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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Surprise, surprise, the Junta’s anti corruption commission is corrupt. MF will eventually take the reins, and then….oh the truths that will be revealed - it will be quite the spectacle.
  2. This is fascinating to watch play out. Conservatives, globally, are on the back foot in regards to popular support yet cling to power - mostly by either threatening or actually blowing up democracy and its institutions.
  3. He’s been out of the country for 17 years. 99% of his exile is over. He’ll be home soon enough, most likely within weeks (an imminent timeframe when measured against the aforementioned 17 years) all dependent, of course, upon how the PM voting plays out in the coming days. Do you think the many many Thais scattered across the globe in self imposed exile to avoid political persecution are wrong to be afraid of what awaits them whilst Thailand remains under junta rule?
  4. A lot of past experience with an uninformed and obedient public - neither of those descriptions still apply, particularly when it comes to the youth (an ever increasing demographic). If they could get away with a military coup, it would have already happened. Nowadays, Thaksin is their only hope to slow down the inevitable. A failed coup would ensure that the elites are upended root and branch as their last bargaining chip - a non violent transition, would no longer be an option. These cowards are too afraid to go all in on a certain loss.
  5. The date of his return is imminent. Perhaps days, maybe weeks, possibly months, nevertheless, it’s happening. The man is back, centre stage and there he’ll stay until MF finish him off. Don't be surprised if he shows up on a weekend just to rub salt into the losers wounds.
  6. If they command less than half the votes and a motion of no confidence is moved?
  7. 232, still 19 shy of the 251 required to pass legislation. Democrats, Prawit or Cobras ????????????
  8. The military are neutered. Yesterday’s heroes. Done and dusted.
  9. The fact that they are asking shows where the real power lays. Thaksin, ironically, is the old guards only hope to stave off real change for just a little bit longer - they need him more than he needs them. Those in positions of weakness cannot demand anything, they can only plea, beg and…, ask.
  10. It is a system that has been set up to thwart the democratic process - any fool can see that. Pita is not at fault and it is entirely disingenuous of you to suggest otherwise. Thailand will have the progressive government the people voted for, it’s just going to take a little time to arrive at the right destination. BTW - the new coalition has so far achieved less than Pita did in his attempts to form government…., one shouldn’t count their chickens before they hatch.
  11. What is the measure of success? Is it simply Prawit becoming PM, even if he is then ousted within 6 months by mass protests? Unless the right wing nutters can obtain power and actually govern the country for the majority of the 4 year term, then it is, and always will be, no more than an attempted coup.
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