Amerin and other tv channels here will run these clips for up to an hour or more during programming. Cameras everywhere and they’ll show it on and on in detail, unlike in the US where it’s just a brief blip if mentioned at all. And…per capita, I see more careless westerners driving than I do Thais, simply because they’re in unfamiliar territory like driving on the wrong freaking side of the road, not to mention I certainly see a lot more westerners hobbling around with injuries from motorcycle accidents.
I’ve driven thousands of kilometers here and I have no problem with the safety of any of the roads I’ve driven on, and staying within the limitations of the road and watching out for other drivers is always paramount to safe driving anywhere. I don’t think Thailand is less safe or more dangerous except for a lot of motorcycles I see at night with no lights, and yes I’ve driven by quite a few motorcycle fatalities during the night.