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J Branche

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Everything posted by J Branche

  1. Another fool thinking this is the Thailand from many years ago. Face scans, fingerprints, (Biometric) data at airport, CCTV cameras everywhere, and pretty impressive CCIB, Immigration vehicles with scanners. Tomorrow there will be another criminal who thinks he's smarter than everyone who gets arrested.
  2. I am a little confused. I thought the Canadian Embassy could renew your passport. Some people stated the appointment was 1 month out. As others have stated contact your Embassy. They may have an emergency passport process that cost extra
  3. Girlfriend had to go through many months of training to receive her certificate. She only gives the basic neck massage. I know a franchise in the US and they made you fill out and sign a form with any injuries, any areas you don't want to be massaged. Maybe a simple any injuries? Any areas you don't want massaged would be beneficial here.
  4. I am okay with it when it is slightly more. This is 7.5 times higher. They did try to hide it by write then numbers in Thai. Khao Yai is 5 times higher. A well known beach in Sattahip is more reasonable at 2 times. Some places accept the Retirement Visa for the Thai price.
  5. Definitely consult a lawyer. The Usufruct being accepted is according to that regions Land Department and they will tell the lawyer the details. The Will is also a good idea and inexpensive. If you follow through update us on your experience.
  6. Say what you want but Jomtien immigration has improved a lot since the one top guy took over office. Two air condtioned buildings, a better queue system, the appointments being honored. Required documents needed being posted or given to you on slip of paper. We can all remember the chaos of the way it operated in the past.
  7. People have mentioned placing the hospital you want to go to, the number for ambulance 1719, and the name of someone to call in your wallet or back of phone. Your insurance card also. Thinking might not be bad idea if something happens.
  8. Pattaya 2nd Road between Pattaya 3rd road and South Pattaya Road is always a mess. One lane each direction, then taxi's stopping making one lane traffic. Delivery trucks, pedestrians in the road, etc. But what can they do. Parking both sides is needed. There's no delivery spots for drivers, Indian people will always walk in road. Other streets get jammed during rush hour, holidays, etc because the city was Never Designed to move the high volume of cars and motorbikes around the streets at Peak Times. If anyone has a reasonable, constructive, affordable idea I would like to hear it.
  9. Everyone is different. What works for me is exercising and being tired when boarding the flight. Not heavy weight exercise or your muscle will be tight, maybe pain. Walking up and down the concourse until boarding time. Also a properly fitting pair of foam earplugs and soft sleeping mask.
  10. Not according to this report. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/31/americas-tap-water-samples-forever-chemicals
  11. I need to inquire also. Have found these but have no knowledge of cost or how detailed the analysis is. https://www.sgs.com/en-th/services/drinking-water-testing Asian Institute of Technology https://www.gwsc.ait.ac.th
  12. Experienced Real Estate Investor from USA. I agree you need someone very knowledgeable and experienced. Do not transfer but a very small amount and note it as a payment or security deposit for xx house. The key points are the Chanote and transferred and recorded properly and all details are accurate. Do Not accept anything but Government Thai ID or Passport to verify they actually own the land and house. Make sure there are no loans, liens, or claims on the property. Lastly I recommend the witnesses be from a Law Firm or Goverment Office. Just had Will for girlfriend created yesterday and they verified, took photos, checked signature.
  13. High Season is here. I forecast 4 or 5 months of our fellow countrymen making us ashamed and embarrassed.
  14. Thank You for the input. Anyone can do what they want with their money. When we leave this world you can't take it with you. As an Investor though I advise you to think long term, what good can you do with the money, will the money spent on home, farm, etc bring you the joy, happiness and fulfillment you seek. If you have a girlfriend/partner will you stay in the house on the land if you seperate?
