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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. Opposition is the the best place for MFP to be right now. Next election will be a landslide victory. PT sold out on their mandate and they have lost it forever. Over the coming months expect all effort being focused upon disbanding MFP....it is the only hope any other party has.
  2. A million years ago I surface traveled from Australia to the UK. I could not afford a lonely planet, or a camera back then.
  3. Three big organic eggs. Scrambled with no oil in skillet, a dash of home made yogurt. Salt and fresh cracked black pepper. Bowl of homemade yogurt with sunflower seeds, peanuts, dried cantalope, pumpkin seeds and a seasonal fruit such as mango or rambuttan. Peppermint and lime tea. Cut my own fresh sprig of peppermint each morning. Oh...and I forgot....a giant helping of pop up ads on AseanNow.
  4. I was always against legalisation of drugs. But now I am a staunch advocate. Drugs are a helpful tool to offset the monotony of the endless fake click bait content that gets posted on this forum nowadays.
  5. Me three
  6. You don't need an air fryer. All you need is a glass jar with a lid and a spoon.
  7. Barely one generation out of the trees... But to be fair both participants in the brawl must be flat broke. Neither one has the money to buy a machette.
  8. @scorecard Yes. You were very lucky that you were able to access subsidised accommodation as a VA. Would of been a whole other kettle of fish if you were in the mainstream rental market. Situation is diabolical in Australia at the moment. Literally 10s of thousands of new homeless every month. Did your GF, and pets back in Thailand think that it was a pleasant experience that you were absent for 2 years? Can I ask you did you move back 2 years prior to you being old enough to receive the OAP and then leave as soon as portability was granted? Or were you already eligible to receive the OAP when you arrived back in Australia and then had to sit out the 2 years for portability to kick in?
  9. I assume you spent 2 years in Australia to serve out your OAP inprisonment sentence? Can you please post how you enable roaming on an AIS sim, and activate zero fees for roaming facility also. Thanks for you assistance. This topic is of great interest to me because I will be travelling to India for surgery and I will be alone.
  10. How do you enable wifi calling on your phone? Mine is android 10 OS?
  11. What is the key code to punch into you phone to set up global roaming with AIS?
  12. Sigh...more make believe clickbait content... Not even a cursory attempt to build a back story nowadays either... I wonder how many people are running all of these new accounts? Or is it just one person using ChatGBT to generate the fictional content?
  13. Tiny, dark, dumb and pretty does it for me.... That said my GF is usually mistaken by other Thais as Korean.
  14. I used a different approach. It is cheaper and less paperwork. My girl has two farms that she paid for with her own money. I have a life usufruct over both of those chanotes. During covid I bought my current house for 270K baht all up. Two minutes from the beach and full red chanote. I have a life usufruct over this chanote also (Different land office from farms also). In the future if I want to sell this house GF will have no option but to do what I ask. Otherwise i will never take the usfructs off her two farms. I have lived here a long time and do not trust anyone.
  15. Sigh...more make believe click bait content... Are then any real members, who actually live in Thailand, still posting on this forum...?
  16. How is the sex? Everything else is just white noise.
  17. Maybe the ukraine guy was actually an employee not actually a tenant. And there was a falling out and the Landlord fabricated this story to cover his tracks.....
  18. Nope. Sounds about right to me....
  19. Thanks for the additional information. A PSA of 20 must of had you very concerned. Can I ask you did your PSA results steadily increase over time, or did you just have one normal test and then the next year suddenly you were at 20?
  20. Only online and through google customer reviews and photographs. I also have previous knowledge of medical services in KolKata. I worked as a carer in Mother Teresa's street hospital there nearly one million years ago.
  21. Thanks for your input. Can I ask why you decided on Turp rather than other options. Can I also ask is sex still satisfying, do you still climax.....how do you know you are finished. I know these a very intrusive questions, but I am genuinely interested. I chose doxazosin because I also have high BP. I used to take Losartan (after lots of trial and error, could not take enaprile or any other ACEs because I developed chronic ACE cough). Now I just take the doxa....it is good because it kills two birds with one stone, lowers my BP and helps me to pee. So a convenience and cost saving win. I just checked, apparently RE is not a very high risk with doxa also: In a long-term, open-label extension study, 30% of patients treated with tamsulosin reported abnormal ejaculation. In contrast, incidences of abnormal ejaculation related to the use of nonselective α-blockers, such as doxazosin, terazosin, or alfuzosin, generally were lower than 1.5%.
  22. Liquid cocaine and coke are both liquids. Did you homeschool?
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