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J Branche

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Everything posted by J Branche

  1. FYI,Legit copy shops will NOT print or make a color copy of the Tax Sticker, even with green book and ID. Said problems and fine from Police. Lost mine and also told to report to Police Station and file report it is Stolen. Then the long ride to DLT in Pattaya
  2. Ah. The quick fire and miss the point comment. My candidate won. Doesn't change the election process is flawed. I spent more than .5 seconds putting thought into my reply providing supporting details.
  3. FLAWED election process and system. How about the house and senate votes are finished 6 months prior to presidential election. Then you can understand if change needs to occur IF it is reasonably possible. Democrats lost because Biden unfortunately is demonstrating some of negative signs of aging. We will all experience this in some form. The Democratic party decides what candidate they will use money, time and efforts to support. Multiple factors (later then desired drop out by Joe, a candidate majority agreed was not ready to lead and be President, substantial changes need to happen in 4 years.) I Don't care the label Political title the person is if they have and can execute on what government and the USA needs in next 4 years better than other candidate they have my Vote
  4. If you do a bank wire the reason is usually submitted. The Thai Bank may charge an additional wire receiving fee. The Exchange rate maybe less favorable so worth asking. Otherwise understand the money may take longer than displayed on Wise other similar companies arrive and be available for use in Thailand
  5. Lastly go to a different Police Station for help. Try going on a different Police shift for help. Additionally something sounds off about the story like the Police requested the owner show ownership papers or provide the license plate characters. Lastly is the vehicle paid or financed? Does he have insurance for theft?
  6. As mentioned dealing with this problem and Asian Thai offender is different. As I mentioned do not physically confront the person or problem 1st. Collect evidence, video recording over many days. A typed note in Thai only, being diplomatic in your choice of words, explaining the problem, noise to loud could hear clearly X houses away. Maybe add you have someone who works late at night and needs to sleep during the offending hours. Wait. Happens 2 more times place the note on the door and vehicles for house. Wait. Next level is Association management if a managed community. Wait, If there is a community leader or president communicate with them. Wait, go visit the Police at station and talk about issue. provide them all the evidence and steps you took to resolve the issue, make it clear you would like the police to visit and talk to them. Wait, If no action from that police station talk again to different person. Note Pattaya City seems to be requesting music bars to enclose their space or adjust the volume. The noise issue is at least being recognized and addressed now.
  7. I would post a note in Thai with translation verified by Google and Bing on his door. Inform them the music volume is to loud, or the direction should be adjusted so it does not disturb the neighbors. It sounds like it is played frequently at higher volumes. Do you have an association manage the property? Ask inform them and ask the best way to handle the loud music. Maybe they have the ability to Fine them if this is an ongoing problem. Lastly go Talk with the tourist police if possible to be educated on what can be changed. Do not be angry, agitated, or display hostile behavior. Behavior psychology talks about the wall going up, they stop listening and are not willing to compromise
  8. Vote: US has some of the most illogical electoral and government processes and systems. The Senate and House Candidates should be voted on 6 months before the Presidential election. Who controls the House and/or Senate will help in deciding what changes could be made. The whole campaign on what they will do and what they can do without the house and Senate are different. The out of date, archaic, burdensome, flawed, lobbyists, etc, is responsible for some of the long term problems we have today (National Debt, Social Security, Taxes, Amount of Foregn Aid, Military Spending) enough to make a grown man Cry.
  9. I would recommend mandatory drivers license retesting and training. Or scared straight with mandatory visit to mortuary and education by doctor on how important it is to get medical treatment as soon as possible for certain conditions.
  10. It's different in different cities of course. Pattaya was 2400 about 2 1/2 years ago to condo on 20th floor. Pak Chong fiber inside Free. I've noticed the speeds on my router will drop and I just reboot unplug it everyday. Additionally have a cooling fan under it as speeds would drop when it was hot. I do just basic streaming so don't understand it.
