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J Branche

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Everything posted by J Branche

  1. I've been in the US Real Estate market for 12 years. A security deposit is to secure an item from being sold. A security deposit terms (Refundable, Partially Refundable, or Non-refundable) and the time frame you have to perform the defined obligations in a contract. I am not knowledgeable in Thai Civil Law but there is still an intent and obligation to the person providing the security deposit. If the Landlord finds another renter in a couple of days you can attempt to negotiate the potential loss in income between when you put the security deposit down and when the other renter will take possession. Always read, understand and negotiate any contract terms, anywhere in the world. Do Not Sign anything until you fully read and understand the contract, the landlord and the tenant obligations and penalties if either side fails to perform. I wish you the best. I try to educate people to keep emotions out of Real Estate. Look at it as a business transaction. Luckily you only paid 3,000 for this lesson. I've seen people lose a lot of money thinking they were smarter than the market and all the other experienced RE Investors.
  2. Regarding Lease. My understanding there is no right of transfer of survivorship if you die or possibly disappear. I'm still researching if another family member can be included in the lease. Additionally I would detail in lease about maintenance, how long until the lessee can pay to fix something and deduct from rent. What is the responsibility of owner/landlord to maintain and pay. Ex. All property taxes, all repairs to roof, structure, foundation, appliances, and that other item some work within manufacturer specifications or for the purpose they are designed. You could also talk about terms. When you separate you agree to pay them X amount for X month or frequency and X duration length.
  3. My understanding the "Chanod" details the owners of the property and on back about mortgage. Since you are not married a lawyer may be able to help understand the contracts, agreements and laws that could be used to allow you rights to some of the value or ways to limit a partners ability to claim all the value of the property if use (live in), rental, transfer, or Ownership change occurs
  4. I am a foreigner looking a protection and rights now. My beginning understanding is most of this needs to happen or be recorded during purchase at the land office. Talk with a couple of lawyers or professionals regarding any advice you read. There can be a 30 year lease with the ability to sublet recorded at Land office. Rent needs to be fair and reasonable amount. Additionally I am researching if I can have my partner sign a private loan agreement with myself that may contain stipulations if there is a transfer in ownership, sale or anything that would transfer ownership rights or collect value of condo when sold, traded, etc. That the full remaining balance of loan would be due in full within X days.
  5. Some of us had to renew with new 52 page passport because we were almost out of pages. There are some very nice places in this world but after exhaustive traveling there is no better place than Thailand for someone at retirement age. Somethings in some places may be better but factoring everything it still ranks the best overall for me. If is not your cup of tea it is understandable. We hope you can find happiness before you run out of time to look for it.
  6. Last Mini Van trip less than a year ago and I sat in the middle almost front row. Guy is 10 to 15 feet off all the cars he gets behind, weaving through all the lanes in race car driver for 2 hours. Told girlfriend never again. Take big bus now during the day, slower and the ones I use seem to drive a lot safer.
  7. 2nd the Buakhouw Clinic. As mentioned bring Passport I believe it was only 100 baht not expensive. They will give you the required form for your DL. It is quick and convenient.
  8. So to summarize the key points. 1. Only drive or vehicle you have the proper training or license to use. 2. Read, understand and ask questions prior to usage about any insurance provided, or purchased and the exclusions. 3. Don't drive faster than you can safely operate a motorbike. 4. Always wear proper safety gear operating a motorbike. 5. Have financial resources quickly available in case they are needed. 6. Lastly in Thailand especially, you are accountable and responsible for making sure all registration, documentation, insurance, license, condition of motorbike and riding environment is adequate. Seems like a lot but with some knowledge, experience, research and a checklist I believe it is possible for anyone to check.
  9. In America the money is normally transferred day of closing or transfer of ownership. An inspection of the land, property and/or house are conducted the day of transfer of ownership and money. I'm not aware of Thai laws and process for real estate transfers. The buyer can put down a deposit held in some type of escrow and be required to present proof of funds (Amount and availability of money). If possession or transfer is not complete the seller would pay any taxes and maintenance until transfer day.
  10. For there to be any value or help from your thoughts, some basic info is needed. Are you a tourist and talking about partying or visiting club? Do you live and work the next day and are out for a drink or dancing? Do you work mostly during the day or night? My thoughts are maybe they should allow 4 am closing on select nights Saturday and on some Holidays. Otherwise it would be allowed with special permit, inspections, and noise abatement insulation if the club is a certain distance from homes or hotels If 2am is the new normal then clubs and people will adapt and bars and clubs will still be fun at times. Maybe you just see less really drunk people entertaining you.
  11. In US just as bad or worse many places. When you hear yelling or people talking loudly stay back. Girlfriend wants to walk within a couple of feet of drunk guy fighting and he pulls out knife. Thai culture is no holds bar. They go from 0 to 10 almost. It is definitely sad the lack of psychology to assess the situation and calmly work towards an amicable solution
  12. If you've been in Thailand and read or watch the news you should know how dangerous the roads are. Self Preservation should always be at top of your list if you like living. Stop bringing your birth countries way of life to Thailand. The Thai people I see use the crosswalk run when they see a car. That should be a good indication on what to do. The British guy may have been partially right, but he was partially wrong for he did Not confirm the driver was stopping. You only have to be wrong or partially wrong one time here to be seriously injured or dead.
