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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Correct. Hamas are hardliners compared to Fatah. Abbas has to avoid being seen as weak lest he also lose control of the West Bank. Thus, he makes the nonsense comments this article is about. Similarly, China’s Wolf Warrior diplomacy is about domestic politics more than anything else.
  2. What’s your point? Let’s ignore rape because murder is occurring? The decent thing to do is denounce crimes against humanity, not minimise and deflect away from them. Palestinian terrorism needs to stop regardless of what is occurring in Myanmar or Yemen - why can’t you say the same about Israel?
  3. I’m on to you guys. Always oh so desperate to play the victim and feign outrage when losing an argument. You’ll notice, that for this very reason, I added “that would be” to my post. There was nothing more certain than your response would be fake outrage at supposed “disgusting, sleazy” comments. Cut the bullsh!te and answer the question you continually avoid - What is your point in downplaying Israeli atrocities?
  4. Unlikely. Post WW2 saw global decolonisation and the end of the British Empire, not to mention the rapid economic growth of oil rich Arab states.
  5. What’s your point? Is it that, in your book, every Israeli atrocity short of holocaust equivalency is acceptable? What a wonderful, moral, ethical and humane position to hold that would be.
  6. Planned, but never eventuated until after the holocaust. Perhaps you should look up the Balfour Declaration. https://www.britannica.com/event/Balfour-Declaration
  7. I am sure every Israeli has seen many many such images and worse…, kind of begs the question “How can they now support a state that treats other human beings so atrociously” having suffered so badly themselves. There are of course, many exceptions
  8. Nonsense. If there were no holocaust there would be no Israel.
  9. Thaksin will be working full time with his new military allies to keep Move Forward out of power - get out of jail free cards aren’t free.
  10. Do you have to strap on some boots and take to the field to support your favourite football team?
  11. How pathetic one has to be to believe that efforts to help societies most disadvantaged and vulnerable group shouldn’t be undertaken because one’s feelings might be hurt.
  12. Why do we allow the young to be paid less than minimum wage? Why do we allow the rich to avoid tax to the point that they pay less than the poor? Why do we allow religious institutions to discriminate against homosexuals in their hiring practices? Why are you willing to offer a helping hand to one disadvantaged group - the disabled but not another group - aborigines?
  13. Just imagine the possibilities for the type of society Thailand could become if there wasn’t so much damn corruption. It is a tragedy that a country with so much natural wealth that is so ideally located has so much unnecessary poverty and deprivation.
  14. I’ve found that most of those who harp on about ad hominem attacks on internet forums are more the “cry to the umpire and try to get the other person kicked out of the game because you can’t beat them fair and square” types.
  15. You appear to be far too thin skinned to be on internet forums, every second post is you crying about your hurt feelings. Either harden up or give it a miss.
  16. It’s a two way street my friend, there are religious nutters on both sides who believe those opposed need to be destroyed. Religion poisons everything!
  17. I am saying Abbas made these comments because of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands. I very much doubt he believes what he has said, it is simply human nature to demonise one’s enemies. Russians are calling Ukrainians Nazis and Ukrainians are calling Russians Orcs. The days of shutting down opposition and questioning of Israel’s horrid treatment of the Palestinian people by simply labelling people “anti-semetic” are coming to an end. There are vast numbers of Jewish people that are absolutely appalled at the crimes the state of Israel is committing on a daily basis. Israel is coming apart at the seams as a great many of it’s citizens are appalled at the extreme right government’s policies. It beguiles me to think that a people that were the victims of mankind’s worst crime, the holocaust, are now perpetrating such evil, vicious, barbaric and inhumane abuse upon fellow human beings.
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