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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Correction - they were clearly elected. It may be a substandard system but this government legitimately put together a majority coalition and managed to overcome the inbuilt hurdles to be sworn in.
  2. What is the topic of this thread if not the vagaries of the Thai judicial system and the injustice it meets out? I understand that you would like to limit the discussion to an extremely narrow bandwidth that consists of nothing other than “Thaksin bad” so as to unburden yourself from the need to be rational, factual and consistent in your pronouncements, sadly, this is not how discussion, debate or argument work, you’ll just have to find another way to avoid answering the legitimate questions posed by those not aligned with your “but, but Thaksin” nonsense.
  3. Why does this particular situation piss you off and not, say, the school kids that are currently locked up in real jail cells simply for exercising free speech? Why doesn’t the fact that all those guilty of conducting coups have never set foot in jail never bothered you? During the elite funded and controlled street protests to oust Yingluck the “popcorn shooter” shot four people of which one died. The guy confessed and was sentenced to 30+ years of jail only for the corrupt courts to then acquit him on appeal (after confessing?) and release him. He was later retried and ultimately he served less than 6 years for murder. How is it that people are so dimwitted to not see the dangers of supporting a corrupted judiciary because it pursues a those they disagree with and protects those they agree with. Your silence on this issue whilst the pro coup forces were benefitting from their control of the courts makes your commentary on the leniency shown to Thaksin now not only extremely hypocritical but also null and void.
  4. ...attempt to overthrow the democratic system. ???????????? What democratic system?
  5. No you’re not, you’re interest in nothing but MAGA nonsense - it appears to be an identical syndrome to the “but, but Thaksin” brigade numpties.
  6. An impeachment inquiry based entirely on lies will not bother MAGA cultists one iota. They will instead cheer it on and beg for more. Devotion to the cause are all these poor souls have left. Their ignorance and gullibility may yet bring the whole show crashing to the ground.
  7. Overstating the threat of war with China is supporting what?
  8. What’s your point? Agreed, the US are doing the right thing by funding Ukraines defence, however, beating the war drum over silly China war claims is just greedy “merchants of death” trying to further line their own pockets.
  9. You think China is going to war with its BRICS partner? ”Attacks” is a bit of hyperbole. It’s a border dispute where both countries have agreed not to use guns so they are beating each other with sticks. Isn’t it interesting how you label China / India stick fighting border issues an attack yet dismiss Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands out of hand - ignoring facts to justify personal opinions is puerile. Chinas actions towards the smaller states over the claimed 9 dash/line border are pure theatre for the domestic market. Chinas domestic issues preclude it from unnecessary international entanglement. Xi has seen the mess Putin is in and is in no hurry to make the same mistake.
  10. ???????????? The US has given the Ukraine over $75 billion in 18 months. The US have given the Ukraine plenty, their complaints are more about the type of weapons the US won’t supply. The situation also shows how greedy the military industrial conflict has become after 20 of continuous war to gorge themselves on.
  11. China’s external aggressiveness if for internal politics - nothing like stirring up nationalist sentiment to distract from domestic woes. Has China attacked any nations? With their current economic woes and population time-bomb ticking away, China - the home of Sun Tzu isn’t going to war against anyone.
  12. Irrational, unless the alternative is Trump, then it makes perfect sense.
  13. China has no interest in going to war with the US. After the Afghanistan withdrawal, with no current wars, how to keep funnelling money into the military industrial complex coffers? The Ukraine just ain't enough, so we get this China nonsense.
  14. What a ridiculously sad state of affairs. Boomers being boomers Worst generation ever.
  15. ???????????? Is this Biden posting under a pseudonym? Scroll up dude.
  16. Let's not forget the countless polls showing the majority of Americans think the bloke is more than a few sandwiches short of a picnic. The wisdom of crowds should not be underestimated. The current situation reeks of a repeat of ailing RBG's selfish insistence on not retiring whilst Obama was in office - look how that turned out for Democrats. Trump's only chance at winning is against Biden and Kamala - why give him that chance.
  17. ….the by-election which took place after the removal of Move Forward’s Nakhonchai Khunnarong after it was revealed that he had previously been convicted of theft charges Yet the drug smuggler not only remains but is also a minister. ????????????
  18. Yes and yes. https://www.axios.com/2023/09/05/biden-poll-age-economy-concerns-2024-election
  19. What a weird argument to make. Do you think there is no correlation between age and senility? How many senile 12 year olds have you heard of? Not all elderly people are senile, but most certainly nearly all senile people are elderly. Biden is well on the way to full vegetable status, not uncommon for a human being entering their eighth decade of existence.
  20. 73% of Americans, when polled, say Biden is not fit to run again - why do you think this is the case? 73% of Americans are not republicans, so what’s up? What was it you wrote in the Abbas thread… if it quacks like a duck???
  21. I don’t recall doing so. Biden running again is a risky gamble. The potential consequences of a return of Trump to the presidency are dire for America, the world and democracy. If Biden is unable to spar in a primary what on earth makes anyone think he can get back into the ring with Trump? Pretty much three quarters of American voters believe Biden is to old, not because of ageism, but because of what they see and hear as he shuffles about mumbling to himself. The one absolute certainty between now and election day in 2024 is that Biden is only going to get older, slower and more demented, assuming of course, that he even survives that long.
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