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J Branche

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Everything posted by J Branche

  1. I would bring a little Reeses, favourite wine or liquor, maybe your favourite shampoo and soap. Any clothes others say they can't find. Play tennis so bring strings, grips and shoes. Shaving Gel, Boots brands is just like Gillette, Cheese Makro Mainland Vintage Cheddar Cheese, Cheese Doritos in Lotus, Big C, Tops Coles Double Chocolate Brownie mix is good, Beatty Crocker Chocolate Chip cookie mix Tops, or Lotus. Shirts and shorts are cheap. Can find decent pair of shoes and add gel insoles to make comfortable. I use the Biore UV Aqua off Lazada that is value priced and it actually works well. My choice advance sunscreen good zinc oxide for pool or beach. As others have noted with a little work you can find almost anything in Thailand.
  2. The price is only expensive if you do not find it provides the experience and enjoyment you expected. Not starting debate but Universal Studios Orlando is with conversion 4100 baht for one person no food no hotel. The Ramayana Water Park is good value at local price. It was very busy Friday. Spent half the time waiting.
  3. Bought some "Nike" at Pattaya Night Bazaar across from Central Festival. Added some soft insoles and they are good enough for what I needed. 600 baht was fair price. Check Mike's Shopping Mall on Beach Road also. A lot of athletic clothes, some shoes.
  4. The issue is there is to little public, free spaces in between the rental areas that are shaded. The people who do not want to pay will sit in a chair on the sidewalk or in the free spaces. Thai families will sit on sidewalk with a few under trees in free area. Only on Holidays or days were there is an event in the area do chair rentals seem busy enough to support their efforts.
  5. In my brief research. In USA a ban was placed on high capacity clips and magazines. Virginia State Police started seeing the new lower volume items at crime scenes and recovered from criminals after 9 months. There was an increase to approximately 25% after 3 to 5 years. It can and will help, reduce the availability. Hopefully reduce the severity of attacks. Possibly allow some potential victims to run or only incur minor wounds. There is a mental health problem for some in Thailand. Like in USA it is a complex, time consuming and expensive issue to address. I am still very happy living in Thailand and want to see us continue to improve.
  6. I ride that road often. I have not seen any regular or daily baht buses. Hopefully it will return when more tourist visit.
  7. From my brief review of responses. CNN can be biased, has low moral and ethical standards, use the human flaw in our brain that we seek and remember more negative and extreme events. CNN will only broadcast limited events that are positive and/or of something that benefits the community or society. We all make our own choses. I chose to seek and watch news that can benefit me or add value to my life.
  8. Thailand, Buddhism believes in the next life. I've traveled the world and agree unfortunately in some countries the value of your life is noticeably less. That just means you have to be more accountable and way the risk versus the reward. Every government does theatrical things to attempt to fool and appease the masses. They are in a tough place. The media picking up on club fire kills 22 is bad enough. Media writing 30 clubs closed down in Pattaya because of whatever violations hurts tourism, and business. The business owner says mine and the other businesses have been open how many years and there have been no fires. You decide the risk and how much self preservation to take as a guest in Thailand.
  9. Agreed. Covid is not over. There are at risk groups that should continue to protect themselves when they go in higher risk areas. I got it 3 weeks ago. I have 4 vaccinations. Covid is not fun, miserable for 3 days then negative by 7 day test. It seems hospitals and medical are managing Covid on a more outpatient basis and try to limit inpatients to the ones most at need. Why the government doesn't require mask wearing on public buses, trains, and other confined mass transit is sending mixed messages to the public.
  10. Don't have time to read through every post. No one in the past 15 years should think Security is absolute. I'd recommend, insurance, dogs, security cameras, motion sensor lights, security system with motion, open/close detection and fence or gate to slow the entry or exit by vehicle. You are generally trying to slow, deter, become aware to escape or retreat, and notify police and possibly aid in identifying the perpetrators.
  11. No time to read all the post. Inflation and currency fluctuations causing strength or weakness are happening all over the globe. If you can't afford to live in Thailand than you have to ask why. Each individual's circumstances are different for choosing why they live somewhere. Climate, quality of life, affordable health care, ability to afford things they otherwise may not be able to afford to buy or do as often in their home country, ability to find a partner, ability to live life without social or government restrictions or pressures. Thailand is one of the most talked about countries all over the globe. It will continue to attract tourist, retires, and businesses. Once you understand the culture, learn some Thai, and understand how things work to some degree life is great.
