Uyghurs is heading in that direction (just like Israel’s treatment of Palestinians).
  9. The important word here is history. What’s done is done and can’t be undone. Israel, on the other hand is still acting like a colonial power in a post colonial world.
  10. Applying your logic you must support Russia taking Ukrainian land and China taking Taiwan. The comparison between Australian aboriginal dispossession and Palestinian dispossession is false in that one is historical and concluded and one is current and ongoing.
  11. Can you explain any relationship between the comments made by Abbas and Australian aborigines..., if not then cease with the idiotic off topic nonsense.
  12. Equal vote, but not equal treatment. https://imeu.org/article/are-palestinian-and-jewish-citizens-of-israel-treated-equally https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/7/19/five-ways-israeli-law-discriminates-against-palestinians
  13. This thread is about Israel and Palestine. I have a pretty clear opinion - I was working in East Timor in 1999 when Australian peacekeepers (INTERFET) arrived. Kind of off topic though isn't it.
  14. You are the most clueless poster in this thread. I asked - Name another country that would accept half their country being appropriated. You responded - Native Americans and Aboriginal Australians These two peoples were taken to the edge of extinction by Western expansion and you cite them as examples of people who ACCEPTED the theft of their land. You are decidedly worse than legitimate antisemites.
  15. Israel's stolen land. Yes, they should keep some of the land. As far as I'm concerned the only right that Israel has to exist is the fact that it exists - all other claims to the land are nonsense. Israel should never have been established, if the same conditions existed in today's world, there is no way Palestinian lands would just be divvied up by colonial powers. The land should be partitioned along the green line which means a significant loss to Israel of the current lands illegally under its control. None of this of course changes the fact that the Palestinians, at the time, were quite correct to accept the theft of their land.
  16. You are the most clueless poster in this thread. You cite genocide positively to support your argument Indigenous people both north and south were displaced, died of disease, and were killed by Europeans through slavery, rape, and war. In 1491, about 145 million people lived in the western hemisphere. By 1691, the population of indigenous Americans had declined by 90–95 percent, or by around 130 million people.
  17. ???????????? Look at you being subject to the same misrepresentation of your own words that those defending Israeli atrocities constantly apply to those with the temerity to question the legality and humanity of the ongoing oppression (and slaughter) of Palestinians being perpetrated by Israel.
  18. Is' called progress. There is a reason we no longer sacrifice virgins to placate volcanoes.
  19. Hardly surprising that the Palestinians would want to keep all of THEIR land. Can you name any country that would accept half their territory being appropriated?
  20. Irish Examiner View: Inflammatory language loses force when overused Using words including ‘apartheid’ and ‘antisemitic’ has become so pervasive that they risk being rendered meaningless. https://www.irishexaminer.com/opinion/ourview/arid-40800171.html https://www.nif.org/blog/israels-abuse-and-misuse-of-the-word-anti-semitism/ https://mondoweiss.net/2022/02/israels-antisemitism-accusations-become-more-meaningless-than-ever-in-row-over-amnesty-apartheid-report/
  21. Kids who throw rocks should not be killed by military personnel. I am quite surprised that this even needs to be said. As for the genocide question: https://www.palestinechronicle.com/palestine-must-be-obliterated-times-of-israel-publishes-deletes-article-calling-for-genocide/ https://eltecolote.org/content/en/its-not-a-conflict-its-state-sanctioned-genocide-against-palestine/ https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/israel-us-bezalel-smotrich-evidence-genocide-support At the very least there is smoke.
  22. What a silly question. They, of course, should be shot. There and then. On the spot. No trial, no questions. Bang! Brains and skull fragments splattered across the earth. What a silly question.
  23. So any number under 6 million is just a misdemeanour to you?
  24. Israel killed 44 kids in 40 weeks in 2018. These are obviously not holocaust numbers, but are they acceptable numbers? What standard should Israel be held to? Is anything under 6 million victims deemed acceptable?
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