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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Is that what you do when you and/or your loved ones are attacked, robbed, assaulted, murdered…?
  2. Knock off the feigned offence. 1. I posed a question of why, contrary to the norm, the underdog David (Palestine) was not the recipient of the majority of support 2. You responded by saying, to effect, the Palestinians aren’t receiving support because Abbas was running his mouth 3. I replied that would be a piss weak excuse to support the other side - Goliath 4. You had a hissy fit Someone does indeed need to get a grip.
  3. Pretty piss weak excuse to support state sponsored atrocities.
  4. As it stands, the Palestinians have two choices: 1. Die in silence 2. Die fighting Hypothetically,if the Palestinians were to go full Gandhi - nothing but non violent protest and also dropped all of the religious and bigoted rhetoric - what would that achieve for them? Would the rest of the world step in to impose peace in the Middle East or would it simply allow Israel to accelerate the theft of the remaining land? Normally, in any David v Goliath situation, it is David that garners overwhelming support - why is it not so here?
  5. Here we are, in the early days of the Thaksin - Military coalition and the rabid Thaksin haters / closeted junta lovers really do seem perplexed…????????????. What a conundrum. If Thaksin was the dastardly villain behind government corruption, so bad that normal democracy loving farang had no choice but to support coups and dictatorship to rid the country of this evildoer, then why oh why, after 9 years of military rule is there still so much corruption? The little hamster wheels in their craniums must be spinning out of control. And now Thaksin and the military are on the same team…, how on earth are these poor farang to justify their pro fascist beliefs. ????????????
  6. The Palestinians are in a tough spot; remain silent and docile in the face of what is effectively a slow motion genocide being perpetrated upon them or resort to terrorism which, ultimately, only harms their own cause. The fault lies with the rest of the world that continues to turn a blind eye to the ongoing injustice of Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people and theft of their land. The Germans, more than any others, should recognise what is occurring and be at the vanguard of calls for an immediate two state solution.
  7. Right age profile though ain’t he. ????????????
  8. There’s a lot of crazy on the fringe of the left. The right is crazy, full stop. Bill Maher has turned into a grumpy old man - he’s now the conservative old fuddy duddy he riled against in his youth. Nothing funnier than grandpa Bill defending Biden’s age.
  9. The day you turn 75 - you’re done. Mandatory retirement. Trump is a moron. Always has been.
  10. This guy has less remaining marbles than Biden. Hard and fast 75 year age limit for all elected and appointed offices needs to be the next amendment to the constitution. These bloody boomers refuse to let go of the steering wheel.
  11. I dare say a great deal more than those that care what you think.
  12. Can you read? Who said anything about people having died from climate change?
  13. Climate change can be the most important issue for young voters even if voter turnout from that group is zero. Correlation/Causation Fallacy: If two things appear to be correlated, this doesn't necessarily indicate that one of those things irrefutably caused the other thing.
  14. Yes they do. 1. it is the young who get sent to war to die 2. the young are going to outlive the old and therefore will suffer the negative effects of climate change for many years more than the old. Surprise, surprise - you’re wrong again.
  15. The youth vote in the 2020 election was the highest since the 1972 election. 1. Vietnam war 2. Climate change Both issues that disproportionately impact the young.
  16. No. The litany of lies and conspiracy nonsense only sums up how factually weak the No campaign is. Unfortunately it is much easier to smash something than it is to create something so it appears, to our shame, that the referendum will fail.
  17. Where and when did you get your degree in climatology?
  18. Sorry mate, I tend to stick to reality. Sell your Kool Aid elsewhere.
  19. There is more chance that it will fix things than doing nothing will, and if it doesn’t - then we’ve eliminated one option that doesn’t work and thus are better placed on our next attempt. The bitterness of the right is a self defeating sickness. I can’t help but think of the MAGA hat wearing numpties in the US constantly voting against healthcare for themselves and then going bankrupt the minute they get sick. Idiocy.
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