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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. I didn't. Go back and read the posts. I said fascism leads to naziism The trouble with this topic is the only thing pro Israeli shills do is look for an opportunity to label any and all criticism of Israel as antisemitic in order to shut down the debate
  2. Are they on the path to peace and love? https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiqxJWKk7GBAxXPs1YBHZYVDtMQFnoECBEQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.timesofisrael.com%2Fpoll-1-in-3-germans-have-poor-view-of-israel-dont-see-responsibility-toward-jews%2F&usg=AOvVaw1CXsskhbJnhYE-Nal0_HCx&opi=89978449
  3. ????‍♂️ At last, bit of common sense. Of course Ehud Barak's opinion is infinitely superior to mine on this topic. Correct, I have stated the Israel is heading towards the evil's of nazism. I've never said that they would arrive there, nor that they would even get close - just that they are clearly headed in the wrong direction (as the recent internal fighting amongst Israeli's and multiple inconclusive elections indicates).
  4. No true. I can sympathise with you guys though, it really is impossible to defend the actions of Israel using logic, reason, common sense and facts. The consistency with which you guys avoid answering direct questions , outright lie and revert with puerile false ad hominem "antisemitism" accusations is something to behold. The inanity of your collective responses explicitly exposes the weakness of your positions. ????????????
  5. So why has former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak warned that Israel is in danger of becoming a fascist theocracy? Do you think you have a better understanding of Israeli politics than Ehud Barak?
  6. Geez, you must be leading a fulfilling life to be wasting time on garbage like this.
  7. Like your fellow pro Israel shills here, your excitement and exuberance at the opportunity to label someone / anyone antisemitic has befuddled your comprehension skills. I never suggested Israel (‘s behaviour) is equivalent to nazism - I clearly stated Israel is on a path that leads exactly in the direction towards Nazism (because they are). Park your false outrage and manufactured indignation, global opinion on Israel is that it has become (or is on the verge of becoming) a fascist theocracy that daily commits human rights abuses against the Palestinian people.
  8. And I’ve provided two links to articles detailing Israel’s lurch towards fascism - what’s more both articles cite reputable Israeli’s and are published in Israeli media. Why would you think Israel is not fascist?
  9. Facts, doubling down on facts. Nothing has done more harm to Jews since the end of WW2 than the free pass that has been given to them because of holocaust guilt. Israel is in an unhealthy state with inner turmoil escalating day by day as the decent folk become more and more outraged at the actions of the conservative nutters who have a stranglehold on the state. Try and argue your case, make your points and refute untruths without resorting to base claims of antisemitism - you’ll be better off for it and may even learn a thing or two.
  10. A better question would be “Why does former Israeli PM Ehud Barak believe the Israeli government is showing signs of fascism?” https://www.timesofisrael.com/ehud-barak-govt-shows-signs-of-fascism-mass-non-violent-revolt-may-be-needed/amp/
  11. True, but they are the top tier fascists and thus the final destination for all those that embark on that journey (as Israel has). Ducklings don’t grow up to be swans.
  12. Why would I do that? I am inclusive by nature so starting threads that you’d be too afraid to comment in goes against my principles.
  13. That’s exactly where fascism leads though. https://www.timesofisrael.com/tel-aviv-mayor-warns-israel-heading-toward-a-fascist-theocracy/amp/
  14. Muckraking nonsense. The Republican Party is broken. The inmates have taken over the asylum. MAGA is destroying America If Biden we’re 20 years older and 10 times more senile he’d still be a better option than Trump.
  15. I feel for the pro coup Westerners. 20 years of claiming Thailand had to have coup after coup to rid the land of evil Shinawatra corruption. And now what? Thaksin was out of power for 10 years and yet corruption has not abated. Who to blame? It must be very confusing for them now that Thaksin and the military are on the same team. How to rid the land of corruption. Another coup? If so by who? Surely by now, even these cowardly pro coup Westerners can see that democracy is the answer. Coups are undertaken to ensure corruption continues.
  16. The irony is off the charts. 30 years of Republican policies have destroyed the white middle class by funnelling more and more wealth into the hands of the wealthy whilst simultaneously gutting the government of all but the bare necessities, and the net result - the angry whites blame all their woes on abortion and transgenderism as they continue to blindly vote for a man who is only going to do them more harm. The fentanyl epidemic amongst poor whites makes nothing but sense to me.
  17. Just put it in the list of things to be done once MF are in power after the next election.
  18. Resist? What exactly would be the urge to cut costs whilst expenses rise? A race to bankruptcy? Seems to me the only thing that needs resisting is the urge to raise prices.
  19. Do I think Goldman Sachs have any idea about anything in the year 2075? No. Perhaps you should do a little bit of reading on the predictions for the Japanese economy made in the 1980’s.
  20. Nonsense. https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2015/may/05/can-a-second-placed-party-in-an-election-legitimately-call-the-shots
  21. That was the system in place prior to the election. It is a <deleted>ty system but that does not mean the resulting government is illegitimate or unelected. Had the Thai people voted for Move Forward in greater numbers then they would be the government now.
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