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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Seems you’ll need at least another 40+ years here to get up to speed. If you think Thaksin was anything other than low level corrupt when compared to those that came before or after him, then you my friend are beyond naive. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/1993/05/motherjones-mj93-course-corruption/
  2. Historically, now though, they’ll be doing as Pita commands.
  3. Analogy - a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
  4. Mate, you’re the one who has led us off the reservation with your “was she” post.
  5. Who you talk’n ‘bout? Thaksin? If so, you need to fact check yourself. Thaksin founded AIS in 1987 and was a billionaire well before launching his own political party TRT in 1998 and becoming PM in 2001. If anything, politics has caused Thaksin to lose a substantial amount of money. You should have just said “Why would anyone believe a Thai politician” and left it at that. Back to the original question - why is it only pro democracy politicians that are getting banned, charged, convicted and sentenced by the Thai courts whilst the anti-democracy politicians haven’t a care in the world?
  6. What’s your point? Why do you dislike Thaksin? Why do you not dislike Prayuth? What is the difference between the two (other than one being pro-democracy and the other anti-democracy)?
  7. You can bleat on about contrived convictions until the cows come home, just be aware, before those cows get home - Thaksin will already be in Thailand with all the trumped up charges and convictions dropped and he’ll either be free and clear or preparing for retrials under fair courts which will result in him being free and clear. My guess, you’ll still be stammering “but, but Thaksin to an ever dwindling circle of junta lovers forevermore as the rest of Thailand just gets on with enjoying life in a democracy.
  8. You tell me. https://www.oxygen.com/martinis-murder/not-just-lorena-john-bobbitts-other-accusations-domestic-violence
  9. For sure, have a recount - but maintain transparency. For all but those with the shortest of memories (or strongest love for the junta) do recall how the EC fiddled the results after the 2019 election stripping Future Forward of seats and handing them to micro parties who were then promptly bribed to join the juntas coalition. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Vigilance is prudent.
  10. Out of idle curiosity, why do you believe the charges, convictions and sentencing of political players is so lopsided? Is it that the pro-democracy side are all law breakers and the coup supporters are all law abiding?
  11. ???????????? https://www.newmandala.org/a-response-to-vanina-sucharitkul/
  12. Dodgy, politicised courts means it all amounts to zero for all but the junta loving kool aid drinkers.
  13. And your impression of the Thai courts after reading those articles is? Accepting a substandard judiciary because it persecuted people you disagree with is the height of foolishness. Better to live by the golden rule - do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Wouldn’t you agree?
  14. The AEC forwarded the charges. Do you think the Supreme Court is unbiased, impartial and non politicised? https://researchprofiles.anu.edu.au/en/publications/thailand-judicialization-of-politics-or-politicization-of-the-jud-2 https://www.asiasentinel.com/p/thailand-judiciary-politicized Etc., etc., etc…
  15. You act as if the junta and their minions are not deserving of being subject to extreme levels of suspicion and doubt when it comes to the purity of their actions; particularly in relation to elections - they do have a touch of history in this field yeah?
  16. Yeah…???????????? From your link: The post-coup junta set up the Assets Examination Committee to investigate suspicions of ill-gotten wealth of Thaksin I repeat, what legitimate ones?
  17. What clear and specific evidence? Post a link to it. The trials were nothing but unfair and 100% politicised. Why do you bother posting untruths?
  18. He is 74 years old and now that democracy has been reinstated he will get a fair trial - simple as that.
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