  15. This is what's going to happen. Any success Trump or his team make will be attributed to something the democrats talked about by Democrats. Republicans are going to promote his teams success and talk about the hurdles and road blocks the Democrats use to get in the way. Same Same, no different. The one thing I like about Trump is he does want to make changes. His approach unfortunately causes conflict with some people. I believe this 2nd term they see him differently and know he is seriously Pro United States. I hope things will be a little different this time and his approach will be a little more diplomatic but focused on results
  16. She does realize for under 6000 baht you can have security cameras, door sensors and a siren installed. You will receive alerts and video can be stored in the Cloud. Additionally get some condo insurance.
  17. Regarding Leasing Land. Who is the land owner? They can put terms in the lease like no architectural changes, changes require Owner approval. The owner could also put terms like upon the death of the owner the lease is voided 1 year after death. What are the terms for any changes or structures on the land? I build a 10 million Baht house. 30 years later lease expires do I lose my 10 million Baht investment? Been in Real Estate long enough. Make very sure you fully understand the Land Lease terms, if it is transferable upon your death (Remaining years can be used by a benefactor) What happens with the Investment into the land (business, farming, house) at lease termination. Make sure your plans for use upon the land are detailed and clearly, legally written to hold up in court. Thailand should understand if experienced Real Estate Investors are few it can be the value, effort, uncertainty, or area does not meet their Profit Goals.
  18. How, China holds 2.6% of US debt, Japan about 3.0% China would like the US to change a few things but has same limitations US has to change China Tariffs = not good for Trade, China plays the long game 10 or 20 years. Some Initiatives are accelerated. China secured a good chunk of EV materials while others were still fumbling around. China is usually strategic
  19. Pattaya City Government is not easy. We went to report a 3 foot base erosion under the Main road to Cozy Beach (Kasetsin). You need to fill out a form, present your ID, telephone number, submit or print photos of problem and intersection so they can locate problem area (No Google GPS coordinates accepted)?. Sidewalks that are broken, have 1 foot holes and drops from erosion for months, have become trip Hazards and I have to watch others stumble over the unlevel sidewalk paver stones. I believe there is an email address, for City hall will try next time. Trash all around the Blue Trash Barrels. One lane each direction on 2nd road (Between Pattaya 3rd and South Pattaya road.) Besides all this I really enjoy Pattaya/Jomtien and the gradual improvements to make it a "World Class Travel Destination"
  20. Whatever your opinion of the new US President he is our President for next 4 years. Focus on what we can contribute to improve our situation, help or benefit others, educate others without all the Drama and Theatrics just slows down progress and gets in the way of people actually doing Work.
  21. Debt at new highs, excessive out of control spending, social security needs stable long term funding, Expensive Healthcare and Prescription Drugs compared to similar country, people complaining about inflation, high Rent/Homeowner costs. Is the OP a BOT or just not drink enough coffee and let his Brain wakeup. Trump says something but actually means another similar thing sometimes, probably what OP read, or heard.
  22. Regarding the ground or earth wire. It is common to buy the normal two wire and then single wire preferably green for ground or earth wire. When we were upgrading electrical in girlfriends Mothers house I went and bought what electrician consider unnecessary thick/gadgets. I'm no expert or electrician but know the basics. Thinner wire = more resistance and heat depending on the load.
  23. You detail a situation that is not common or available to many. Just paid 20 baht for the Police Report and going to DLT soon for the replacement
  24. It would be benefit some people if they could go to Court House and file their own case against an alleged perpetrator. They can then present evidence to the court and hopefully action can be taken FYI, I would inform the Police you will meet them at the Gas Station put fuel in the vehicle, give a little bit for lunch and a drink. That is fair and reasonable. I have read that some Police are underpaid so this may be why they ask for money. No evidence and don't want to ask.
  25. The other question is What you want the insurance to cover, personal injury, damage to another car, damage to property (building, structure)? I am not knowledgeable but I believe Theft as long as Renter has the key is the Owners responsibility not Renters. Others have advised if you are not confident or competent in your safe operation of a motorbike then it is better to hire Taxi, Bolt, take Blue Truck Taxis, etc. You need to factor your ability to prevent injury and avoid hospital bill expense possibility.
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