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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. From your link: Thaksin promised to create a debt management company to remove bad assets from the country's banks and eliminate significant amounts of private and public sector corporate debt. and Another economic crisis driven by over-extended consumers and unproductive investment is improbable over the next several years Also, there is no mention of off book loanshark debt issues that plague(d) the country. Wrong? I think not.
  2. Nonsense. Thaksin funnelled a bucketload of public money into the hands of the poor and made it easier for them to acquire legitimate credit to reduce their reliance on loan sharks charging 20% per month.
  3. Nonsense. Get in there and clean that sh!tshow up as well.
  4. Do governments serve the people that elected them or foreign investors? Cheap energy (max pollution), cheap labour (max exploitation), no regulations (max pollution + min safety) and stability (max oppression). What sort of sh!thole do you want to live in?
  5. Now that he has a chance of receiving a fair trial, he is coming home to spend time with the grandkids…, no cunning plan, just common sense decision making.
  6. The Central Administrative Court and the Supreme Administrative Court have issued rulings saying it must be made public. The second of these rulings has occurred at a time when Prawit has had his hands all but pried loose from the levers of power by a crushing election defeat. The information will be in all the newspapers and on all the television screens in Thailand in due course. Your 5000% cynicism is not helping you to align your musings with reality.
  7. Business as usual at the time, no? (Seems to me your admitting the whole show was corrupt before Thaksin arrived on the scene). New technologies are always expensive as they wait on uptake, and yes, the purpose of monopolies is high prices. Thaksin’s political career was the beginning of the end of the monopoly nonsense for everyone in Thailand (thus the coups), The man, though imperfect, did more good than bad (and the bad was often done only to please the establishment).
  8. The garbage is not so much from southerners than from people who are too cowardly to own their own political views and opinions. These cowards try and justify their horrible, immoral and inhumane nonsense by pretending that Thaksin is just so evil that they are forced to have these horrible beliefs. These cowards care not for the truth, facts or reality, only that they can continue to spew their bile unabated (it’s all very similar to the way Trump has enabled white supremest to enter the public sphere with their despicable racism). The cowards are deserving of only our pity.
  9. What a load of garbage. Despite a ferocious state sponsored two decade smear campaign the man is still idolised by tens of millions. The fact is, by Thai standards, Thaksin is a rather law abiding citizen who did vastly more good than harm.
  10. Thaksin is a billionaire, it’s not surprising you got this wrong though seeing as the rest of your post is also factually devoid.
  11. There has been no delay. So far everything has adhered to the ridiculous junta constitution timeline. Perhaps, just perhaps Pita is better informed, better placed and better equipped to deal with the situation than you are…, just maybe eh?
  12. Not really, do you think if he had his time over he would still go into politics or would he just stick to being a billionaire businessman? He’d certainly be a hell of a lot richer and have a whole lot less legal trouble if he hadn’t gone into politics. He certainly sacrificed a lot ( perhaps unwittingly) for Thailand and the Thai people (ditto Thanathorn). There would be no Move Forward without there first being Thaksin.
  13. He is 74, been in exile for 17 years and is clearly homesick. There is no mystery here for anyone who is not a junta loving, anti democracy Thaksin obsessive.
  14. It seems that Thailand had previously undervalued their visas. Why leave money in the table? Thaksin raised the prices and customers still flocked for the product. If I were a Thai tax payer, I’d be very happy with Thaksin’s adjustments.
  15. Or maybe she begged Thaksin for the opportunity - you just don’t know do you.
  16. Let’s be honest, you have absolutely zero knowledge of what Thaksin cares or does not care about…., all you have are your inbuilt biases and prejudices and a lack of awareness of opinions being subservient to facts.
  17. What do you think the general view by most Thais is on special treatment (it does seem quite prevalent and widely accepted)?
  18. While Thaksin was PM of Thailand was his job to implement policies that benefit Thailand and Thais or was it his job to look after foreigners?
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