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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Kuhn Prayuth isn’t there… he will not ensure the formerly exiled alleged criminal is arrested and taken to jail.
  2. Where is Prayuth? The disgraced General spent half his life as the lapdog of the establishment keeping Thaksin out of power and out of Thailand and now….Thaksin’s party is back in power and Thaksin is back in Thailand.
  3. PT always had a foot in each camp. For the average citizen, for 20 years, PT were the least worst option. Now they’re not. If you lend a person some money and they don’t give it back, you can spend the rest of your days wallowing in bitterness over the lost cash, or you can chalk it up as the price you paid to learn not to trust that person. Thaksin and PT have done their voters a favour - they’ve made it crystal clear where they stand in regards to democracy and the establishment. Next election, PT voters have all the info they need to make their votes count - ball is in their court.
  4. All that could be true, but without Thaksin, the masses may never have been awoken to the power of their voice and their vote. Would there be an election winning MF party in 2023 if not for successes of Thaksin’s early 2000’s governments? No. There is a lot of nonsense going on around the world nowadays with statues being torn down and institutions / buildings being renamed simply because the great men of yesteryear where not perfect. All in all, Thailand and the Thai people are better off in that Thaksin involved himself in Thai politics. It is a sad (though predictable) ending, but a worthwhile contribution nonetheless. DeKlerk Gorbachev Habibie Zedillo Shinawatra
  5. This post does nothing but illustrate your ignorance on the 2016 referendum.
  6. Once the vote for PM is concluded - the Senators become powerless. There is a chance that this entire melodrama is actually Jedi level game theory by MF and PT.
  7. Nothing supports the establishment more than regurgitating nonsense Thaksin junta propaganda. This is obvious to all reasonable and rational individuals.
  8. The classic response of a dupe. Yeah, Thaksin is the problem not the entrenched establishment that has deliberately created the one of the most unequal societies on the globe.
  9. To speak up comes at great personal cost ranging from threats against oneself and family through to incarceration (let’s not forget bodies have been found in the Mekong). It takes a mass movement to effect change. Be patient, the finale is not that far off.
  10. Correct. Thaksin is the pathetic excuse used, for 20 years, to support coup after coup by people who should know better. Cowards too timid to own their political views built a straw man out of Thaksin. Whatever nonsense these numpties ascribed to Thaksin as justification for supporting the vile anti democracy side they conveniently overlook that their beloved tyrants are all guilty of a hundred times more than Thaksin ever was/is. They won’t charge Thaksin for the drug war as they know, should the truth come out, it is them who are the guilty parties. They won’t charge Thaksin for Tak Bai as they know, should the truth come out, it is them who are the guilty parties. Thaksin isn’t the devil, he is more likely than not one of the cleanest and least corrupt PM’s Thailand has ever had. Westerners who have supported the overthrowing of elected governments, unelected regimes and anti democratic constitution rewrites are fooling no one but themselves if they think anyone with an IQ above 2 buys their cowardly “but, but Thaksin” nonsense.
  11. What is the number one argument all the closeted pro junta losers made in supporting coups and juntas in Thailand over the past 20 years?
  12. So the coup installed junta that overthrew Thaksin did not charge Thaksin with any crimes in relation to the drug war and suppressed the findings of their investigation. Do you think your constant drivel about Thaksin being the devil incarnate is based on facts or personal bias in spite of the facts?
  13. If you think Thaksin was the driving force behind the drug war then you are utterly clueless on the topic. Ditto Tak Bai.
  14. Huh? You make no sense? If the murders were extra judicial then the murderers can’t be charged? Bit silly mate.
  15. Why no charges? Why no convictions? Why, according to you, has Thaksin been given a free pass for multiple murders? Post a link. ????
  16. No it doesn’t. Please provide some info or links about the charges laid against Thaksin for thousands of extra judicial killings. If they charged him for things such as tax avoidance and abuse of power, then surely they wouldn’t have overlooked mass murder would they?
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