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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. What are you going to do with yourself now? ???????????? Thaksin, having embraced the dark side, is no longer public enemy number one for the right wing nutter brigade…., he is now their saviour, the only chance they have to prevent MF sweeping into power and sweeping away the inbuilt systemic corruption, nepotism and inequality that has filled their grubby pockets for decades. Thaksin, via judicial corruption, will shortly have a squeaky clean criminal record and be the star attraction at all elite functions. What are you going to do with yourself now? ????????????
  2. Curiouser and curiouser… The court moves very very quickly in some instances and very very slowly in others. After MF has reformed 112 and the military, the courts will be next on the list
  3. Significant progress for Thailand. Next election will be MF v PT The extreme right has been obliterated.
  4. Four years or less - this’d all the time the old boys have left. Next election, it’s all over for them. Thanathorn or Pita will be PM. Thaksin will be lucky to win 30 seats. It is already game, set and match. Time to wheel the fat lady out and let her sing.
  5. Convenient piece of publicity whilst rumours swirl of Anutin potentially falling into the PM position. Too bad most Thais haven’t forgiven or forgotten the incompetent and corrupt Covid response.
  6. Huh? Multiple coups over nearly two decades and now…., a coup to install Thaksin? ????
  7. None of us are without sin. Has Thaksin been persecuted because of his electoral successes? The answer is clearly yes.
  8. God would tell the pair of them not to worry and move on as god would be far to busy dealing with the miles long queue of Thai Generals and plutocrats guilty of real crimes as opposed to fictional junta propaganda nonsense.
  9. That may be true, but it is ultimately meaningless and irrelevant to everyone but you. What will happen, will happen, regardless of some random foreigners feelings.
  10. Meddling or contributing? One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
  11. He only alienated the corrupt establishment elites who wished to continue eternally robbing the country and a few keyboard warrior farang peanuts. Wishing death upon a political foe is not a healthy mindset that enables rational consideration of facts and sound decision making.
  12. If there is any justice, then not far at all.
  13. What else were you expecting car yards to be full of?
  14. Everything is going better…, meanwhile in other news…
  15. Abhisit had the very same choice back in 2008. He chose the junta and the Democrats are now an inconsequential party on the verge of extinction. Thaksin knows Move Forward own the future, will he do the right thing for the country or will he seek to serve himself one last time? Interesting dilemma for such a duplicitous individual who has spent a lifetime playing both ends against the middle. It would be the ultimate irony should Thaksin’s last act in the theatre of politics be to side against democracy and destroy his own legacy.
  16. There is about 112 reasons why much can’t be said. Again, an ounce of knowledge about Thailand and a bit of common sense is all that is needed.
  17. Respectful to a bunch of greedy crooks who have had no hesitation in harassing, jailing and killing innocent everyday folk. He has been far too respectful.
  18. You underestimate the intelligence of the average Thai (and no doubt overestimate your own). Military coups in Thailand are now confined to the history books. A junta may attempt to come, but they will not succeed. The institutions that backed the previous coups have been terminally weakened and the minority of common folk supporters they did have, have either died off or have a foot in the grave already. In five to ten years the obituaries for those responsible for the coups since 2006 will be being written - all will be condemned as villains for eternity.
  19. You think Thais would accept another coup? Foolishness! The fact is the junta/elites have used up all their special cards and they have still lost. It is over. If Pheu Thai get flushed out as false supporters of democracy, all the better as it makes the voters choices in the next election crystal clear.
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