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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Good news. This means after the good guys win the day and a democratically elected government takes power in Thailand the crooks currently attempting to derail democracy will be charged, prosecuted and jailed. MF will return serve with vigour.
  2. WTF? China has a million Uyghur people in concentration camps, they harvest human organs and have created an all encompassing dystopian surveillance state. Are you nuts?
  3. Must be having a pretty dull day there buddy. Then again, those that idolise dictators aren’t known for having much of a sense of humour…, they’re mostly filled with hatred, envy and self loathing from what I’ve heard.
  4. Codswallop! You think corruption decreased under the unelected Prayuth regime? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????
  5. Month of July. We’ll know in 19 days won’t we. I suspect, Pita elected PM on or before the 20th, Thaksin welcome home parade in Chiang Mai on on the 26th. ????????????
  6. The lazy simpletons have managed to win back their country without bloodshed. Anyone who thinks dictators are the answer to anything is, in my book, is a simpleton.
  7. It was a rigged vote. What percentage of Thais do you think want the <deleted>ty junta constitution replaced?
  8. If it took very little effort… then why did it take them so long to act? Why the need for street mobs, billons in funding and eventually the (armed) military. Anyone who thinks very little effort was expended by the courts has very little comprehension of what it took to oust Yingluck’s government. What do you believe the courts could do - tell Pita to p!ss off and the rest of the nation would just throw their arms up in the air and say “oh well, I guess that’s that then” and all just quietly go on with the rest of their lives? ????‍????????‍????????‍????
  9. Almost zero effort??? Protests began in October 2013 - 8 months before the coup. There were 28 deaths and 800 casualties The Thai courts reputation was once and for all, utterly destroyed Corporations paid billions of baht to Suthep to fund the PDRC protests All of this and the coup still almost failed Almost zero effort…, ????????????
  10. The first of many. If Prayuth had any brains, he’d make enquiries to rent a certain soon to be vacant abode in Dubai.
  11. Let see what a few years of a democratic government does to the order and membership of this list.
  12. Interesting times ahead. Loyalties will be tested. Will the Senators (a self interested lot) be willing to have the black stain of denying the Thai people (who clearly expressed their desires in the election) the PM they voted for forever on their record? Or put another way…, will the rats flee the sinking ship?
  13. Good. If these 250 morons can’t read the room and realize the Thai people want change and instead decide to continue on the path they’re on, then they are only hastening their own (and the corrupt system that bred them) demise. They are about to discover how truly powerless they are. 250 soon to be pariahs.
  14. How democratic? Well, more democratic than before. And after 4 years of a MF government, it will be more democratic than now. Step by step, just keep moving in the right direction. Always baffling to witness those who think change is impossible, that demographics aren’t changing and what was will always be.
  15. Wheels are in motion. In a matter of days or weeks - it will be.
  16. This time…….., it’s different. ???? The old guards only choice is to lose with violence or lose without violence. I think the Senators are less concerned about loss of salary and perks and more concerned about avoiding jail under a democratic government.
  17. And what a week it will be. A massive show of support via huge peaceful rallies in the streets will be a timely reminder for the junta of what they’re up against. Come the second vote, will they dare deny him?
  18. Every single Senator was military appointed. Any teacher, judge, farmer or private businessman was only selected and appointed if they were pro military and anti democracy. It is a sham and only a fool would try to pretend any different.
  19. Sporadic violence, including shootings, bomb attempts and grenades thrown at protesters led to 28 deaths and over 800 injuries during the course of the protests.
  20. Already obscene inequality grew and grew and grew because of Prayuth.
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