  11. RIP, with all the raining and base being sand or of insufficient thickness to support the traffic potholes appear sometimes 1 year after the road surfaced is layed. We can only hope they start doing inspections along the construction process so they can lessen the chances of a poor quality job.
  12. The ride. Stopped with the Taxis when I bounced half way from Bangkok to Pattaya. Slower, have to wait, have to get Bolt but I am okay with that. I've done Taxis when traveling from US.
  13. You have two choices. I'm pro business so think Trump would be the better choice. He at least tries to get deals done. Don't care really, whatever happens we will have to adapt. If any candidate allowed the people to have multiple selection vote on foreign aid, social security increases, military spending, national debt and taxes I'd be on board.
  14. Built many roads and we always used Diesel for clean up. If Pattaya can get the contractors to properly patch the road when installing pipe, electrical or any other road work I would feel like we won the lottery.
  15. Seemed to miss the two regular homeless behind the cars on the sidewalk on beach road yesterday. Agreed with mandatory education in all schools about throwing garbage on the ground when a BIN is 2 meters away. Maybe get some low risk inmates from the jail and take crews around to pick up garbage.
  16. We feed the monkeys at an undisclosed location and the people that sell food use a long stick or sling shot. I've seen fake snakes scare them so can understand that being effective. Hopefully just the sight is enough. Their gang can be pretty effective and intimidating at separating you from your belongings. Good luck and let us know what you found effective.
  17. Like my man above mentioned. Like many things it was in a bubble, Taxi man thinks like many investors that things always go up. Motorbike Taxis charge to much in my opinion. I have a motorbike and know how much the bike, maintenance, gas, and time what a fair price should be. I refuse and would rather take truck taxi or walk. A car taxi is different and am willing to pay more because the car is more expensive to own and they wait in traffic longer.
  18. Definitely agree once it gets to the anything you say escalates level it is time to go for a walk and talk later. When your in that irrational state of mind you can't expect many rational thoughts.
  19. You take a society that has pretty weak Math skills, pay them below living wage money, creates the need for a loan, they have Zero clue how much they spend a month so will fall into the endless debt cycle. Sad, trying to teach the few children about budget, value of money but its replaced by a game seconds later. We will need AI because most of these kids have limited skills.
  20. Talk to Auntie who is driving around Pattaya for a very long time. Accidents she has had at low speeds only resulted in scrapes, bumps and bruises. You only have to be wrong one time on a motorbike before game over.
  21. Early 20's still thinking your pretty invincible. The problem is sometimes before you learn the reality it is to late. RIP, I'm sure this was not the holiday that was planned.
  22. So trying to get things ready for Formula 1 to visit and see if the streets are up to standards. Maybe like Theppasit here in Pattaya it will start to crumble after 2 months. The roads in Pattaya are bad after drain pipe install because either base layer is not correct material and compacted correctly or pipe may have a leak causing a cave in due to the material washing through the separated area. That is what an inspector is suppose to due perform inspection of the progress at different usually critical points to prevent potential premature failure of the repair.
  23. Jobs, to bring investment to Thailand. If is manufactured in Thailand the costs are less. Customs duties etc make some imported products ridiculously expensive. They also know that some foreign tourists will pay for brands they are familiar with as they are not usually good with the quick currency conversion at the point of sale
  24. First arriving in Thailand, nieve about anything below the surface in Thailand. Everything was new, interesting and exciting. Still love Thailand, Thai culture and people just now with a different perspective.
  25. Yes, I always trust someone I have known for only a short time. Number 1 rule in Thailand is everything is about Money and how to get you to part ways with your money. If they were Not attempting to do something questionable they could have gone with them to the Immigration office, once all the paperwork and Visa fees are paid and Immigration has the passports for processing a portion of the money could be transferred. Lastly in any of these Agreement a clear message of what your expectations are and expect the other person to complete with the agreed fee mentioned will help clarify the objectives. The person obtaining the Visa sending a photo of their license may also help.
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