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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. Let the negotiations begin. Everyone scrambling for information to increase their bid. Luke should counter sue the mother for defamation. Pursuant to Thai law there is not even any requirement that he prove that he didn't give the daughter an STI just that the mother's accusations damaged his reputation.
  2. Hilarious. He is in his eighties and in poor mental and physical health. Why does the headline not read "It wouldn't be a total shock if Biden drops dead before the 2024 race". How depressing is it that regardless of whether Biden or Trump wins America will still get the oldest president in history.
  3. They are all there for the photo op. Nothing to do with the manpower needed to make the arrest. How many days have you been in Thailand and are you enjoying your first visit to this country?
  4. Fortunately this guys fate will not be determined by you and the other moral high ground posters on this thread. It will be determined by the girl, her parents, and to a lesser degree the police (their role will mostly entail receiving a cut of the money paid to the parents). The whole position of power rhetoric is entirely a hollow man argument. Why is your Thai partner with you? I can assure you it is not because you are so much more handsome than Thai men. It is because you are in a position of power relative to her because of your passport.
  5. No different to the violent altercations by tow truck drivers back in the West. They are just fighting over money here nothing else. Everything is about money in Thailand. Everything.
  6. Poverty. Any with disposable income are now obeses.
  7. I will not be casting the first stone in this case. Good luck young man. I hope you can get your life back on track.
  8. Hilarious.... So you are leaving your fake member account make believe life here in Thailand for a new make believe life in a new and exciting secret destination. The fake content on this site is hitting some all time lows.
  9. It is not a very skilled job. Most Thai laborers can do it. Some charge by the meter and some per cement ring. Didn't you used to be based in Phuket? Why the move to Isaan?
  10. It is very seldom I wear a shirt.
  11. Too difficult to repair the existing well. You will never get the cement rings to sit straight and the water will still get polluted. What is much better is to just dig a new well close by. You know there is good water already. When they dig a well they have two guys. One digging in the well and one tugging up the bucket full of dirt on a rope. They start by placing a ring on the ground and then a little guy gets in the middle of the ring and then starts digging. The ring sinks into the ground. When it is ground level they place another ring on top and so on. The rings are usually about 50cm deep. The well diggers usually charge by the meter. Precovid in my area they charged 1000 baht per meter. So you well would only have a labor cost of 4,000 baht. You should go for the bigger diameter rings...you will have more water...and it is easier for the digger to work inside. The rings dont cost that much 2-300 baht each plus 200 for the cap. So for abour 6k thb all up you can have a brand new cement lined and capped well.
  12. The problem has fixed itself. There is virtuall no commercially viable fishing in Thailand now and that is using cheap or slave labor. If the crews were being paid a fair wage this would be zero profit because catches are so poor. That is why this chestnut has never been fixed despite a decade of hot air. The fish stocks have collapsed entirely due to over fishing.
  13. There is a cheap brand called Welltech. I painted out my renovated bathroom walls with it. Nearly two years ago. No bubbling, washable and no color fade. Very happy. I don't recall how much cheaper than TOA paint it was but it was around 50% cheaper. I used a TOA water based primer on the rendered cement underneath..
  14. I wear fisherman pants and not shirt most day. If I go to town or to a market I will put a t-shirt on. I always wear a big floppy sun hat when I go outside or out in my boat....the type the burmese laborers wear. I bought several of them years ago a a market for 15 baht each. Most homeless people are better dressed than me.
  15. The demise of the friendlyness and service by Thai Airways is just a mirror of the whole country in general. TA has gone to the dogs...but so to has hospitality and service in Thailand. LOS is now the land of snarls.
  16. LOL... The most pressing matter is.....policing. Lots and lots and lots of police in Thailand. ZERO policing.
  17. Very true. I honestly don't know why the young in most western countries dont engage in mass civil disobedience. The situation is now so ludicrous in Australia for example a couple both on 100K a year still cannot save enough to put a deposit on a house. Birth rate is plummeting for obvious reasons and the government is just importing my immigrants to shore up the ponzi scheme. When I was very young in Australia you could almost pay a mortgage on a cheap little house if you were on the dole (social security). Now a young couple with 200K combined income cant even save a deposit. Something has to snap soon....and not just in Australia.
  18. Very astute question. A 400 % increase in sales means nothing if the increase was from 50 visa pa to 200 pa.
  19. It is getting very close to the end game now. Thailand needs to be very careful what side it chooses: https://youtu.be/e15HIKbxid4?si=TZo4Y3hWOgusgmpc
  20. I have little doubt that when they eventually find my body my dogs will have eaten most of me.
  21. Next stop repricing or elemination entirely of the Non-O...
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