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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Look at the trends. Voters are moving further and further to the left. Pheu Thai’s “a foot in each camp” strategy is no longer viable since the establishment of a bonafide left of centre party in Future Forward. The accepted reasoning for PT’s poor showing in the recent election is that they didn’t separate themselves enough from the junta and allowed rumours of a coalition with Prawit to circulate. Demographic change is intensifying. Footage of yesterday’s Save 112 rally showed participants with an average age of about 137. The younger generations will control the outcomes of all upcoming Thai elections. Guess who the kids vote for?
  2. Elections aren’t plainly all rigged. Some are in tinpot countries, in the developed world however, results more or less always reflect the general will of the people. (Trump lost)
  3. Time will tell. Day by day the proportion of young voters increases and increases. Demography will slay the bastards.
  4. Mate, the shares are irrelevant, as was the cooking show appearance that undone Samak in 2008. If it wasn’t shares it would just be something else - facts don’t matter in a rigged system. FF will get there, eventually - and then they’ll clean house with much vigour, enthusiasm and glee. Thaksin’s time is over - he is no longer the best chance Thailand has of becoming a just and more equitable society, that mantle now belongs to FF. Pheu Thai may as well change their shirts from Red to Khaki now.
  5. It wasn’t a convincing electoral victory though, was it? FF only won 151 out of 500 seats…., 251 would have been convincing. Pheu Thai and their 141 seats aren’t fully committed to the cause. Is there any doubt they’ve been backdooring FF with the 250 junta poodles in the Senate?
  6. Impossible to be sure about what will occur in the future, the trend certainly indicates that is what will happen. Thailand and democracy have HISTORICALLY not belonged in the same sentence - things change.
  7. The best outcome for Future Forward (and Thailand) is for them to move to the opposition benches and let Pheu Thai reveal their true colours by joining with junta lackeys such as Anutin and the Democrats. FF will utterly destroy all these clowns in the next election and will be able to reform Thailand unhindered. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
  8. The poor should, instead of trying to change a system designed and built to keep them poor, embrace said system and they all will miraculously become rich without hurting anyone? Clueless is a far too gentle adjective for the foolishness you’re dribbling here.
  9. Genius, genius, genius. Silly me, here I was thinking that the Senators are risking all to deny Pita because they knew he would implement policies the would end their parasitic existence. Don't I feel like an idiot.
  10. I was wrong. You are not clueless. You are clearly a genius. Operating on a level us mere mortals cannot fathom. Yes, it would make absolutely zero difference to a single thing if Pita became PM. This is the very reason why the Senators refuse to vote for Pita - they don’t want some mug who is not going to even lift a finger to upend the status quo. ???????????? Once again, you have contradicted yourself.
  11. One word from one of two men and he’d have all 250 votes in an instant. Prawit wants to be PM so he won’t utter the order. What will the other do?
  12. Is Qaddafi still running Lydia? If not, why not? Is there still apartheid in South Africa? If not, why not? Is Viktor Yanukovych still president of Ukraine? If not, why not? Etc., etc., etc… Solidified their power? They're barely hanging on. They’re so weak that they’d gladly accept a Thaksin proxy as Prime Minister. If it comes to a street battle, the yellows will fold like a $2 deck chair in under five minutes. It is done, it is over…., all that is left is whether or not the cowards want to be humiliated before they’re tossed out. So nothing has changed, it appears that one is still very clueless.
  13. Anyone die in those 17 years fighting for democracy? Anyone go to jail in those 17 years fighting for democracy? Anyone flee the country into forced exile in those 17 years fighting for democracy? Nobody cares? More like somebody is clueless.
  14. They don’t care. This is typical of right wingers the world over - if they can’t get their own way, then blow up the system.
  15. Inflammatory? Fixing an unjust law that has been abused time and time again to oppress and intimidate people. There is a reason why MF won the election. Your post shows a distinct lack of awareness
  16. Back to the polls. Snap election time MF will win 376 seats by themselves. Giddy up.
  17. Did anyone do better than MF and Pita in the recent election?
  18. Nonsense. You cannot find any evidence or media reports that Thaksin’s trials were “fair and balanced” so you hide behind the silly trope that “it’s all been in these threads”. Every reputable media organisation reports the it was/is a political witch hunt based not on the law but on desperation to maintain power by a small group of unelectable swill. Post a link to a thread that contains the facts you insist exist - I bet you can’t. If you think that everything posted on these threads is accurate, factual, truthful, unbiased, fair and balanced……, we’ll ????. Are Thanathorn and Pita crooks too? It’s the same rigged system that was used to persecute Thaksin and any other democratically elected leader that has got in the way of the kleptocrats in this country that is pursuing these two newcomers. Your obsession with Thaksin is absurd. The guy was far from perfect but he was also far far better than all of the members and supporters of each and every junta - this obvious fact eludes you because to acknowledge the truth is to acknowledge your own beliefs, values and morals (your politics) are unpalatable to decent folk and therefore you continue to lurk in the inane “but but Thaksin” swamp of lies and self delusion that is fooling none but those who willingly choose to be fooled. You clearly know nothing about correctness and truthfulness. But, but Thaksin ????????????
  19. Not so. MrMojoRisin is impressed by Dr Thaksin's selfless and sensible decision. Thailand's future is with Move Forward and the youth, Thaksin's time has come and gone. A debt of gratitude is however owed to Thaksin by many for making possible the changes we are all about to witness in Thailand. The new government will see that Thaksin's gets a fair trial, which, in all likelihood will result in not guilty verdicts - the trumped up convictions will be quashed. Thaksin will live out his days as a flawed yet revered elder statesman in Thailand whilst Prayuth and his co conspirators will spend the rest of their days......
  20. Last gasps of a decrepit order. Unleash the kids….., glory awaits.
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