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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. No sitting American president has participated in primary debates since Gerald Ford did. Ford was of course unelected as both vice president and president. He was challenged in the primary by some upstart named Ronald Reagan. Ford didn't wuss out - he fronted up and although he lost the general election to Jimmy Carter it worked out well for the Republicans who bundled Carter out after one term and then held the Whitehouse for 12 years with Reagan and Bush.
  2. Are you claiming there have been and will be no Republican debates during their 2024 primary? Pointless link.
  3. "Hiding" or behaving responsibly during a pandemic that killed millions around the globe?
  4. At a guess, the people replying to my posts seem to care - why else would they waste their time? ????????????
  5. It is cowardly to not hold a Democrat primary, why hide from the voters especially when there is so much concern about the old fellas capacity to see through another four year term. If a vote for Biden is really a vote for Kamala then people have the right to know that before the cast their vote. Is it really a choice if the voters have no say in who the presidential candidates will be?
  6. And if there is no Democrat primary the voters do what?
  7. The world knows the things Thaksin was charged (and convicted) for were ho hum run of the mill everyday events in Thailand and he was only targeted for political purposes. For the past 20 years the yellow side has been getting off scot free and not a peep out of you on how the legal system is being used as a plaything of the rich. Murderer after murderer walks free and you guys lose the plot over a jaywalker. What an astounding level of hypocrisy. Where is your outrage at the school kids who still wallow in real jail cells for exercising free speech? The absurdity of the Thaksin obsession by nutters is truly being exposed now that Thaksin has effectively switched sides and left the lot of them looking like absolute fools. Why on earth does anyone care how this “jail time” charade plays out anyway, especially when anyone who wasn’t 100% supporting Move Forward is partly to blame for the situation.
  8. PT are in government, they have the PM role and the choicest ministries, Thaksin is back in Thailand and soon to be a free man and Paetongtarn is about to be parachuted into the party leader position….,could you explain again how they’ve failed or lost?
  9. Biden’s mental decline is abundantly obvious and completely unrelated to anything about Donald Trump. 73% of American voters agree he is too old (read senile) to run for re-election. Biden, like McConnell and Feinstein, is very very old and therefore, day by day, becoming more and more physically and mentally diminished. It is not a debate, it is fact. BTW - this thread is about Pelosi, yet here you are commenting off topic ???????????? seems your excuse to avoid certain questions in other threads is just bs.
  10. And thus we see how the seeds of fascist dictatorships are sown.
  11. It’s not so much that he’s old, it’s more the fact that he’s senile. His team has done well but he will not win re-election if he has to front up to a non Covid lock down election. Stepping aside for generational change is the best he can do now.
  12. No need for me to repeat what countless journalist have already written and what 73% of American voters believe.
  13. I’ve watched a lot of Simpsons episodes - Biden has morphed into Mr Burns before our very eyes.
  14. Bernie’s time has come and gone. AOC, we’ll, at least there’s some hope for the future
  15. Huh? Not sure what point you’re trying to make but if your position is that Joe has all his faculties then you, my friend, are in denial. The guy is frail, stiff, stilted, confused, befuddled…. and this is on a good day.
  16. Although it’s called the Biden administration is Joe actually the one steering the ship? Kermit the Frog without Jim Henson’s hand up his ass is just a green sock.
  17. Another four years of Joe would be very “Weekend at Bernie’s” - the fact that it’s a possibility just reiterates how goddamn awful (and insane) Trump was.
  18. You don’t think America is being mismanaged? ???????????? The country is at a crossroads akin to 1968. The Democrats are garbage; the only ones who make any sense - Bernie and AOC, are sidelined by their own party. And the Republicans…these nutters are so bad they make the Democrats seem halfway decent. The future looks incredibly grim which is bad news for the entire free world.
  19. You overestimate the average person’s willingness and ability to bother with the intricacies and finer details. For the majority of people, for better or worse, the terms Israeli and Jew are 100% interchangeable. If Israel was a real partner for peace and genuine supporter of a fair two state solution do you think Abbas would be making these types of comments in public? If Israel’s actions are contributing to Abbas making public antisemitic comments which in turn increase the likelihood of others then becoming increasingly antisemitic then Israel’s actions are likely leading to more antisemitism in the world.
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