  12. People should definitely observe how Thai's cross the road. Self Preservation should be top importance. Accountability to making sure you are seen by drivers and riders is next, do not assume that someone sees you. Making sure you are fit enough to get across the road without impeding traffic is also a concern.
  13. Midnight closure to early, 2:00 am not good enough for some bars, clubs, businesses. Government wants Pattaya, Jomtien to be more family friendly. So going to have to deal with earlier closing times, less bars, and pounding music that restricts sleep for locals, retired people, and people who work normal hours. Businesses can Not provide minimum proof that being open between 2 am and 4 am is hurts them substantially and financially.
  14. Just an FYI I had unclear copies sent to my Xiaomi phone message app that were all unclear. Landlord sent copies via WhatsApp and Line and both were clear and accepted at immigration. I unintentionally caused a little bit of frustration because I didn't understand they wanted the Leased Condo Headstay and the owners of the Condo Headstay. Still learning the documents and requirements so I know for next time.
  15. Have rental 2019 Aerox for couple weeks now. I'm 6 foot 2 inches and the curved plastic part at right knee level will bump sometimes because the seat hump is to far forward for me. Compared to Kymco People S200 the Aerox is Not as agile, the Kymco felt like a smaller bike with its bigger tires. Agree if you have full face helmet under seat storage is limited, fuel tank a little limiting, and I have temporarily locked brakes on a medium force stop think was over painted road surface. Non-ABS model. My Kymco had more stopping power but feel a brake pad change on Aerox would make it equal. Few newer scooters offer the ability to use my small cargo net with plastic hooks for stuff on back seat. The pluses. Tons of power, going up hills are not a problem, quiet, ride is comfortable along with saddle, the bike is stable on uneven or bumpy surfaces, the display is big and easy to read when you leave your blinker on. The storage issue can be worked around with backpack. The bike is small and narrow enough to fit between almost any cars. The biggest reason to like it is everything feels like it should, works like you would think, is logically designed and layed out, and they are made with quality materials.
  16. I am only presenting info I found on the Kingdom of Cambodia Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation https://www.mfaic.gov.kh/covid-19 Must provide Legitimate certificate or fully Covid-19 vaccination card Legitimate certificate of negative COVID-19 (PCR Test) for 72 hours prior departure to Cambodia from its respective country. Take Covid-19 (Rapid Test) upon arrival and need to wait between 15 - 20 minutes for results. (Not sure if you pay for this test) If the result shown negative Covid-19, they are free to travel throughout Cambodia without regional restriction, provinces, cities, and quarantine. International Tourist and travelers who have not been vaccinated and traveling to Cambodia must take (PCR Test) upon arrival and undertake quarantine of 14 days. For the fully Covid-19 vaccinated travelers who are currently in quarantine, centers, hotels, and homes, that have proven negative Covid-19, they are permitted to leave as of November 15th, 2021 onward. As always I would contact the Embassy or proper agency to verify all the requirements for entry. The document does Not list if Insurance is a requirement or if funds of a predetermined amount are required for entry.
  17. I am no insurance agent and would ask anyone to call and confirm if the insurance covers for Government required Quarantine with no Covid Symptoms or without Positive Covid Test. The JAL Covid-19 Cover Assistance policy found Google searching "JAL Covid-19 Cover Assistance" in the "Applicable Service Conditions" section on the "NEW Applicable conditions for cover (JAL Covid-19 Cover Guide) : Departure from July 1, 2021 to January 10, 2022" PDF attachment and provided by some Japan Airlines flight states "Accommodation costs related to Covid-19 Quarantine" If diagnosed with Covid-19 or if suspected of having Covid-19. On Page 10 (JAL Covid-19 Cover Guide) "Quarantine" is defined as Mandatory individual, involuntary confinement by order or other official directive of a government, public, or regulatory authority, which is intended to stop the spread of a contagious disease to which you or a traveling companion have been exposed, or which you are suspected of being exposed to." This is for informational purposes and should not be relied upon until confirmed with the issuing agency or providing company.
  18. If you have a Charles Schwab brokerage account I would call and confirm the exchange rate, and any other fees charged. I've heard once you get to about $5000.00 USD to transfer it may be cheaper to use Schwab. Will call next week and get details and update.
  19. As a landlord my lease has included in it I have the right to inspect the property with 24 hours notice. It is a good idea to inspect every 3 months or so just so the renter understands their obligations and you may see something that needs to be repaired and will cost more to fix later (water, roof leak). Additionally any tenant caused damage can be charged to the tenant prior to move out in addition to the rent.
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