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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. Ok. I will rise to your bait. Many years ago when I first moved to Thailand permanently I came here on a NON B investment visa. The embassy used to issue these visas in my country if you could show a significant cash amount in your bank account with a letter certifying the amount is correct by your accountant. I applied on the basis that I wanted to research and invest in Phuket. I was granted a one year multi entry. I fully intended to invest but after months of doing due dillegence on multiple businesses and properties nothing was adding up. The proper way to value an asset is based upon its forecast ROI. But not a single project showed any hope of returning the ridiculous asking prices. At first I thought that perhaps prices are just pitched and then negotiated back down to a sane level but these businesses were selling....and selling hand over fist. Then the penny dropped. These businesses were not being purchased to make money, they were being purchased to launder money. Profitbility was not a concern as long as the facade of the business was suitable for the intended purpose. The extent of this laundering activity is all pervasive.... but has had a tiny (pre election) spot light shone upon it recently by the massage mogul and his mate big Joke. Back then I made a firm decision not to invest in Thailand but rather keep the bulk of my money invested offshore. It was a good decision.
  2. Exactly as I predicted back in early January: https://aseannow.com/topic/1283510-massive-wave-of-russian-overstayers-and-illegal-workers/
  3. I will assume you have not seen any of the John Wick movies.
  4. More white noise. Anutin will be the next PM. It has already been decided by the person in charge.
  5. This is a very astute comment by BM2. It is the main driver for the oversupply of dope shops.
  6. Old Town. They used to sell them in the basement of Robinsons department store. Go to old town and then to one of the many motorbike modification shops there. Have a photo of what you want on your phone if you don't speak Thai. Ask the lads in the bike shops. And then pay one to lead you to where the shop is that sells what you want.
  7. Exactly as I predicted back in early January: https://aseannow.com/topic/1283510-massive-wave-of-russian-overstayers-and-illegal-workers/
  8. No. They will just beat her when she asks too many difficult questions. You need to be ready for that.
  9. I don't even understand why people need to wear a watch nowadays.
  10. Thank you Joe for helping so many including myself back in the Thai Visa days. I am very sad to see you go.
  11. The farmer transfers it from his bank account to the bank account of my GF. The GF then transfers a monthly amount to Mum and Dad and other periodic or one off payments. Then sends photo of bank book updates to Sis. Older Sister's kid lives with Mum and Dad. He is 14 or so now and already been in trouble with the plods for stealing from his school and drugs. I have warned the GF endlessly that this arrangement could end in tears one day if the Government seeks to tax (and back tax) incoming payments to her account. But I have been told to butt out because it is her family. So the issue has now been filed firmly in the not my problem basket. This is just one of many examples why I would never marry in Thailand. What the family wants always take precedence over what the farang wants.
  12. I know you have been here a long time but this post of your is just plain stupid. Little Ghosts are illegal workers who hide away in countries such as Korea. They have no work visas or permits and so they do not pay any local taxes. My GFs older sister has been in Korea for going on 7 years now. She arrived there on a short stay tourist visa and then ran away up in to the mountain to find work. She has a good gig. Her own little cottage at a very scenic farm up in the mountains. The family she works for take good care of her and she has never felt threatend or unsafe. The work she does on the vegetable farm is boring and repetive but not heavy. She earns a small fortune (when compared to Thai wages) and saves every satang. She is currently having a new 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house built on the families land for 1.4 million. She has absolutely no intention of coming back to Thailand until she is caught and deported.
  13. The economic gap is widening in Thailand not decreasing. I cannot see anything that will change that. Even on the far distant horizon. What opportunities do Thai youth have unless they move to another country and who can they look up to as role models? There were a few promising new leaders emerging. But they are all in jail now. Or living in another country in fear everyday that they will be kidnapped and murdered.
  14. I agree entirely. Just a few year back I used to buy donuts at big C and Tesco for 5 bath each. They are 20 baht each now. It is a sad and confronting reality that I can longer afford the donuts and have to settle for just buying the holes.
  15. Imagine the rivers of gold they would have if they managed to tax the income of all of the little ghosts working abroad and from farang sponsors. They should be focussing upon taxing inbound money transfers not departures.
  16. Thai police have recently introduced a time saving form for doing paperwork on all Thai on Thai murders. Previously the attending plods would have to investigate and type out a long report including suggested motive for the killing. The new form can be completed in less than two minutes by just checking the appropriate boxes. In the new form under the heading "Likely Motive" there are just three check boxes to chose from: Money Love Face
  17. Sigh.... Arguably the most critical election in Thailand's history is about to occur in another week and this is the news feed we get.
  18. Be careful what you post here. The harridan fishwife you are talking about is my GFs Aunty. PM me and I will let you know what she thinks of you.
  19. Be careful of what you wish for. If they back fill they will go overboard and then run the concrete road surface on top. Your access problem will then be replaced with a flooding problem. This is the very scenario that unfolded in my soi. How far back inside the chanote boundary is your front fenceline? Just run a reinforced footing along the front fence line and then bridge the drop to the road with 1.5 meter? cement planks. You can buy the planks for about 180 baht each. Then a couple of laborers at 600 baht a day to lay the planks and top them with reinforced 4 inch slap. Just do it and to your specification and liking. The amphur might bitch and moan but they wont do anything once your Moat Bridge is in place.
  20. I worked in Calcutta at Mother Teresa's street hospital a million years ago. It was the most confronting experience of my entire life. I have not been back since. But I just checked on agoda.com, you can get a half decent room in the city for under 200 Baht. Good lord that is cheap. The biggest challenge for me all those years ago was finding anywhere to eat where I felt remotely safe that I would not get sick. I imagine (hope) cleanliness has improved since then..... Where are you eating and what is the food like?
  21. Here is their website for anyone else that is interested: https://www.sonoscanhealthcare.com/
  22. No one drinks Sangsom in Nakon Nowhere. Have you ever visited Thailand?
  23. Thai politics is not about public service. It is about dividing up the spoils. Always has been and always will be.
  24. Can you post the name of the place. Maybe a photo of their business card. Thanks and best of luck.
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