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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Not much blue. Tough to make a claim of ownership when you’ve barley been there for the last 2000 years.
  2. If there were no Israeli occupation, would Abbas have made these statements?
  3. Perhaps it is you that doesn’t understand the point you were making. There is a reason you compared Israel’s crimes to worse crimes instead of lesser crimes?
  4. Why appoint? Decentralize and have these positions elected.
  5. So you were minimising Israel’s crimes. Suppose person A is a rapist and person B is a murderer - what is the point, when discussing person A of raising person B? Stating A is bad but B is worse achieves what? Let us suppose person C has never committed a crime. Why did you choose to compare A with B instead of comparing A with C?
  6. Why do you think Abbas made those comments? Why do you think he would make derogatory comments about Jews instead of say the Nepalese or Fijians? PS - Better take a minute to put your thinking cap on, it’s a very tricky question with an extremely high difficulty level.
  7. Agreed. Best to work within your limitations and stick to twisting your own words.
  8. Why did you compare Israel’s crimes with the crimes of others?
  9. What did you say? What point were you trying to make by comparing Israel’s crimes to the crimes of others?
  10. “Higher standard”? ???????????? You’re accepting of Israeli crimes because “worse crimes are being committed by others” What a perfectly moral and logical stance to take.
  11. It is dishonest to portray the creation of the state of Israel in such simplistic terms. What exactly is the Israeli’s right to the land they’d been absent from for how long? Why doesn’t Israel agree to a partition along the green line with agreed upon land swaps now?
  12. Of course we’re both just speculating. Do you think if the Palestinians stopped resisting Israel would stop stealing land? My guess, they’d just take the land quicker. Is it better to die on your feet than live on your knees? Fortunately for me, I’ve never been faced with such a stark choice so I can’t really answer.
  13. “So called Palestinians”? Israel has never accepted the green line. Both sides (mostly Israel though) bear some responsibility for the current situation. The type of fanaticism expressed in your post is the chief reason there has been no peace.
  14. It is a false equivalence. The holocaust is without doubt clearly the low point of humanity. Here’s a question though - what current situation in the world today is most comparable to the holocaust? For me, two spring to mind: China’s treatment of the Uyghur’s Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian’s The West is all but silent on both. Why?
  15. Surely Biden is not going to run in 2024. There has to be a plan in place to “control” the Democrat primary to ensure they get the nominee of choice when he drops out. Newsom? If Biden were running, surely Hunter would plead this thing ASAP to limit the damage. If they screw this up and Trump gets back in god knows what awaits the world.
  16. Would it? Who’s to say that the minute they stop resisting that they don’t get steamrolled and wiped from existence? It really is quite the dilemma. Any solution is going to have to come from the outside - neither Israel nor Palestine will ever be able to overcome their own internal hardliners.
  17. So Abbas should censor himself and ignore internal Palestinian politics to simply focus on placating the Israeli’s? What good has placating the Israeli’s ever done?
  18. Without such remarks, would he remain leader of his “country”? I see you cowardly avoided answering the question posed in the previous post. ????????????
  19. Not a long term winner but no doubt provides a morale boost for his long suffering people. Again, what are his choices? Without such comments would he be deemed weak by his people and lose his leadership role? Do his words cause more harm in the world than Israeli apartheid policies?
  20. Comprehension deficiencies + victim mentality = childish nonsense.
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