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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. You have a habit of not reading the information provided in links. I personally would rather that those I engage with on this forum are providing links to subject matter experts, whatever the topic may be, than simply providing their own often uninformed, bigoted and prejudicial musings. Summers uses the ‘anti-semitic’ charge to quell public criticism of Israel, even as he explicitly distances himself from the overt operations of censorship. He writes, for instance, that ‘the only antidote to dangerous ideas is strong alternatives vigorously advocated.’ But how does one vigorously advocate the idea that the Israeli occupation is brutal and wrong, and Palestinian self-determination a necessary good, if the voicing of those views calls down the charge of anti-semitism? https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v25/n16/judith-butler/no-it-s-not-anti-semitic You will learn nothing of value, which is the purpose of discourse, operating at the base level that you currently are.
  2. https://jacobin.com/2023/08/israel-palestine-occupation-wall-censorship-uk-academia-antisemitism
  3. Yes, of the two of us, it is I that am completely clueless. I certainly cannot find fault in your perfectly logical reasoning for justifying Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land. Consider me awakened.
  4. There sure is a reason, I ignore nonsense. I don’t bother to call out Q Anon fools either. Couldn't think of anything more pointless than engaging with real antisemites.
  5. Impossible to argue against such sensible and coherent posting. ????
  6. ???????????? You raise the topic of the Uyghurs and then tell me the Uyghurs are off topic when I respond. ???????????? Page 2, this thread. You guys need to stop being “thread topic nazis” - leave it to the moderators. Comparison and analogy are great educational and information sharing tools.
  7. There’s that complete lack of comprehension and basic logic. What on earth makes you think I am not concerned about the suffering of other groups, such as the Uyghurs? If you go back to page 2 of this thread you’ll see that I compared the treatment of the Uyghurs by China to the treatment of Palestinians by Israel. You guys are so easy, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.
  8. Absent for 2000 years and you think they retained ownership? How much of North America do you think should be handed over to the indigenous peoples of that land - let’s not forget, those people have never been absent from their land. If your answer is anything other than all of it, explain your double standard.
  9. Do Palestinians have human rights in the occupied territories?
  10. And the overwhelming majority of early Israeli’s came from Europe - should they go back there?
  11. Israeli’s use false accusations of antisemitism to excuse land theft and appalling abuse of fellow human beings. https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/11jt0fl/cmv_jews_have_no_legitimate_claim_to_the_land_of/
  12. Either that, or it is you that doesn't know the history of the establishment of Israel. ????‍♂️
  13. Some do, others just want their kids to stop being murdered by occupiers. If I steal $100 of you then offer you $20 back to call it even, would you accept?
  14. Palestinians want enough of their land back to build a homeland and future for their children. It is Israel who does not want a two state solution based on the green line. The constant carry on about 'antisemitism" is a smokescreen to deflect attention from the daily atrocities being committed by the lunatics in charge of the Israel. There are many groups within society who have a far tougher time than jews.
  15. Why should Jews be free from bigotry, prejudice and racism - no other group is. Human nature is what it is. In groups and out groups.
  16. The point, is that given Germany's history, how have we reached this point. There would be no country on this planet, other than Israel, with a deeper understanding of what happened during the holocaust than Germany, and yet....
  17. If I'm not wrong, current polling has 4000 year old three quarters senile Joe Biden, a man with a delinquent crack addict son with a perchance for filming himself with hookers, beating Trump in the general election. Says a lot about Trump.
  18. How pathetic are these last few posts that you have initiated between us. One can only hope the moderators drop by and sweep this nonsense away.
  19. Calling out antisemitism should only occur in cases of legitimate antisemitism. Falsely labelling people and statements antisemitic because you've lost an argument is unacceptable. Post WW2, there was unlimited sympathy and empathy for the jews of the world as the atrocities of the holocaust become widely known - in less than 100 years, via the actions of the state of Israel, that level of support has dissipated to the point where the Palestinians, frequent users of state sponsored terrorism, now command the majority of the globes sympathy and empathy. Quite the fall from grace.
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