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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Closeted pro junta numpties always, always, always follow the same sad sorry pathetic path of nitpicking the tiniest imperfection in democratically elected politicians whilst completely ignoring the plethora, the abundant almost limitless deficiencies and criminality of those that they really support - unelected, right wing, anti-democracy nutters. Who would I want? That is an incredibly easy question to answer - the person/party that wins a free and fair election (i.e. the choice of the Thai people)
  2. Your comment about Pita not being the kind of person you would want as PM is entirely meaningless if, as far as you’re concerned, all Thais are not the kind of person you would want as PM. Why did you even bother posting such nonsense?
  3. That’s an incredibly high bar you’ve set as to the kind of person you would want to see as PM. Can you give us one or two names of the people you think ARE the kind of person you want to see as PM?
  4. Pauline Hanson becoming popular? She was, and still is a fringe racist halfwit. One Nation has never achieved double digit support in any federal election and, in most of those elections, has received much less than five percent. It’d be interesting to hear what your definition of popular is. Did Trump win the last US presidential election? ????????????
  5. …and then the junta would just throw their arms up in the air, concede defeat, pack up their camos and submit to a civilian government with Pita as PM. ????????????
  6. Oh, if only it weren’t for the shares then Pita would be PM already. See how stupid that sounds. The shares are irrelevant.
  7. The shares are irrelevant. The EC and the CC do as they please to achieve the juntas desired ends. The shares are irrelevant.
  8. Any educated individual knows that being “squeaky clean” would not have prevented what was done to Pita by the dinosaurs.
  9. No anger, simply that you come across as someone who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Are “objectivity and balanced arguments” really called for here… a parent showing some pride in their kid? When you smell flowers, do you look for a coffin?
  10. You have no idea what Thaksin is imagining. I am beginning to believe there is about to be one hell of a plot twist coming. What’s with the Kings sons all of a sudden showing up? Curiouser and curiouser.
  11. Why does such an innocuous article arouse the need in so many losers to crawl out of their holes and denigrate Thais. Live and let live.
  12. Defending the indefensible merely to support your opinions. Sad. What is important, what you want or what the Thai people voted for?
  13. 38% of the peoples PARTY LIST votes. 28% of the CONSTITUENCIES (112 out of 400 - equal with PT) 30% of the total lower house seats (151 out of 500)
  14. It really is bizarre that Thaksin would align with those responsible for the political persecution of not just him, but also many members of his family, for two decades. What are the relatives of the dead from 2010 to think? Surely, logic (and decency), demands that Thaksin remain true to the original coalition, move to the opposition benches with MF and prepare for the inevitable early election. Hard to fathom why he would not take the opportunity to exert vengeance on those that drove him from his homeland that a crushing election victory by MF would deliver. I would suspect that there are still a great many twists and turns to play out in this farcical drama. Perhaps it still remains too early to settle on any final opinion about all of the involved players.
  15. Completely false analogy. Someone with 0.0035% ownership of a company has zero executive power in that company. Someone with 35% ownership of a company has a significant level control over said company. Pregnant is pregnant, full stop. Do you think Pita's 0.0035% ownership enabled him to use the (non operational) media company to his political advantage and distort the election outcome? ???? ???? ????
  16. Two decades ago conservative nutters were obsessed with getting Thaksin out of the country, nowadays those same conservative nutters are bent over with their trousers down begging Thaksin to come back and have his way. Things change. So laugh it up while you can because the penny shall soon drop for all the conservative nutter sycophants as they slowly realise that it’s over for militarism, despotism and dictatorship in Thailand. Tomorrow belongs to the youth and they have chosen democracy, freedom, liberty and the West. ????
  17. They didn’t vote for the people - they voted for the policies. Have you ever been betrayed and then been happy with those that betrayed you?
  18. This time it is very very different. The junta (mature adults????) are so weakened that they are reduced crawling on their knees begging Thaksin to save them. The trends in Thailand are all in one direction - towards democracy, towards freedom and towards liberalism. Conservatism, as practised by the Thai elites is over, finished, done and never to return. If you think PT forming government is a victory, you my friend, know very little.
  19. Certainly not constrained by morals, integrity, honesty or decency though.
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