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Everything posted by novacova

  1. There’s a lot of dead and limbless Americans that made a sacrifice that not only benefited Americans, but most of the world. Something that most freedom haters just don’t get. What you have right now is due to the fact.
  2. Most people in the world are patriotic of their country. Those who are not have simply disenfranchised themselves by making rationalizations to justify their own displacement. Me et al.
  3. Ukraine will never be a member of NATO as long as the current autocratic kleptocratic government of Russia exists, at least not during the lifetime of anyone here. So stop the pipe dreaming, it’s useless.
  4. She’s the best cook ever, breakfast lunch and dinner. Cooking suki at the moment ????????????
  5. Yeah the o’l geezer is quite the whit…well at least it’s what they like you to believe ????????????
  6. +1, for sure singing a a great way to learn a language. But unfortunately I can’t even sing a half note anymore
  7. The choice is completely determined by an individual and that individual alone. I’ve seen the worst of it and the best. At this point living life at its fullest, whatever is left for me, good or bad it’s a bonus. Having a positive outlook and greeting others with a smile, especially strangers is what keeps me going.
  8. Translation will never be perfect because the language structure is completely different and different definitions of words, and also region variations of the language. Most Thais can decipher and understand well enough. Though up here in Lanna land where some don’t speak formal bkk Thai or very little, then it can be a little challenging especially when they try to speak in the google translate, it comes out pretty messed up.
  9. If the terms Freedom Liberty Making America Great is offensive to anyone, then they’re definitely on the wrong side of history, considering most non American freedom loving people outside of the US that would love to live there see the US as a beacon of hope.
  10. Have her take the driver course at KW driving school on the somphot- cm 700 road in the padeat area. If she’s not wanting to do that then be she should at the minimum wear a helmet. Stopped without a license I think it’s a minor infraction. Heavy police presence check points every day the last couple of weeks around the usual places looking for unlicensed, no helmet and tax stickers
  11. That is wrong. All you need is a passport and get the visa at the border. If not lazy then take a moment and read the post that was responded to.
  12. My brother did it as chef for 6 years 6 months a year for 70k a year.
  13. If one is not addicted then there is no need for dependency of it for anything, won’t need it to cope, relax no urge for it, same with alcohol. There are many levels of dependency and addiction. My addiction is coffee and a clear head.
  14. This has become a creep perv threab
  15. Lots of water and well spaced. Good growth rate needs sun (crown exposure) and water. Longan, litchi, avocado many others. Try koa, if you can get the seeds
  16. It’s the same with anyone with an opposing ideological view of one or the other. It’s a useless circular argument with no means or ends. Just the same old divisive useless rhetoric
  17. They’re not trying to change earths climate, they’re trying to change the minds of earths humans and unfortunately it seems to be working.
  18. Shouldn’t there be security cameras in the massage rooms to keep everyone in their best behavior? ????
  19. No one here is capable of saving you. It’s entirely up to you to take constructive initiatives for your own well being. No one can decide what that is but you alone. I wish you the best of luck
  20. The question is irrelevant. Apple’s objective isn’t on a per phone profit. It’s a mass marketing objective that amounts in the billions. Plain and simple.
  21. And another one bites the dust ????
  22. A workstation pc with a solid state drive can be left on in perpetuity, it’s what I’ve always used
  23. Sounds great if you want to spiral down further. How about getting a social life, get out and meet and get to know locals in your neighborhood. Spend more time learning the language, like a language course. Stay off the booze, good grief, you’ll be much happier.
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