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Everything posted by novacova

  1. I was referring to the Airport Central which is hopping now, which is quite clear in my previous post. Not the dead zone ksk ????. Anyway, the “Export Grand Sale” shop that some here are curious about, that used to be at ksk, then moved to the Airport Central ground level where I bought a few items a few weeks ago is no longer there. I went there a couple days ago and they’re gone. Maybe on another floor or moved to a different shopping center.
  2. Airport central bottom floor Tops and a ton of clothes shops. Though some the good inexpensive shops that were there a couple weeks ago are gone now.
  3. New Year’s Eve cm , drove up to a police checkpoint santitham/siphum area breath test and the police box was full of mostly foreigners yammering and whining ????????????. No money, go to jail situation. I laughed because it makes me feel good to see stupid get busted for illegal.
  4. A good driving school for Thais is KW Driving School in Nonghoi/Padaet area on Somphot-Chiangmai 700 years (3029) road. I think it’s about 4000฿ for the car course. They are very thorough, I know a few people who went there.
  5. I use a prepaid AIS 200฿ a month (an older promotion) for the last 3 years on iPhone, no roaming. Use Wi-Fi calling, make/receive as many calls and text to TH, without using FaceTime/iMessage, and with no limitations whenever I’m in the US. Though not sure if this can be done on android.
  6. Revenge is a destructive obsession that resolves nothing for neither party. If you want revenge, get some popcorn sit back and watch a Hong Kong or Korean crime flick.
  7. What inspires one to such malice. Forget about it, stop thinking about it and move on. You’ll be much happier.
  8. Don’t lend money to Thais here, you give. It’s a gift from a foreigner. It’s just the way it is here for most, not all. If you want to lend money for a business, then get an attorney to put your name on the business, 49% before you give. Thais usually use reputation and public shaming on social media to retrieve their funds, then retract the comments when paid. It works, I’ve seen it many times. Though sorry, this method will not work for foreigners.
  9. What I’ve noticed quite often, nearly every day while I’m in the city is that many expat and tourists westerners here are desperate to be noticed by other westerners. The insecurity really has a silly goofy eyesore look to it. So yeah, ignore ‘em.
  10. Yes, actually I do know of two over the years. Only a minute number of individuals out of the many thousands that have ever used visa agents, have chimed in on this site. Not all advice here is good advice, even by some of the so called “experts”. Personally I think it’s best to do and learn the process and verify any information with the IO in person.
  11. Nobody deserves to lose their passport in a foreign country, especially to an agent, though there are some here depend on, and encourage the use of agents even in a debased manner. And if one does get caught up in a failed situation due to an agent, then it’s no one’s fault but their own. Do the process right and legally on your own because it’s simple enough. Or take the risky advice that some of the goofy “laughers” are giving here on this site. In any case, ultimately you’re on your own. In the end no one going back you up but yourself.
  12. For some there seem to be a delusional notion that things will always remain unchanged in an SE Asian country. Though things can suddenly change rapidly in this part of the world, a historical fact. Some righteous straight laced individual may one day bring sudden grief to some expats that are cutting corners in these parts.
  13. 5! If and when the lazy laughers get caught up in a jammed with an agent, they’ll never admit to it on this forum ????????. Now that is something to laugh about ????????
  14. Absolutely true. But obviously some are too proud to admit it ????
  15. Absolutely, the only time my passport is out of my possession for immigration purposes is when I personally hand it to a government official.
  16. …not until the problem occurs. 1 in a thousand+ chances is too much for me
  17. This thread epitomizes why it’s best for one to do the simple process on one’s own
  18. Both young and old farts such as us. Young or old, there’s no valid excuse for putting other individuals wellbeing at risk. Though if someone wants to hop on bike alone and slam into a concrete wall, then have at it, I could care less ????
  19. I’m not sure what a plonker is, but really, that silly showing off thing I see is not only stupid but it really looks goofy especially when it’s an older person. Why risk life just to be noticed
  20. There’s also a few resident foreigners that live here in cm I often see driving competitively and carelessly as well. It’s a real eyesore ????
  21. …some. most are hard working people and keep to themselves. Don’t have time for anything but work 10-12 hours a day 6 or 7 days a week. And don’t want to be bothered by a cumbersome foreigner that will end up being a waste of time anyway.
  22. This is your view because of what you gravitate toward. There are many, most, asean female migrant workers that never associate or want anything to do with westerners in the manner you’re implying. Unless one frequent businesses/places where they’re hunting and clamoring for you.
  23. Actually she can and has crossed into Myanmar since she’s lived in Thailand, but cannot travel to other countries. In her words “I am a citizen of no country”
  24. No, it’s neither a blue Thai id or a pink id card. If I remember correctly, its off white? with her Thai surname and first name. Also issued to her by the Thai government is an id with only her given first name and nationality, can’t remember the color of it, it may have been pink, just don’t remember color of that one being quite awhile ago
  25. And don’t forget to take photos of the id page of the passport, visa and permission to stay immediately after each stamp/entry before you lose the passport???? then email it to your self for safe keeping.
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