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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Rich Chinese / Russians etc. fleeing their homelands. 5 million baht to effectively buy citizenship (the right to live in Thailand) is a bargain.
  2. Semantics. It is a partial (87.5%) pardon. A commutation. Either way, end result is the same. He very shortly will be a free man. BTW - receiving a full pardon is not the same as being exonerated, in fact, admitting guilt and showing remorse are common prerequisites for receiving a pardon.
  3. Nonsense. Why waste the time and resources fighting the trumped up charges when you’ve effectively been handed a free pass? Only an idiot would choose otherwise.
  4. Nine years under Prayuth’s leadership and the Thai judicial system is still corrupt? Kind of makes one think this is the exact reason for the coup - maintain corruption levels that benefit the few at the expense of the many. Took you long enough to wake up to the bullsh!te eh?
  5. You obviously have zero understanding of where the fault lines of Thai politics have lain for the past 20 years. What sort of fool would fight anything in a rigged system? Better to live to fight another day, who knows, it could pan out that instead of serving 10 - 12 years in jail you just spend 10 - 12 weeks in a five star room. Pretty easy choice to make, don’t you think?
  6. Ignorance - the chief quality required by all junta lackey’s. I can already distill the essence of your posts 5 years from now: Thaksin and Prayuth = good Pita and Thanathorn = evil The above, you’ll plead as the absolute truth because “I was here at the time” and “everybody knows”. ????????????
  7. Look at you, discovering some scruples now that it is Thaksin and not a General, a Plutocrat or a Yellow Shirt benefitting from the rigged game. The man is 74 and just spent 17 years in exile - frontline politics isn’t on the agenda. How long until you junta lackey’s are singing Thaksin’s praise and reserving your nonsense posts for Pita and Move Forward?
  8. Patently false. Nothing is more certain than your inability to provide a shred of evidence in support of your ridiculous nonsense.
  9. Which of the following would you choose: 1. Travel the world, unfettered, for 17 years as a billionaire, return to Thailand at a time of your choosing, spend a week or two in a 5 star room and then receive a full pardon or 2. Spend 8 - 10 years in a Thai jail as whilst the country is run by your political enemies who are determined to destroy you and can operate outside any laws if and as they please Again, bit of a no brainer, don’t you think? Stay and fight the unjust charges? What, like Alexei Navalny did in Russia. Idiocy. It’s very unlikely Thaksin is grovelling on his belly in his 5 star room as his proxy is being installed as Prime Minister. Owl sees…. ????????????????
  10. Like a man? Get out of jail in a matter of days or stay locked up for 8 years…, bit of a no brainer. What sort of moron would choose 8 years? Owl sees very little, I would suppose.
  11. Many care. Most just can’t afford the consequences of speaking up. Don't worry, the tipping point is not far off.
  12. Are all the Thais that fled the junta and continue to live in exile in various locations around the globe guilty? It is you that needs to remove the glasses.
  13. What would you know? Nothing is more certain than Thaksin being pardoned in quick order. Will criticism of the pardon be deemed a breach of 112?
  14. Absolutely, irrefutably 100% correct. Thailand is on the cusp of irreversible generational change. What strange bedfellows, Pheu Thai and the Junta make… necessitated, of course by, the fact that there will be no more successful military coups in Thailand.
  15. What an interesting person you are. Thaksin = bad Prayuth = good Influencer = bad Stalker = good
  16. Nonsense! Peaceful coups? The threat of violence is not peaceful. A lot of people? Normal people? Why couldn’t the yellow side win an election then? The overwhelming majority of people in Bangkok supported Move Forward and Pita at the recent election - yet Move Forward are not the government and Pita is not the PM. Certainly looks as though your logic for supporting the coup doesn’t hold up.
  17. “Stronghold of the Democrat Party” Is there such a thing anymore?
  18. You’re obsession with Thaksin is bizarre. Now that Thaksin is back in charge, you are about to relive your experience of life under Thaksin - perhaps this time around you’ll be able to maintain some rationality and a reasonable level of perspective - probably not though. Isn’t the lesson here that coups are, in the long run, counterproductive? Coup after coup after coup, and the end result - Thaksin right back where he started.
  19. Au contraire. No individual, in the history of this nation, has been more responsible for uniting Thais than Thaksin. Firstly, during and after his initial administration, it was Thaksin who taught the people the power of their vote and in doing so built a vast, election dominating, united mass movement against the establishment. Secondly, by now betraying his supporters and democracy, it is Thaksin who has finally united Thais from all walks of life and from all socio-economic backgrounds behind Move Forward. There will be a Move Forward government after the next election, recent polling clearly indicates where popular support lays - thank you Thaksin.
  20. Who is Prayuth handing the leadership of Thailand over to? Wouldn’t be the “divisive and corrupt” Thaksin clan would it? Kind of makes the entire 9 year effort a worthless waste of time eh?
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