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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. Nothing courageous about posting on an anonymous forum.
  2. Do you have retrograd ejaculation? What was the cost for your MRI at BGH?
  3. Thanks Garry P and Superal for your input. If I undergo surgery it will be in either New Dehli or Kolkata. I will report my experience back here.
  4. Ok the guy had 10 condoms filled with liquid, each one roughly the size of a coke can inside him. How did the Thai authorities get them out of him? Or perhaps this mule was specially selected by the drug cartel because he can hang coke can size turds. And ten of them in a row moreover.
  5. Ok....227 grams in ml is about the same size as what is contained in a can of coke nowdays. I am happy for a demonstration of how a condom filled with liquid and the size of a coke can can be ingested and then retrieved.
  6. Whatever dude....whatever....
  7. The photo of your shelley device has it rated at 16A also. Why are you not just running 2.5mm squared cable to the device instead of 1mm?
  8. This is the next planned move on the Chess board. Srettha will be canned and the spot will be filled by Anutin
  9. BS or poor reporting. 2268 grams = 2.27 kg of liquid, so each of the four condoms inside the guy each contained more than a half kilo of liquid. Yeah right.... Perhaps the authorities can demostrate how to ingest (and then subsequently recover) a single condom containing over a half liter of fluid.
  10. Sigh...more make believe content.....
  11. The rental market might have changed now due to all the Russians here now, but in the past I would offer NO or very Low deposit. If unacceptable to landlord I would just look for another property. I also used to draft my own rental leases that included a clause that I could break the lease with one month's notice to the landlord in writing. Never had any real trouble finding a landlord who would accept my terms...but cannot comment on the situation now....
  12. Many years ago I was at a Morlam concert in the crowd in front of the stage. Two lads in front of me started arguing then one pulled out a knife and stabbed the other right in front of me. Band did not stop playing people saw but kept dancing....business as usual....amazing Thailand.
  13. It is now growing very close to the time to bail on the dumpster fire that Thailand has become. I am currently selling stuff in preparation.
  14. Don't pay it in the first place is the only way you will ensure to get it back.
  15. Paradoxically, you don't need clothes to acheive that goal.
  16. What the hell is a Jennie from Blackpink? Does it grant you three wishes if you open its bottle....
  17. LOL...you have tangled yourself in your own snare. Why would you assume that a LBFM could not be from a wealthy family, well eductated, and hold down a good job. Two of the ones I dated in the past were. One had scholarship from Chula. I am frankly digusted...
  18. I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion.
  19. https://www.interventionalradiologyindia.com/prostatic-artery-embolization-for-bph.html It is available in India.
  20. Thanks. Where exactly did you have the proceedure, here in Thailand or someplace else.
  21. Thanks for your input. If you don't ejaculate....how do you know you are ....finished?
  22. I am not bitter. The best of luck to her. And to the guy who pays her 20 million baht sin sot. I just stated that, personally, I would rather a LBFM.
  23. I am already heavily subscribed to the quackery cures. I eat pumpkin seeds morning and night and tomatoes and other fruits with lycopeen. I don't mind those supposed remedies because that are actually foods...and quiet tasty as well. Can you please elaborate on what daily dosage of the nettle capsules you took and over what duration to reduce your prostate. I am a tea totaller and drink only the best imported black tea. But I drank it white and sweet. I am also a big cake and candy guy. I am very fit and healthy so weight was never a problem. But I have ditched all refined sugar. I have a peppermint plant in my back garden and now, each morning I make myself a cup of lemon peppermint tea. I don't really miss the black tea to be honest. I already eat a lot of avocadoes, but I also loved eating cuacomoli on toast for breakfast. But I have ditched bread entirely and so am struggling to find something "crunchy" to accompany my avos. I tried baked slices of sweet potatoe, and that kind of works...you reheat them from the freezer in your toaster....but still a bit lack luster.....it is not so much the taste of bread...but the texture that I miss....and the convenience.
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