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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. How many would you like to have died before you feel comfortable describing the coup as violent? Is one enough?
  2. MF cannot get 112 amended if the Speaker doesn’t allow the topic to be debated or voted on.
  3. This is exactly what MF needs. They are now playing with the big boys where no quarter is given. If they fold on the Speakers position there will be no amendment to 112. Do PT really dare to go to the dark side?
  4. Good. He belongs on the scrap heap with Abhisit. Both betrayed the people and democracy. Both, when in a position to do the right thing and act honourably, didn’t. Both have blood on their hands.
  5. Then why would the establishment see Thaksin as an existential threat and risk coup after coup after coup to ensure that he was kept out of power?
  6. On the political spectrum, PT is clearly closer to MF than the junta numpties (thus the coups).
  7. Nonsense. Trumped up charges (by Thai standards) and politicised courts. He’ll be free as a bird strolling the sois of Bangkok in a month.
  8. And so the corrupt network continues to unravel…., when Pita is PM, setting the standard, how many citizens of the nations bordering Thailand will decide it’s time for their homelands to throw off the yoke of military rule and finally become free and democratic?
  9. Why would he be sad? In less than a month, the man in Dubai, will be the man in Bangkok (or Chiang Mai). He has won.
  10. Comprehension issues? The uptick commenced (the economic wheels fell off) after the coups began - yes this period includes Yingluck’s abbreviated administration. Anyone still gibbering on about disproven and debunked bought elections is not a serious, reality based individual. In a democracy, people get the government they deserve. Unelected demagogues with guns committing coups are not the peoples fault.
  11. I very much doubt he’ll be able to enjoy the retirement…., he’ll instead be fretting over pending trials and daily ostracism.
  12. Thai household debt was fairly stable during Thaksin’s premiership with only a gradual trend upwards after an initial sharp downturn in 2001. The real trouble began with the junta puppet Abhisit’s tenure beginning in 2008. Yet another statistic highlighting the damage the anti democracy coups have inflicted upon Thailand through lost opportunities caused by unelected fools helming the ship.
  13. That there was an outbreak of rice farmer suicides because of late payments from the rice scheme is demonstrably false junta propaganda. BTW - What does it say about the junta supporters that they actively sought to further delay payments, in spite of all their suicide talk, in order to help their stated goal of a military coup? The rice farmers aren’t silly, that’s why they vote red.
  14. Can’t wait for Pita and his crew to start investigating the Prayuth regimes corruption, in the meantime, shred, shred, shred.
  15. The army instituted a coup to bring stability to Thailand after instituting instability to bring about an excuse for a coup.
  16. More debunked nonsense. Is there any junta propaganda you haven’t swallowed hook, line and sinker?
  17. The obvious question, if what you say is true (doubtful), is why, for 20 years, have the working farmers resoundingly supported and voted for Thaksin?
  18. This is just made up nonsense. Is anything you post actually factual? Care to post any supporting evidence of your false claims? BTW - the Thai suicide rate dropped under Thaksin and only began rising again during Prayuth’s incompetent tyrannical reign.
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