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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Not true. I do what I can and am supportive of government policies to do more. The fact is, individuals cannot have much impact individually - such a large problem requires mass effort across the globe and such efforts require government leadership.
  2. If convicted felons lose the right to vote, should they not also lose the right to be on the ballot?
  3. Nonsense. They can lead by example and they can fund R&D.
  4. Americas economy would be crippled without the influx of cheap labour - that is why big business wants (and get) an open border.
  5. Why can’t I solve climate change without government involvement - well, that would be for the same reasons I didn’t invent and distribute my own Covid vaccine. What a ridiculously stupid question.
  6. Do you think that the young and the old should be treated the same? Do you think the rich and the poor should be treated the same? Do you think that the industrious and the lazy should be treated the same? Do you think that the able bodied and disabled should be treated the same? Do you think that straight people and homosexuals should be treated the same? Do you think the religious and the non religious should be treated the same? Your crocodile tears about “race in the constitution” are fooling no one.
  7. You think everyone plays by the same rules and is judged by the same rules? ???????????? I remember back in the early 2000’s in Darwin the NT News compared two criminal cases on the front page: 1. A white woman was convicted of stealing several hundred thousand from her employer 2. An aboriginal man was convicted of stealing a packet of biscuits from the corner store Guess who went to jail for 12 months and who got the good behaviour bond?
  8. Trump is a moron. Biden is clearly senile. McConnell is in worse shape than both. America needs generational change ASAP before it’s too late to properly address climate change.
  9. You obviously have no understanding of the history of referendums in Australia. No referendum has ever passed without bipartisan support. The majority of Australians wanted to become a republic in 1999 - yet the Liberals fear mongering was able to shoot that vote down. Why is Dutton promising another referendum on this matter if this one is defeated?
  10. Perfect example of what’s wrong with the world - peanuts punching down whilst getting bent over from those above and being too stupid to see the reality of the situation.
  11. How does that compare with the $800 million lost on the French Submarine deal? or How does that compare with the $12 billion fossil fuel subsidies we annually pay to our largest corporations (which are all at least partially if not majority foreign owned)? The Voice offers the possibility of significantly improving the lives of hundreds of thousands of Australians - money well spent in my book. You think the least advantaged group is going to leapfrog “above others”. I bet you’re one of those people who voted against marriage equality because “next up, people will be marrying animals” How sad.
  12. Why haven’t these things happened? No one is surprised that you dodged the question. I’ll try again. What do you lose? What harm is done?
  13. A Voice to Parliament is consistent with international human rights standards, and would provide for better human rights protections by promoting equality and self-determination for First Nations people. Your turn. What do you lose?
  14. Everyone should not be treated equally, and in fact aren’t. Only self loathing failures full of bitterness begrudge efforts to improve the circumstances of societies most disadvantaged. The stupidity of the deplorables on the right never ceases to amaze me - just how easily fooled these dupes are. Thanks to these morons we’ve had 30 years of trickle down economics that has succeeded only in concentrating wealth in the hands of the few and all but destroying the middle class. Directing you’re anger downwards will achieve nothing other than perpetuating the status quo.
  15. What do you lose if the constitution is changed to recognise indigenous Australians?
  16. There’s two reasons to vote for Trump? ????????????
  17. Quantify “so many aboriginals” - is it a majority that are opposed? Where did you get your data from? ”The government currently wastes billions” - list the top 3 things the government wastes money on and the amounts involved. Vague, made up bullsh!te appears to be all the No voters have in their arsenal.
  18. What a conundrum for the dimwitted racists - having to argue that racism is bad to further their racist agenda.
  19. Impunity for the rich is the very reason why the rich have supported the suppression of democracy in Thailand. The fact that it is now being so frequently called out is proof of progress…, Thailand continues to move forward.
  20. Hard pressed to think of any reason not to trust them. ????????????
  21. This, Pheu Thai and the military, is a marriage of convenience that simply cannot last. The upside though, is that every minute this nonsense continues it only increases the vote for Move Forward.
  22. Name a Thai PM that doesn’t. If you can’t, then what’s your point?
  23. What does the purchaser of a Thai Elite Visa get? 20 years of…..
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