  13. Sounds like you were on a motorcycle. You are fine, crazy man hates cars as much as most of us on two wheels. Cars and tour buses always jamming up all the roads around central Pattaya on any weekend slowing or stopping us from going anywhere. Get his number next time
  14. I would bring a little Reeses, favourite wine or liquor, maybe your favourite shampoo and soap. Any clothes others say they can't find. Play tennis so bring strings, grips and shoes. Shaving Gel, Boots brands is just like Gillette, Cheese Makro Mainland Vintage Cheddar Cheese, Cheese Doritos in Lotus, Big C, Tops Coles Double Chocolate Brownie mix is good, Beatty Crocker Chocolate Chip cookie mix Tops, or Lotus. Shirts and shorts are cheap. Can find decent pair of shoes and add gel insoles to make comfortable. I use the Biore UV Aqua off Lazada that is value priced and it actually works well. My choice advance sunscreen good zinc oxide for pool or beach. As others have noted with a little work you can find almost anything in Thailand.
  15. The price is only expensive if you do not find it provides the experience and enjoyment you expected. Not starting debate but Universal Studios Orlando is with conversion 4100 baht for one person no food no hotel. The Ramayana Water Park is good value at local price. It was very busy Friday. Spent half the time waiting.
  16. Bought some "Nike" at Pattaya Night Bazaar across from Central Festival. Added some soft insoles and they are good enough for what I needed. 600 baht was fair price. Check Mike's Shopping Mall on Beach Road also. A lot of athletic clothes, some shoes.
  17. The issue is there is to little public, free spaces in between the rental areas that are shaded. The people who do not want to pay will sit in a chair on the sidewalk or in the free spaces. Thai families will sit on sidewalk with a few under trees in free area. Only on Holidays or days were there is an event in the area do chair rentals seem busy enough to support their efforts.
  18. In my brief research. In USA a ban was placed on high capacity clips and magazines. Virginia State Police started seeing the new lower volume items at crime scenes and recovered from criminals after 9 months. There was an increase to approximately 25% after 3 to 5 years. It can and will help, reduce the availability. Hopefully reduce the severity of attacks. Possibly allow some potential victims to run or only incur minor wounds. There is a mental health problem for some in Thailand. Like in USA it is a complex, time consuming and expensive issue to address. I am still very happy living in Thailand and want to see us continue to improve.
  19. I ride that road often. I have not seen any regular or daily baht buses. Hopefully it will return when more tourist visit.
  20. From my brief review of responses. CNN can be biased, has low moral and ethical standards, use the human flaw in our brain that we seek and remember more negative and extreme events. CNN will only broadcast limited events that are positive and/or of something that benefits the community or society. We all make our own choses. I chose to seek and watch news that can benefit me or add value to my life.
  21. Thailand, Buddhism believes in the next life. I've traveled the world and agree unfortunately in some countries the value of your life is noticeably less. That just means you have to be more accountable and way the risk versus the reward. Every government does theatrical things to attempt to fool and appease the masses. They are in a tough place. The media picking up on club fire kills 22 is bad enough. Media writing 30 clubs closed down in Pattaya because of whatever violations hurts tourism, and business. The business owner says mine and the other businesses have been open how many years and there have been no fires. You decide the risk and how much self preservation to take as a guest in Thailand.
  22. Agreed. Covid is not over. There are at risk groups that should continue to protect themselves when they go in higher risk areas. I got it 3 weeks ago. I have 4 vaccinations. Covid is not fun, miserable for 3 days then negative by 7 day test. It seems hospitals and medical are managing Covid on a more outpatient basis and try to limit inpatients to the ones most at need. Why the government doesn't require mask wearing on public buses, trains, and other confined mass transit is sending mixed messages to the public.
  23. Don't have time to read through every post. No one in the past 15 years should think Security is absolute. I'd recommend, insurance, dogs, security cameras, motion sensor lights, security system with motion, open/close detection and fence or gate to slow the entry or exit by vehicle. You are generally trying to slow, deter, become aware to escape or retreat, and notify police and possibly aid in identifying the perpetrators.
  24. No time to read all the post. Inflation and currency fluctuations causing strength or weakness are happening all over the globe. If you can't afford to live in Thailand than you have to ask why. Each individual's circumstances are different for choosing why they live somewhere. Climate, quality of life, affordable health care, ability to afford things they otherwise may not be able to afford to buy or do as often in their home country, ability to find a partner, ability to live life without social or government restrictions or pressures. Thailand is one of the most talked about countries all over the globe. It will continue to attract tourist, retires, and businesses. Once you understand the culture, learn some Thai, and understand how things work to some degree life is great.
  25. People should definitely observe how Thai's cross the road. Self Preservation should be top importance. Accountability to making sure you are seen by drivers and riders is next, do not assume that someone sees you. Making sure you are fit enough to get across the road without impeding traffic is also a concern.
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