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Everything posted by novacova

  1. You can circumvent this issue by booking the accommodation in your Thai spouse name, assuming that your spouse is Thai.
  2. Blurry brained pot head, it’s called dope for a reason ????
  3. Incremental changes may be in effect, slow but sure. It’s good to be mindful and not assume for the best ????
  4. Take another read and try to comprehend before letting those panties get all wadded up. If it’s annoying then good and I’m not sorry, because it makes me feel warm and glowy????????
  5. Because it looks trampy to those who don’t think the appearance is appealing or appropriate. It’s not a matter of degradation, it’s an option. Intolerance of another’s opinion is a prejudice of its own. What other opinions or beliefs of others that make the above poster, to feel uncomfortable enough to hurl incendiaries? I have many friends with tattoos and or hairy grungy heads and faces, it doesn’t bother me one bit, it just looks freaking goofy and silly to me because it’s an ornamental show to be a part of some kind of “In Thing”. Just freaking goofy ????. My opinion ????
  6. Such superficial sensitivity, overtly…from what I’ve read the above poster is the only one judging others by trying to be a white knight here, it’s a good laugh though
  7. Maybe because, they’re insecure? Easily offended by other views? Can’t tolerate those who don’t think the same way? Who cares? Anyway?
  8. A couple three years ago an ordained traveling Tattoo Monk came through the area, stopping at village to village tattooing people and the villagers from each village would follow the monk to the next village. It was quite a parade of people by the time we got to the last village and hordes of people crammed in a small temple area. Highly coveted tattoos, certainly not the same from the master dham type shops.
  9. In an era of razors and scissors are easily accessible, I could never figure why there are those who like the grungy cave dweller look ????. Unless of course they’re dirt poor and can’t afford a haircut and a razor.
  10. Tattoos on wrinkled up old saggy skin is a hideous sight on what is already an eyesore ????
  11. By all means, stay away from freaking agents, due to the potential inconvenience such as this.
  12. Blame 7/11 & introduction of phatasss western culture garbage food, carbs and yes sugar
  13. It’s more like the chiit customers towards the airline staff. See it all the time, impatient pushy and expecting to be served through the prism of one’s own view. Imagine having to deal with uptight amazingly arrogant customers who think they’re entitled day in and day out.
  14. Whatever method used for keeping particles to a minimum, it will be useless unless the dwelling is sealed well, even a small crack will vent a lot from the outside.
  15. …yesterday was windy and should have blown much of the smoke out, but it didn’t because it was blowing smoke in from neighboring counties then settling in the valleys. Various contributing factors and I doubt eliminating trash burning and not having any wildfires in Thailand will give us clear skies this time of year.
  16. sorry but not. Smoke doesn’t stay within the borders of the originating countries.. Misunderstanding may be due to micromyopia????
  17. Common all over the world, not just here.
  18. It might lighten up a little in next day or two, maybe worse is yet to come if the stuff from the west or northeast comes in.
  19. What do you expect? It’s an Indochina region. Though it seems that the OP has some sort of fear of being close to China for some reason, unlike the millions upon millions of people who live in this region.
  20. Sorry, I’m not going to help anyone here to read any of my posts due to lack of reading comprehension, especially if one is only capable of comprehending one or two sentences and deducing it to the whole post. ????
  21. Amerin and other tv channels here will run these clips for up to an hour or more during programming. Cameras everywhere and they’ll show it on and on in detail, unlike in the US where it’s just a brief blip if mentioned at all. And…per capita, I see more careless westerners driving than I do Thais, simply because they’re in unfamiliar territory like driving on the wrong freaking side of the road, not to mention I certainly see a lot more westerners hobbling around with injuries from motorcycle accidents. I’ve driven thousands of kilometers here and I have no problem with the safety of any of the roads I’ve driven on, and staying within the limitations of the road and watching out for other drivers is always paramount to safe driving anywhere. I don’t think Thailand is less safe or more dangerous except for a lot of motorcycles I see at night with no lights, and yes I’ve driven by quite a few motorcycle fatalities during the night.
  22. You will get a 45 day stamp when you arrive before march 31. Then about 2 weeks before expiration date you’ll need to go to the immigration office to get a 30 day extension. Then do a border run before the extension expires, take a bus or rent a car, cheaper and easier.
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