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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Who are you kidding? You’ve got nothing to say other than: 1. Israel = good 2. Palestine = evil 3. Anyone who disagrees = antisemite
  2. Nor are the murders of Palestinians committed by the state of Israel.
  3. You run in circles to avoid commenting on the reality that Israeli crimes against Palestinian’s increase the amount of antisemitism in the world.
  4. I have repeatedly condemned Abbas’ comments as well as Palestinian terrorism. You have run in circles to avoid commenting on the reality that Israeli crimes against Palestinians increase the amount of antisemitism in the world. Abbas’ comments have harmed the Palestinian cause just as Israel’s murderous and inhumane occupation of Palestine harms the Israeli cause. Stop hiding from the topic with unceasing avoidance and incessant false accusations of antisemitism.
  5. How is it false - there has never been a period without Israel violence against Palestinians to prove your assertion. Remove the cause of legitimate criticism and you will eliminate legitimate criticism. Excusionist?
  6. You need to sit a medical assessment and driving or riding assessment to keep your licence after a certain age. Public office should be the same as driving licences - prove your fitness after a certain age. Pelosi, Feinstein, McConnel, Biden and Trump should all be in a nursing home not running the country into the ground.
  7. Accusations of antisemitism have become an excuse for Israeli atrocities. Objections to Israeli domestic policies, settlements, occupation, or treatment of the Palestinians are political positions, not antisemitic slurs. This is true even when the criticism is harsh, controversial, or makes some people uncomfortable. Israel is a country like any other, and it deserves criticism like any other.
  8. “typical Islamic filth” How charming. In a thread overflowing with thin skinned sooks chomping at the bit to label anyone not an Israel sycophant as antisemitic why is this garbage not surprising.
  9. Money, or cost, has got to be the most pathetic “reason” there is to vote no. Post referendum, the cost of implementing and maintaining the voice is but a drop in the ocean of waste generated from Canberra. When taking into account that at least some of the money being spent will trickle down, in one form or another, into bettering the lives of the most disadvantaged group of Australians - to vote no over costs is either heartless and ignorant or simply being used as a more palatable excuse than the real reason one is voting no. Holding a referendum such as this during what are tough economic times for many Australians was a terrible idea - compassion and empathy shrink as one’s own circumstances worsen.
  10. No need to wonder. The reason “Joe” is leader of the free world is because Trump was such an awful failure as president that “Joe” beat him in the election.
  11. Back in 2015 I turned down a rather large bet at the last minute because it didn’t feel right to take so much money off a fool. This idiot thought Trump would beat Hillary in the presidential election. It was the best free lesson I’ve ever had. Trump won’t win in 2024, but I won’t be putting any money on it.
  12. Being Australian, I must say, I have thoroughly enjoyed the Brexit fiasco and do hope the nonsense continues on for many many years to come. Can’t see you clowns regaining the Ashes any time soon either. ????????????
  13. ???????????? Seems you’ve wandered off topic a touch here bro. Was it not you just now posting: You don't seem to be able to understand what keeping on topic means , people are not answering your questions because its off topic , can you not understand that ? Pretending Israeli atrocities are off topic to avoid admitting uncomfortable truths is weak as p!ss. In my opinion, the primary driver of anti Israeli sentiment in today’s world is Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, not all of the Elders of Zion garbage of yesteryear. Stop treating humans inhumanly and you’ll find most of the negativity will disappear overnight.
  14. Lies damn lies and statistics. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lies,_damned_lies,_and_statistics#:~:text="Lies%2C damned lies%2C and,to prove an opponent's point. Despite the fact that you obviously want these figures to be true so that you can carry on with your racist whinging - they’re not. The same sort of nonsense was rolled out by racist f#!$wits in 2016 and of course immediately debunked. https://theconversation.com/factcheck-qanda-is-30-billion-spent-every-year-on-500-000-indigenous-people-in-australia-64658
  15. What are you claiming - that Putin invaded the Ukraine to prevent ethnic cleansing? Utter nonsense The Trump cultist insane support of Putin has Reagan turning in his grave. As if America is ever going to spend $$$ anywhere other than the military industrial complex. Can’t argue with this.
  16. Yet you have no qualms about letting war mongers war (that is what Putin is doing isn’t it?)
  17. Says a lot about the poor character and intellectual limitations of the Americans you know.
  18. talking with you guys on this topic in painful. Jews can do no wrong. Never did anything wrong or could do anything wrong. Asking question is anti-semitic. You never bother to even explain the other side to any of these conflicts so there's no point of saying anything more.
  19. ???????????? Who do you think you are fooling? Israel and Palestine are intrinsically linked by the conflict over the land which they both claim ownership. Every interaction between these opposing sides is framed by the ongoing conflict. Both Palestinian terrorism and Israeli occupation atrocities are the horrid spawn of this fight for real estate. Whatever name calling or derogatory remarks the leaders of these two peoples hurl at the other camp are nothing more than an extension the conflict over land - to claim any different is ignorant idiocy. To suggest that the anti-semitism of the leader of the Westbank has nothing to do with the way Israeli’s oppress Palestinians takes the cake as the single dumbest thing uttered by anyone anywhere ever when discussing the Israel v Palestine conflict - congrats on that.
  20. Post a link to your views. ???????????? Of course you won’t because you have not posted your views on Israel’s crimes anywhere because you know they are indefensible. Another pathetic attempt at avoidance.
  21. Never had an incumbent president with so few remaining marbles though. Uncle Joes faculties are heading in one direction - south. Surely he drops out, to run and risk a second Trump presidency would be the most catastrophic error of the twenty first century.
  22. You neglect the impact of Ross Perot’s candidacy in this particular election.
  23. The whinging minority are the single brain celled racist Pauline Hanson voters who instead of taking accountability for their own failed lives spew hatred at vulnerable groups such as aborigines, immigrants and gays. Fingers crossed the Yes vote gets up.
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