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J Branche

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Everything posted by J Branche

  1. I've heard Integrity Legal talk about this and he mentioned two things beside what is listed on the website. A Thai tourist will need No or weak ties to the US and strong ties to Thailand and reason to return. I would definitely make sure they have fairly recent passport stamps showing traveling to and returning from other countries to help bolster their case I read one time it was easier to get a Visa for intention of marriage in the US then just as tourist but do Not know if this is true.
  2. Posts are right about some tourists. From US if they prebooked they are committed. Airlines will not refund ticket if canceled. Tourists from US also spend more freely when on Holiday. Overall yes word will spread and some budget travelers may delay or change their holiday plans.
  3. True, went to 3 different bank locations before I found the one willing to open the account with no insurance. Do not be fooled and be willing to walk away. Tips: have all paperwork ready to go. Be very polite and do Not get angry or make a scene this will cause them to lose face. If you have a trusted Thai partner who can influence the bank worker and get the process started it may be helpful. Be happy, maybe joke with them and make them want to help you because your a good guy.
  4. Yeah can't tell what sports car is under the car cover at the :04 mark. Nice, new house, fancy clothes, watch, etc, If it was possible everyone would be buying gold cheaply and reselling it for huge profits. I'm sure it was all just a misunderstanding and they are sorry.
  5. These guys not realize that Thailand has a decent passport verification system. The MRZ number (probably was not correct or in the wrong format and was quickly flagged) additionally they have access to what security holograms etc should look like and where they should be placed for most countries and especially a well known country like the UAE.
  6. How healthy, girlfriends total cholesterol was 300. The big food companies CP do Not want to have to put a nutrition label on their food. In 7-11 I picked up the a pack of mini hot dogs from the shelf and no label. Should do like some countries and use the Red, Yellow, and Green system for fat, cholesterol, salt, and sugar. Unfortunately they will just use microprint so you can't read and see how bad this package stuff is for you.
  7. So from reading these post their is a lack of education or caring for people using Zebra crossings. I thought that some where painted red so you didn't see the blood stain from the previous victim and scare off the tourists.
  8. This is what I have read, you can train and condition the dog as a puppy but that is No guarantee he won't bite someone in the future. Maybe the owner should be put in a pin with some aggressive breed dogs he does Not know and see if he has different feelings about these dogs, that is if the dogs decide to let him survive.
  9. Definitely doesn't understand in Thailand, you admit your guilt for a reduced sentence, say your sorry and move on. It takes time for these Russians to learn how things are done in Thailand. Most of us took years to be proficient in understanding Thai customs, processes, and acclimate. Thailand probably sees it as a temporary inconvenience to get as much money out of the Foreigners before they change the rules.
  10. Yes the weakening US dollar will effect the previously strong dollar now that the Fed is going to be cutting Interest rates, I believe the current lows are a bubble and it should get back to 34.5 a US dollar in the following months
  11. Can't compare Bangkok to Pattaya roads. Bangkok is the capital of course it would have better infrastructure, especially around the government, popular and wealthy areas. Family business is road construction in USA. The repairs either are not compacting the base support layers, they are not the right material, or material depth is not adequate. They may need to check the drainage pipes at the joints. Some areas seem to have settlement that could be caused by the base layer washing threw a pipe that is not joined correctly.
  12. Down there last night. Had girlfriend ask security guard who explained a man committed suicide. I was wondering what the back story to this event was. Unfortunately it seems challenging finding the resources or help needed to work through these difficult problems Before they reach the critical point.
  13. Just Saturday my girlfriends Thai son contacted us about moving. Stated the landlord did not fix a badly broken bathroom door and when the Air Conditioner was not cooling informed him to pay to fix it. He stated it is common on cheap rooms for a Thai tenant to Not pay the last month' rent and then move out. The landlord keeps only 1 month's rent and tenant considers the lost month of deposit as acceptable. I informed him that Section 547 of Thailand Civil and Commercial code states "The lessor is responsible for reimbursing the lessee for any essential and reasonable expenses the have accrued." I consider repairing a broken AC as a reasonable expense and informed him if it happens on future rentals to message the landlord, state the Code 547 and inform the landlord you will deduct it from the rent that is owed. I also advised him to be careful when signing agreement. To check any statements regarding what the tenants obligations will be if something is broken, what amount a tenant may be expected to pay for a repair and at what level the landlord would pay.
  14. Where are all the posters saying Pitbulls are not aggressive or dangerous? Why are you guys hiding now? How many more people have to be mauled and die before someone wakes up and makes the changes necessary for the sake of public safety? Goes to show that in Thailand your life is Not valued the same as in other countries.
  15. False, Google and you will find the Rottweiler on all the aggressive breed lists. They require training and conditioning as a puppy onwards but still can be aggressive to others.
  16. China has businesses that the front is another business and there is a door that leads to the brothel in the back. So that is funny how blind the Chinese can be to what is happening in their own country. Just because it is not out in the open in China doesn't mean it is not going on around the country.
  17. I know the seats are cramped on the airplane lady but that is taking it to far. It is to late now but how about making her stand at an arriving gate and say "Sorry" to each and every passenger as they depart the flight at a minimum.
  18. Driving home to Pratamnak going up the hill by the Tourist Police Station and there was a motorbike crash. Foreigner laying motionless over the wall with motorbike laying in front. A big bus stopped ahead. Do Not know what happened but girlfriend said to much blood. Just thinking of tourist coming on vacation on a bus and seeing a man lying motionless with blood around. Not the holiday anyone wants. Hope the man is okay, haven't seen any info about it yet.
  19. Very true, you have to start educating the children and public Not to just throw garbage on the ground. There also needs to be bins easily accessible in areas so people will be more likely to use the bin.
  20. Shows how important the parents teaching in early years is for children in the future.
  21. Probably the fingerprint biometric scan didn't match the ID.
  22. When THD the Thai Etf came up on my screen for being up 14% in one month I knew there is concern. Wise did say they are lowering their fees to Thailand. Not that it will help much.
  23. 130 lbs 2 suitcases no wonder it was found. Seen some of the YouTube videos they usually tell the people either very little or that it's okay, they paid off the people at the airport.
  24. Ask for Lipostat or Xarator which are Atorvastatin also. 30 tablets I think is around 350 baht depending on if 10mg, 20 mg, etc.
  25. You forgot showing respect and living in Harmony are highly regarded. Also try Not to raise your voice and get angry, stay calm and work through the issue, you will get a lot farther with a Thai
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