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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Why do you bother with such nonsense? Pita’s party won 38% of the party list vote and 35% of the lower house seats and post after post you prattle on about how the majority of Thais did not vote for Pita and Move Forward. Then, in your infinite wisdom and strict adherence to logic and truth…., you now post that in 2019 Prayuth (who did not stand as a candidate) and his party PPP who won 23% of the popular vote and 23% of the lower house seats in a rigged election “got the majority of the popular vote” and “had the majority in the lower house without the Senators” In 2019 PT won 136 seats, 20 more than Prayuth. In 2019 Prayuth’s coalition had just 254 seats, 122 seats less than required to elect a PM without any Senators support. Pinocchio would be proud of you.
  2. Better get used to both of them, they’ll be making daily appearances in the lives of all those living in Thailand for at least the next 4 years (that’s about 1460 days). ????????????
  3. The plan is to receive a proper trial now that his enemies have been finally and soundly beaten. No need for anything devious, just due process in the courts.
  4. Look at you, all of a sudden a PT fan. ????????????
  5. Ah yes, history always repeats, nothing ever changes and things will be as they always were. Lorena Bobbit was raped and abused by her husband countless times during their marriage until one day, she cut off his penis. Pretty self explanatory eh?
  6. What use are weapons against a unified population? They may as well be holding their own dicks.
  7. The people’s power in Thailand is now completely overwhelming. The military has no choice but to sit down, shut up and do as they’re told.
  8. Despite the wet dreams junta lovers are having over the situation in Myanma, they will forever be disappointed when they discover that it just ain’t gonna happen here It’s over. The good guys won.
  9. Demilitarise, Demonopolise and Decentralize is the motto Move Forward took to the election. Only a fool could conclude they are a communist after hearing their stated goals.
  10. Won’t happen. The military are beat and they know it. Pita can say as he pleases and there is nothing the khaki clad dildos can do about it.
  11. Next thing you know you’ll be posting “I never said that” about your “I never said that” post. This guy is not good at playing the political game ????????
  12. His party has the most seats - they won. All recent Thai governments have been coalitions (including Prayuth’s). Who set up the Asset Scrutiny Committee?
  13. Is there anyone closer to having a majority than Pita? Politicians can certainly set up commissions to run investigations which can then recommend charges (what do you think the Asset Scrutiny Commission set up in 2006 was). Your guess, like the rest of your post, is probably wrong.
  14. MF are head of a coalition that won over 60% of the lower house seats. If there is a new election, all indicators are MF win by an even greater margin. Time for junta lovers to pack their bags and head to Myanmar, China or North Korea.
  15. That’s because you only see what you want to see. https://www.newmandala.org/corrupting-thailands-court-of-justice/
  16. Headline - Thailand opposition crushes military parties in election rout https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/old-rivalries-new-battle-thailand-goes-polls-2023-05-13/ What planet you on?
  17. Talk like this excites many many more than it inflames. Here we go, here we go, here we go!
  18. Hmmmm, https://thediplomat.com/2015/09/how-thailands-military-junta-tried-to-adjust-my-attitude-in-detention/
  19. How many times in your country have you voted out a government: led by a man who ordered the use of live ammunition on citizens, that came to power in a coup, that ripped up the constitution and replaced it with an undemocratic one, that ramped up censorship and oppresssion, that ran attitude adjustment camps and gave itself dictatorial power with Section 44? I am guessing never, but do correct me if I am wrong.
  20. Not “run” but “ran”. Times, they have changed. Out with the old. In with the new.
  21. Perhaps, what is stupid, is underestimating the first person to beat Thaksin in an election in over twenty years?
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