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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. Jeesuz collapse really picking up speed now. I though we would hold 23 to the end of this week but looks like 22 by tomorrow. Every member of the RBA should be in jail. Nearly 2% lost in the last few hours. Start battoning down the hatches if you are relying on the OAP. It is all down hill from here.
  2. Collapse picking up lots of steam today. RBA will be asleep at the wheel over the holidays. Next stop 22 baht.
  3. Oh so you are also broke...with assets less than the OAP cut off. I don't know why you post being effectively broke like something to be proud of.
  4. Oh please. You qualify for the OZ OAP so you have less than 850K AUD in assets. That is basically broke nowadays...and rather frightening given your age.
  5. The majority of gold is still in the ground because it is not economically viable to mine it. That situation is getting worse by the day.
  6. 23.37 is Friday's rate. All downhill from here. Sub 22 January. And no it is not a cycle at play here. It is intervention by the Oz Government and the RBA that has manufactured this collapse.
  7. I told you so Collapse of the AUD is back on track and will now continue to accelerate as the criminals at the RBA fail to match the interest rate rises of the Fed. As usual nothing but silence on this thread from all of the members who said I was dellusional. @Lacessitand other members relying on the Aussie OAP to live need to start trimming their weekly budgets right now because things are going to get much much worse moving into the new year with the AUD tanking below 20 baht.
  8. No...Thepkrassatri Road Phuket has that title.
  9. Won't work here in Thailand. Id required and full record kept in computer, Vachira is also now taking a photograph everytime you make a donation. Also I note in one of your old posts you stated a former wife/GF gave you oral herpies. That condition would preclude you from donating. Do you also lie about your health on your donation form?
  10. Her face is worthy of reconstruction.
  11. I vaccinated just to ensure freedom of travel. I will not be getting any further shots unless it is absolutely necessary to ensure I can travel. Freedom of movement, not fear of dying is my chosen canary in the coal mine.
  12. What for, so ill informed key board warriors like yourself have something to troll. I have much better things to do with my time. Google it. You will find the facts are as I reported.
  13. I love the cold weather. Always get lots more hugs from the GF in bed.
  14. I thought it was great. In fact I just binged watched the original and the sequel just a few nights ago. It was good they did not kill it with WOKE garbage. They worked women and a love interest into the plot without demeaning them. They also avoided the token gay character B.S...although there were a lot more black characters this time around....
  15. Me. It was great for my health and fitness having my GF on tap 24/7. She is back to work now and I am putting on weight.
  16. And just a few days ago Prayuth was quoted by the media saying absolutely no corruption under his watch. Clown show from top to bottom.
  17. I spend most of my time on, in or under the ocean. Boating, surfing, diving, fishing and spearfishing. If I am diagnosed with cancer or another terminal illness the amount of time I spend on the water will increase. If I am to die my chosen coup de grace is drowning.
  18. Decades ago the head of the Law department at Sydney University suggested that the wave of Africans Australia was currently importing would lead to increase in crime because most of these people had just arrived from a place where cutting peoples arms off with a machette was de rigeur. He was cancelled by the media and had to resign his post at the univesity. Race based statistics on crime in Australia have now proved him entirely correct.
  19. I work on metal based projects most days. I get nearly all of my steel from a recycling yard in my nearest town. I buy a lot of galvanised high tensile angle iron from power towers. Most stainless steel shops will sell their product by the meter (and even by the cm). The shop in my village is like that. Last week I bought 2.2 meters 1/2 inch tube 1.2mm wall, 1.2 meters 1.5 wall and small 6 inch lengths of various other flat bar. It is all 304 here. I have made up a hand spear and a leg to attach my new depth sound transducer to my dive boat. So. In summary. Try the recycle shop. Mine sell scrap stainless for 90 baht a kilo. Failing that find a big steel shop that also sells stainless and ask them if they sell by the meter.
  20. When the Russian were thick on the ground here before the Ruble collapsed all the the Russian whores working on Bangla road were on student visas. This is not some new inovative visa scam thought up by the Chinese....
  21. Yes interesting question. And what about his investment school????????
  22. A student visa does not permit work or make one eligible to apply for a work permit. The student visas merely enabled the crooks to stay here another year to engage in their criminal activities.
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