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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. It is comforting to see things are slowly getting back to normal.
  2. Jesus...I weep for the young men of today...what hope do they have with people like this as role models. Where is that fatal Samui motorbike crash when you need it.
  3. I thought that they were no longer publishing the nationality of farangs arrested...or is that only if they are black?
  4. Google Repulican Party Reptile. The book is not really about politics. But if you do want political satire try PJ's other book Parliament of Whores.
  5. Sigh.... Google check valve and then yell up the basement stairs for mummy to bring you down some milk and cookies....
  6. Yes certainly a possibility. I wonder if he was an Indian Malay? Or if he is actually Malay at all......Might have been an illegal dropped close to the island by coyotes but caught up in the strong currents there and unable to swim ashore.
  7. Yes proper installation is important. Not just with water heaters. How many people die in Thailand each year because of bad electrical wiring. OP needs to supply more information, if the apartment has a balcony then LPG unit could go in there...especially if it is a Thai style condo where all the Thais are cooking on the balcony anyway.
  8. Well it is (almost) broke in the eyes of the Australian government. Any less than 850K you qualify for welfare (OAP). And if inflation is running running at 8-10% and you have your money sitting in a bank account yielding 4% you are not making $40K per year you are losing $60K per year. So you are going broke at a rate of about 115,000 baht per month before your out of pocket living expenses. Did you fail math at school?
  9. I thought is was very poorly written and not even funny. If you enjoy written comedy get your self a copy of Republican Party Reptile.
  10. The Thai that filmed it was offended because it was a dark skinned girl getting the attention.
  11. No risk of hypothermia here so possible if he had access to drinking water. If no drinking water then lies or misreporting for sure. Just speculation but was the oil tank a jerry tank with water inside? Or did he have a jerry can of water with him. Or as other posters have said, just 300 meters from a big inhabited island, why did he not just swim ashore? Youtuber stunt perhaps.......I note that he was only 30 years old......
  12. Yes there is. You just don't know where to look.
  13. There are dozens of 12v pumps on Shopee/Lazada. Inline pipe ones are very popular. You could couple one with a LPG gas water heater so you could have red hot water even if you only have 12v supply.
  14. What abosulte nonsense. Are you 12 and posting from you mum's basement? OP just install a check valve upstream from the pump to eliminate the issue raised by @FriendlyFarang. They sell for less than 100 baht on Shopee/Lazada.
  15. Yep. A million dollar net worth nowadays is basically broke. Especially with inflation in the 7-10 percent range for at least the next 5 years and near zero returns on stocks and bank accounts.
  16. Is it COD. If so just ignore it and refuse payment when kerry or the other courier shows up. I have done this several times in a similar situation (slow and non responsive seller).
  17. Sigh...things are slowly getting back to normal post covid.
  18. Lots of police in Thailand...zero policing. The police force is a franchise business that focusses solely upon activities that derive profit. This is necessary to repay the borrowed money used to buy positions within the force. It is a business that derives profit through corruption and other misdeeds. The RTP shares no similarity whatsoever with their namesakes in first world countries. That is why you are having a problem. You read "police" and then your westernized version of what a policemean or police force is comes to mind. And the RTP is absolutely nothing like your preconceptions.
  19. What the f##k are you doing in Thailand. Go back home to farangland. There you can find what you are after in spades. Reminds me of an American twit who asked me to help him find a house to rent. In my village by the sea. He stipulated all of his requirements but on the top of the list he must not be within earshot of any chickens....
  20. Politicians have absolutely no idea about real life.
  21. Obtain a sleeping dictionary. It is the only effective method.
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