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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Musk appears to have lost the plot, I cannot imagine he will live to a ripe old age. He should cash in, retire and enjoy life as much as he can before the final curtain call.
  2. Don’t discount envy. The Jews are a very successful people across many fields.
  3. F@$&ing Boomers, from all walks of life, simply refuse to step aside. Not happy and content with completely f@$&ing up the economy and the environment during their prime years, they now want to continue flogging the dead horse with their zimmer frames until we pass the point of no return. Mandatory retirement at 75 for all public positions.
  4. Why do you think speaking the truth is bashing Israel? Just because you guys are too ashamed to defend Israeli atrocities does not mean it is not relevant to this thread. Why did Abbas make these comments? From the article: His aim on such occasions is to dispute the connection between the Jewish people and modern-day Israel. Rights to the land lie at the core of the Israel-Palestinian conflict and are entwined with the historical narratives of both peoples. Why is Abbas unhappy about the presence of Israeli’s on Palestinian land…, could it be because Israel is committing atrocity after atrocity against a defenceless people - I think so. What on earth makes you think you can spout off about Abbas and Palestine without getting any return of service?
  5. Wrong. Israel is part of the topic. Just because you are too ashamed to discuss Israel’s ongoing crimes against the Palestinians doesn’t alter that fact.
  6. The difference between me and you is quite clear. I can condemn both Abbas’ words and Israel’s actions whilst you can only see Abass’ faults and are consciously blind to Israel’s. You lack honesty on this topic because, as you well know, the truth about Israel’s occupation is indefensible.
  7. So the reason that Abbas made the statement are off limits? ???????????? You're just digging the hole deeper. You would actually benefit Israel more by being honest, blind adherence to the cause will only lead to long term harm to Israel. Antisemitic accusations. It’s been over used to the point of being completely ineffective. Stop being so third rate, it’s achieving nothing.
  8. Condemning words and giving a free pass to actions that have resulted in a tremendous amount of misery, suffering and death is far far worse than what Abbas had done here. Shame.
  9. Are Abbas’ comments a response to Israeli crimes against his people? The transparency of your double standards is embarrassing.
  10. Oh, so Israel can be mentioned in this thread so long as the context suits you. Defending the indefensible is a tough task, even so, your efforts can only be described as abysmal.
  11. I am indeed a Caucasian Australian. Past crimes are past crimes - not much can be done about them now other than what has/is being done: acknowledge the wrongdoing, acceptance of the Mabo ruling, the apology and the upcoming Voice referendum. Israel is committing land theft as we speak so you’re not really comparing apples with apples are you.
  12. I to would be too ashamed to defend Israel’s mistreatment of Palestinians. I would however have the courage to admit it and not cowardly hide behind infantile excuses.
  13. Why are you mentioning Israel? I thought “Israel is not the subject of discussion” ????????????
  14. I can’t possibly imagine a single tenuous link between Abbas and Israel. ???????????? Linking Abbas and Israel is clearly about as silly as mentioning Biden whilst discussing Trump. It is hilarious how ridiculous you guys are. Ad hominem attack, trolling, ad hominem attack, trolling…, give it up mate, just take the L.
  15. Breaking news - a Palestinian is antisemitic How rare and unheard of. Does Israel have a history of oppressing Palestinians and stealing their land?
  16. Because you and your pals continually posted downplaying Israel’s brutality towards the Palestinians. There is no doubt Abbas made these untrue comments about Jews because of the extreme animosity that he has developed towards Israel due to the suffering of his people under occupation. Abbas is wrong to make such comments. Israel is wrong to brutalise the Palestinians Why is it so hard for you guys to call out unacceptable behaviour when you see it?
  17. Hey buddy, still got those comprehension issues eh? I can list pages of Israeli crimes, in fact, any 5 year old could do it - but why oh why can’t the pro Israeli numpties in this thread bring themselves to mention a single Israeli wrongdoing? Hmmm? “Stop feeding the troll” is just another pathetic attempt to avoid answering the question. Would Abbas be making such comments if Israelis weren’t stealing Palestinian land…, probably not.
  18. This thread is not about Myanmar or Lebanon. What wrongdoings should Israel stop doing? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/7/3/israeli-attack-on-jenin-a-new-war-crime-palestinians-say You’re continued avoidance of the question speaks volumes.
  19. Why so afraid of talking about Israel’s wrongdoings? https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/
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